Nice Deb’s Blog was suspended and is now back

One of the nicest Conservative Bloggers on the planet had her blog taken down over at

Nice Deb is one of the bloggers, which I can honestly say, that I have never, ever had a problem with, ever.  Deb is nice, to everybody; and in this day of blogger egos and people stepping on one another to be someone, is a welcome sight.

I must confess, this was the first I even heard of it; But Kudos to those who jumped into action and got that blog restored.

This is why I self host my own stuff on my own domain, for one; I can have ads here, and I do not have to split the profits with Also, the only person that is accountable for my content is me.  My host could honestly care less about what I write about on here. Something the owner of my host told me himself.

By the way, I do own a small business, with the emphases on SMALL! It is a hosting business; and the link to it, is right here. I only offer shared hosting at the moment. If I had some investment capital, I could offer more, but at the moment, I just do not have it. Anyone interested in help fund a Conservative Christian owned blog hosting company? I mean, the advantage would be this here. You could blog about whatever you wanted and would not have to worry about the Political Correct cops coming to shut your blog down. I have checked into the costs of have a really good hosting service; complete with all of the goodies needed to make it really work; and believe me, it is not cheap at all. This could require some serious investment. However, if there is interest, I can do what is needed, I just need the funding. I would like to be able to help the big bloggers too, not just the little ones.

The problem is, not everyone likes me. 🙁 and some people actually have went out of their way to smear and defame me; so that would make it rough. Plus too, the economy sucks.  So, that is another issue. Anyhow, just an idea that I have had for a very long time. I figure that liberals have their blogging service, which was once called soapblox, now it’s called something else. Why can’t we Conservatives have our own?

Just an idea.


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