Rick Santorum explains why he will never, ever be President of the United States

Mister Rick “I am a Catholic Statist and I want everyone to believe just like I do” Santorum once again proves why he is unfit to serve in the office of President of the United States of America

Santorum also criticized the libertarian wing of the Republican party for not supporting what he sees as the pillars of conservatism: religion and family.

“When it comes to conservatism libertarian types can say, oh, well you know, we don’t want to talk about social issues,” Santorum said. “Without the church and the family, there is no conservative movement, there is no basic values of America.”

via Buzzfeed: Rick Santorum: Conservatives Will “Never Have The Elite, Smart People On Our Side”.

That above that I quoted is why Santorum will never be President of the United States at all.  Rick Santorum wants to have a Christian version of Al-Qaeda in America. One that is intolerant of any other religions or lifestyles other than the one that he chooses to follow.  This is why we have Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate for President of the United States.

Rick Santorum was so horrible when he was running for President that even some in the Conservative Blogosphere became annoyed by him.  Not to mention that every time someone would criticize his religion or his social conservatism or say anything remotely critical of his family; he would really act like annoying jerk and come off with this smug papist attitude and belittle anyone who dared to criticize him.

Which is precisely why I am voting for Mitt Romney. Yes, I know, he is a Mormon and Yes, I know, I am a Independent, Fundamentalist, Baptist. Yes, I know, I disagree with the Mormonism, very much so. In fact, I reject it as a valid form of Christianity. However, the last time I checked; I was not voting for the President of the Mormon Church. I am, however, voting for the President of the United States of America. Mitt Romney is the Republican candidate for President and he has my vote. If for anything at all, to go against the anti-Mormon bigotry in this Country and the hate on the left. Plus too, I think Romney will help bring this Country back to the greatness that it once was known for, prior to the idiocy that is known as Barack Obama and the Democratic Party.

Furthermore, the last time I checked; Mitt Romney was not trying to to shove his Mormonism down anyone’s throat either, nor was he persecuting those who simply want to see fiscal sanity return to this Country. Unlike Santorum, who wants to see a “Christian America,” whatever that is; Romney simply wants to stop the runaway Government and stave off a fiscal crisis.

Despite my reservations about Romney being a Neoconservative. I too could be wrong about that too.  I believe that honor might be solely Paul Ryan’s. However, I believe that Mitt Romney has his own mind and I do not believe that Romney will allow himself to be used by Israel or any other Country for that matter. If I am wrong about that, and Romney is elected and proceeds to pursue an agenda that puts Israel before America, that I will admit that I was wrong. Until then, I am hedging my bets.

My feeling is this; if Mitt Romney can pull this Nation at least half way back to what it was prior to the housing crisis and Wall Street crisis. If Romney can work to making it easier for Businesses and for those who want to start a small business; then he will done more than this current President.

About Santorum and with this I will conclude: Santorum needs to find a job with the Roman Catholic Church and get his nose out of politics. The Republican Party and the Conservative movement already has tried the social Conservative route; it was in the 1980’s and it was called the God and Country movement. A very wrong-headed movement, that, in the end, caused more problems for the Christian World than it ever solved. Because of this concentration on social issues, rather than fiscal ones, is why this Country of ours is headed for the fiscal cliff.