I might not be on good terms with the right, but this is wrong

These screen-caps come via Freedom Outpost:

On the NRA:

On the Second Amendment:

More here at the Daily Caller. Freedom Outpost has a good write-up on this too.

Okay now, Listen: I admit it, after Governor Snyder’s little slime-ball move in lying to people like me, I have been on the outs with the Conservative movement and the Republican Party. But this stuff above is just uncalled for. If this is the left’s idea of impressing independents; you all have long way to go get my friends. Wishing death on people is no way to get your message across. Furthermore, repealing the second amendment? Are you people serious?!?! Here is a dose of reality for you, it will never happen. Not in America. This is not Britain, we will always have guns here. Now deal with it and move on.

Not only that, but how about mustering up some of the outrage towards the killer’s Mother, who was the one who bought the weapons, knowing full darned well that her son was mentally ill? She is the one to blame really, the young man who pulled the trigger is ultimately the person who carries the blame. But the Mother of the trigger man shares that blame too.

18 thoughts on “I might not be on good terms with the right, but this is wrong

  1. This is not just about the second amendment. This is also about making changes to the constitution at all. Yes, the document was written a long time ago, but I can assure you, the founding fathers knew that the constitution would have to last centuries and so it was written to last. If you go changing the constitution, were and when will the changes stop? They won’t stop…that’s the issue. If any of you folks out there gave a crap…do your homework and research online and you will find that there are powers to be working behind the scenes to take our freedoms away and to also make us dependent on the Fed for survival. This is not about Democrat or Republican, this is about “we the people” I am Repub…but what I found out last night has me really pissed off. Just yesterday Senator John McCain’s conference committee stripped the amendment that protects American citizens against indefinite detention out of the NDAA, and if you think that is going to be the end of it, you can be rest assuredd, it won’t be. We The People need to wake up before it is too late.

    1. Nobody is discussing any alterations of the Constitution. Gun advocates keep being misleading on this specific topic. The serious discussion is about reforms on assault weapons, high capacity magazines… and tightening on rules for background checks.

      It didn’t take a Constitutional Amendment when Reagan or Clinton did it. We can do federal level laws again without a 2/3rds congressional vote or a 3/4ths state ratification.

      1. Okay then, please explain this here below.

        Click here

        Serious discussion? I believe the serious discussion would be for the Government to leave my guns the hell alone. 😡

        Besides that, I would just love to see that damned screwball New York liberal try and confiscate anyone’s guns.

        You think there was bloodshed in Newtown, CT? You just try to take anyone’s guns. There’ll be more dead cops than you could ever imagine. Bank on it.

        1. I said serious discussion. I saw Cuomo’s remark if that’s where your link led to.
          Cuomo is not in a position to propose federal legislation.

          The federal proposals I’ve seen so far is along the lines of the Reagan/Clinton ban from ’94… except with more teeth and clearer definitions of what qualifies as an assault weapon or high capacity ammo clip. And closing up loopholes for background checks.

          Also… any talk about anyone coming to a person’s property to retrieve weapons is also extremist. No firearms ban is ever handled that way. Buyback programs allow owners to recoup some expenses from illegal weapons that fall under new guidelines. And stiff penalties for getting caught with an illegal firearm usually is an incentive to turn them over.

          Some people will always skirt the law and keep illegal weapons in their homes… but there are consequences for anyone who ends up using that weapon in a defense situation… as well as the weapon then being removed to avert a harsher sentence.

          1. I guess I am just going to have to be a dick about this.

            Dude, this is not a liberal, big government, let’s take all the fucking guns; sort of a blog. This is a pro-american, pro-freedom, leave my guns, my money and my life the fuck alone sort of a blog.

            If you are into seeing guns restricted, you have no place here. I am tired of your fucking stupid bullshit being prattled around here. I have listened to it and I have decided that you really have nothing of substance to add to this fucking conversation, except for your socialist liberal bullshit.

            This is why the left and right are so fucking far apart, because the left is out of step with the rest of America.

            So, as of now, I am closing this comment thread, because I am fucking sick to death of your bullshit prattle.

            End of discussion, go over to crooks and liars or DailyKos and spout that shit, because I for one, am sick of hearing it.

          2. Also too, I just want everyone to know. I banned this idiot from even looking at this blog. It is because he came here and repeated the same stuff over and over; hoping that it would change my mind.

            Well, it didn’t. Again, this is not Crooks and Liars, nor is it DailyKos; and obviously, this “TeekeeMon” thought that this was some sort of a liberal blog.

            I am an Independent who is disillusioned with BOTH PARTIES! Because, quite frankly, they both suck.

            That is all….

  2. If they don’t like the second ammendment maybe they should move to Mexico where guns are ban and it is so safe there, NOT!

      1. I think I’ll stay here in the country I love and fix the problems we have with military-grade, high-caliber, semi-automatic combat assault rifles… that pro-gun advocates seem unwilling to.
        Momentum is picking up from not only Democrats this time. I’ve seen several Republicans start speaking up. Good for them. They’re learning the NRA isn’t as powerful as it once was. And the majority of Americans are on our side now too.

        54/43 of Americans favor gun control laws… http://t.co/ssvhfMvu
        59/38 support a ban on ammo clips of more than 10 rounds.
        52/44 back a ban on semiautomatic handguns.

        1. A I said before, you are entitled to your opinion, even I do disagree with it.

          ..and quit whining about that deleted comment. I thought it wasn’t a legit argument, why I deleted it. It is my blog, in case you forgot. But, I’ll let this one stand.

          I too, do not get why the NRA is silent. Might be a smart move, who knows. I really do not.

          1. Whining? It’s the first time I mentioned it.
            I guess your blog’s fundraiser isn’t a legit use of my money.

            I’m not down with censorship when people are putting forward respectful remarks and opinions… regardless of whether I personally believe those opinions are “legit”.
            I read your blog’s “rules” page and followed those rules. Sounds like you just prefer to keep folks who are more inclined to agree. Like Betty and her “legit” argument.
            Good day, Sir.

          2. Suit yourself. I am not under any obligation to approve comments and I approved this one. Not my problem if you came here with a stupid bullshit argument, which it still is.

            Banning weapons is not the answer, responsible gun ownership is the fucking answer, ya idiot liberal!

            The funny thing is, you damned idiots did this shit before, you fucking banned assault rifles before and what the fuck did it solve? Jack fucking shit, that’s what!

            So, again, you fucking stupid assed gun-grabbing arguments are wrong. Now, go whine some fucking more to a blog owner who cares to hear it. Because honestly? You’re fucking boring me to tears.


          3. Furthermore, I will tell you this here, Mr. Liberal. The last time the fucking Democrats pulled this bullshit, they took it in the ass in the elections in the 1990’s. Did you really want to see that happen again? I would think not.

            So, wise the fuck up. treading on the second amendment is not going to solve a fucking thing at all. and quoting to me biased fucking polls, taken by liberals, in liberal parts of the Country is not going to change that fucking fact.

            So, there, put that in your pot filled pipe and smoke it!


          4. Tim Kaine has a rating of “F” from the NRA and won Virginia by 6 points.
            Bill Nelson: “F” and won Florida by 13 points.

            The NRA Political Victory Fund spent a massive $16,554,803.07 seeking to elect its preferred candidates last November. They might have accomplished more by burning the money. Just 0.81 percent of these expenditures went to a winning candidate.

            Much like labor unions… the NRA isn’t as strong as it used to be.

  3. I’m sure there’s no tweets anywhere that has conservatives calling for the death of liberals. I think I’ve specifically seen several in the neighborhood of the “line them up and…” variety. It’s disgusting going both ways.

    And repeal of the 2nd Amendment does not mean guns will be eliminated. Japan, UK and Australia have been very successful with their ultra-strict gun legislation. Just because someone believes “we’ll always have guns here” doesn’t mean they can’t be severely restricted and controlled. Britain still has handgun owners and hunting club members. Even Rupert Murdoch believes it’s possible here… http://politi.co/12gthHS
    On this… he and I agree.

    I’m not sure why anyone would think other countries are strong enough to live by their convictions… but America can’t possibly achieve those standards cause we’re too weak.
    That’s silly.

    Constitutional gun rights as it was envisioned to protect property owners from govt oppression has long outlived it’s ability. Same as the fore father’s vision of owning other humans as slaves. It’s antiquated. Let’s start incorporating good ideas that have clearly worked elsewhere and stop saying in America… “It’ll never happen… we cant.”

    1. I’m sure there’s no tweets anywhere that has conservatives calling for the death of liberals. I think I’ve specifically seen several in the neighborhood of the “line them up and…” variety. It’s disgusting going both ways

      I agree with that. I have seen it, and there have been times, when I have said such things. It’s pretty hard not to, when you have stupid people opening their mouths and spouting stupid stuff.

      As for the rest of what you wrote. You are entitled to your own opinions, even I do happen to disagree with them. Another thing too. We’re not Japan or Britain. We’re the USA and we have guns. Now deal with it.

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