Another Dan Riehl update

The ol’ fella is going to make it. Phew! Whew

Via Smitty:

Dan is improving. He didn’t care to delve into the specifics of his condition, but I was to understand that he was fairly close to done with life on Wednesday, when he checked in. Seeing him conscious, he looked a couple of orders of magnitude better than yesterday in the ICU. The moral support of the blogs and Twitter and friends is helping. Stacy McCain called after seeing the second tweet listed here, and offered encouragement, but holding a phone conversation ran Dan out of breath rather rapidly.

If the Hurricane Sandra hasn’t cleaned the stores out entirely, I’ll see about liberating a case of Diet Coke and then check in on Dan tomorrow afternoon. It’s the least I can do. As a commenter on an earlier post noted, you’re dropping a mortgage payment a day for the privilege of being in a hospital. So do remember Dan Riehl’s tipjar in the right column on his blog.

Some of you are wondering, “What the heck do you care about him?” Well, it’s like this here, as I wrote before:

This is the difference between true Christianity and Godless secularism. Christianity says “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” This is done with the hope and prayer that one day; when the chips are down and you find yourself at death’s door, that someone would do the same for you.

Now, do I think that any of the persons in the blogosphere, would do the same thing for me? Probably not. But, that is not why I am writing about Dan and keep everyone informed. It is because I would do to Dan, would I would have him do for me; whether he actually would or not, is of not concern to me at all. 

It is just that simple, he is a blogger, he is a Conservative; and we have to stick together. We sexist, racist, hate-mongering a-hole bastards have to stick together ya know! Big GrinBatting EyelashesLaughingRolling on the floorDevilClownCowboyTongueWinkingHee heeOh go on

Seriously, I hope he gets outta that hospital quick and gets back to the fight, and I shall be praying for him. Praying

Previous Dan Blogging Here and Here. Ol’ bugger is most likely loving the attention and the hits he is getting right now! I know I would be! Big Grin