Rubin Remembers Jack Kemp

She also makes a very good point:

Ronald Reagan remains the icon of modern conservatives, as slayer of the Evil Empire and restorer of American confidence and prosperity. But it is Kemp whose persona and message seem a better fit in an era in which voters want empathy, conservatives need some warm-bloodedness and fiscal conservatives need a reminder of why it is that we favor free markets. (Psst: It’s the freedom, which allows every individual to find fulfillment and personal expression according to his merit and character). Kemp was the ultimate big-tent man, making his case to anyone who would listen and devoted to broadening the reach of the Republican Party. As a passionate advocate for ending apartheid in South Africa, the defense of Israel and human rights everywhere, he understood the lamp of freedom should shine beyond the water’s edge.

In the Obama era, Kemp’s legacy is the perfect antidote to the grumpy, unimaginative and finger-wagging brand of conservatism and the scolds who want to purify the Republican Party. Kemp and his family who keeps his vision alive deserve our ongoing gratitude.

via Distinguished pol of the week: The late, great Jack Kemp.

I give Mrs. Rubin credit, when she is right, she is right. I never thought much of the Republican Party establishment. I always thought they were too eager to fold to the other side. However, I will say this; Mitt Romney’s President bid failed, not because of Romney’s record. But because of the extremism of the grassroots on the right. Not to mention some of the nuanced racism, and not-so nuanced crap that is out there. Anyone who has watched a Sean Hannity show, knows what I am talking about.

This is why I walked away from the right. Because they seem to believe that imposing partisan Government upon organized labor is going to solve the Country’s problem. Which is crap. Globalism is what is killing our State and the rest of the Nation, not the unions. Jack Kemp would agree with that, I believe.

Again, Kudos to Rubin. She does know —-  just like I do; that the GOP needs much work.