Movie: The Hope and The Change


First, Please, Watch this Movie:

The Hope and The Change may also be purchased on DVD HERE.

Now, if you are a blogger, please, go to this link, and embed this video on to your blog.

If you are not a blogger and you are reader of this blog or even if you have came in via search engine; and you like this video, you need to get the word out. You can do this be e-mailing ALL of your friends, especially, if they voted for Obama and are now feeling the pinch. We must get this done by November 6, 2012. You see, I myself, am not a Republican. However, my friends, lets just be honest; Obama has failed to deliver the goods to the people. Because of this, he has to go and lets give Mitt Romney a chance to fix things.

Do I believe that Mitt Romney is perfect? No. But, I tend to believe Mitt Romney will be a better President. Not because Obama is black and Romney is white! That is so stupid and that “Race-Card” stuff is played out and I mean badly. It is because Mitt Romney is a businessman, and there is no bigger business than the United States! Mitt Romney will run the business and run it the way it is supposed to be run.

Putting this in personal terms from me to you; allow me to share a short story. I really should have been in this video. In 2004, I was $18.500 in debt, credit cards, cellphone, new 2000 Chevy s-10 pickup truck that I bought new. I was working for a pallet company in southwest Detroit, when I got this truck; everything was wonderful, until one day, the job ended — no warnings, no offers to go elsewhere — nothing. Here I was $18.500 in the hole and no offers of employment. I was on unemployment for a while and finally, that ran out. My parents helped as long as they could. Finally, in 2004, I could not put it off, I filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy. (Total Liquidation! I reaffirmed NOTHING!)  No, I do not blame Bush for my problems. I blame the economy in Michigan, which predated the huge crash in 2008. I also blame Democrats and their idiotic stupidity in Michigan too.

Here is a fun fact: No one bailed me out of my debt and prevented me from going under. Nobody offered me any hope and change. In defense of the auto companies, they were caught in the crossfire and the credit crisis. However, I still felt that they could have done a managed bankruptcy and protected the union workers, like my Dad. But to be fair, my dad lost much of his niceties in his health insurance. Me, on the other hand — I have no health insurance at all. I am grateful that I have my parents to fallback on, because some people do not have that. I can relate to the guy in this video, living with his Mother-in-Law. I live with my parents and I would love to live on my own, in my own house or apartment. But, in this economy; I just cannot afford, I never really could, being in so much debt. Now, I am debt free, I just would like a job or for my business to take off. But in this economy?  Good luck!

In fact, Obama basically tossed your “General Laborer” workers under the bus! Obama said that he wanted the “High Tech” jobs to come back here. What about those of us, who are not really high tech workers? Confused There are more unskilled laborers in this Country, than skilled ones. Does Obama care about them too? It is to wonder.

Anyhow, again, send this video to your Democratic Party friends and have them come here and read my story and watch the video. Maybe, just maybe we can win this election and get the United States out of the hands of this idiot that is trying to be President.

Thanks for reading,


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