I am, as an American, ashamed of my Country


As you might have noticed when you came on to this blog that I have decided to forgo the “Yankee Doodle Dandy” look in favor of darkness and black; this darkening is for a reason.

I stand before you tonight, as a 40-year-old American that is very ashamed that I was even born in this God-forsaken Country. This is because of the two-party political system that has bankrupted this Country fiscally, spiritually, and morally to the point of no return.

Both of these political parties over the course of the past eleven years have essentially given a blank check to the office of the President of the United States of America to fight two wars — One, which was entirely justified after the attacks on September 11, 2001, and the other that has absolutely nothing to do with those attacks.

Both of these wars, combined with the spending of the current President has left us over sixteen trillion dollars in debt and rising by the minute. Now that the tab is coming due and it is time to act like adults and pay for those wars and the spending that both of these political parties have done over the course of the past eleven years —- neither of them are interested in being responsible adults and act in the best interest of the Country. They are however, rather interested in playing political brinksmanship and political jousting, while the Country is rushing headlong off a fiscal cliff.

It is enough to make this writer want to pack his bags, and catch the nearest plane to Switzerland and live there for the remainder of his life. I have always wanted to go there and visit. Because frankly, this Country is heading to hell and a hand basket in a big hurry, and nobody in Washington DC seems to give a care about it.

As great as it pains me to write this — I am horribly ashamed of my Country. America used to be a great Nation; we were a moral people, in the 1940’s before, during and after the war, most families were in Church every Sunday, we ate dinner around the table, families read the Bible and prayed together. We were a fiscally responsible people, we never spent more than we earned. A dollar was a hard thing to earn and people took the value of the dollar seriously.  Small business owners valued their customers and made sure they were happy.

Today, all of that is simply a trait of a foregone era, which left us years ago. America has become this arrogant monster, of whom its subjects believe that they are entitled to be taken care of, cradle to grave. American is also a cesspool of moral degradation; it comes in the form of television, music, movies and internet. Even the Republican Party scoffs at we Conservative Christians and those who us who believe in sound principles of the fiscal sort.

Furthermore, American no longer values the small business owner. Nowadays to get anything related to home improvement, groceries, and things of that sort; you have to go to some “Big Box Mart” store, which features products, made in China and is attended by morally bankrupt people, who care little about their jobs and even less about you. 

For years, since leaving the Democratic Party as a voter and supporter, I have tried my very best to maintain an image of optimism, that somehow America is the still the greatest Nation on planet Earth and that somehow, no matter what the progressive Democrats did, that somehow this Nation would still be able to overcome. I now realize that this was nothing more than foolish folly on my part.

We now live in a backward Country and World; were a Nation of Muslim savages gets formally recognized by a centralized power broker called the “United Nations” and the only true Democracy in the middle east cannot even get formal recognition from that same power broker.  We live in a Nation where homosexuality and the industrialized killing of unborn children are considered somehow normal.

Earlier in this piece, I spoke of Church and families; I would like to expand on that a bit here. There was a time, when you could walk to almost any protestant Church in America and always here the Word of God preached and the true gospel heard. Most Churches then preached from the King James Version of the Bible; of which this writer believes is the preserved Word of God for the English speaking man.

Today you are lucky if you can even find a Church that preaches from the King James Bible anymore. If they do use the King James Bible, they most likely did not even believe the words in it. Most Churches are so steeped in modernism that they do not even believe in separation from the world. If they do, they do not preach it for fear of offending someone. Many people, including modern day Christians, wonder why America’s decline has been so great. I usually answer those questions with, “look in the Churches.”

This is not to say that there are no Churches, who are rightly following the precepts of the older generations. Oh, there are a few. However, they are generally very small, half of them are rife with false doctrine, and even some are even poisoned with a cult-like mentality. Believe me; I know what I speak in this area.

So what is the solution? I wish I truly knew that answer. Some people believe that praying for revival is the answer. I personally believe America’s chance for true spiritual revival is over. We have gone too far, we have progressed ourselves into a cursed nation and I believe judgment going to poured out on this land, like you have never seen before.

I do truly believe as a born-again Christian of 30 years that the Rapture of the Church is imminent and that the judgments, as pointed to in the book of Revelation will be poured out very soon. I do believe that we as believers will have to endure trials before the rapture takes place. I will simply say this; the “preppers” and the survivalists have a point. We as Christians should exercise wisdom.

Again, I hate it that this blog posting and commentary have a fatalistic feel. However, I believe that we have reached the end and time is now a precious commodity.

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20 KJV)
