Why does National Review even acknowledge Anti-Semites?

For as long as I might live; I will never understand why William F. Buckley’s publication National Review acknowledges Anti-Semites.

As everyone knows that reads this blog, I am not a big fan of Wilsonian foreign policy. I never have been. However, that is as far as it goes with me. I usually try to avoid code-worded terms like “NeoCon” or anything of the sort. These Jew-hating bastards at the poorly named “The American Conservative” are straight up Jew haters. They have proven this repeatedly with articles like this here. Not to mention the actions of the publisher of that hate rang magazine, going to an “Occupy AIPAC” rally! I mean, what else do we need to see, for the Conservative community to shun that Publication once and for all?

Remember my fellow Conservatives, as long as we continue to acknowledge people like the ones at the so-called “American Conservative,” they will be continue to be viewed as legitimate . Furthermore, I find it very ironic, that NRO would have the nerve to even acknowledge these haters. But, they would actually have the nerve to stop printing the works of a fine American like John Derbyshire. It shows you the sickening hypocrisy of the so-called “right” in this Country.