Updated: More stupidity at HotAir.com

I happen to be reading over at HotAir.com. I don’t read there as much as I used to; but every now and again, I make my way over and read about what the neocons are ranting about in the post election.

Anyhow, I happen to come about this posting done by Mary K. Ham in which she goes on about the words of the President of the Chicago Teachers Union. Now, let me preface this with the following: I know that the Chicago Unions, and Chicago politics is bad news, no matter how you slice it. The thug tactics of the public sector unions in Chicago and Wisconsin were and still are deplorable. I do not support some of the violence that the SEIU and others partook in; in fact, I wrote about it, on my old blog.

However, something else bugs me about this posting, in fact, it kind of pisses me the hell off. Mary Ham did something else, that I thought might have been a bit above her; but it seems to me that I might have been wrong about that. Mary Ham takes a swipe at this black woman, because of her weight, not to mention the stuff that is being said in the comments section.

Which leads me to my main point: We can disagree on politics, and on unions, that is fine, that is what America is all about. But, mocking someone’s weight problem is just low class and I hate to say it this, but it most be said. Mary Ham, if you think that mocking somebody’s weight, even nuanced like that —- is funny or even remotely Christian; you are very highly mistaken. Also too, you might be young and pretty now; but there is coming a day, when you will age, and you won’t be able to pimp yourself out as Hotair.com’s resident MILF any longer.

Furthermore, this so-called Christian bashing of those who neocons disagree with, is one of the biggest reasons why I no longer associate myself with the Christian Right or with the so-called “Church World” any longer.

Update #2: Earlier, I had a picture of me making an obscene gesture, which I felt was totally justified, seeing what Mary Ham wrote in her posting. However, after further reflection and after spending a little time in my devotions. I felt I should remove it. As I wrote here, I am not a perfect Christian at all. However, I think sometimes that I could represent my beliefs a bit better. So, I took it down. My feelings about neoconservative Christian Right, the so-called “Church World,” and HotAir.com writers and commenters remain unchanged.

It is no wonder that I no longer wish to call myself a Conservative, between stupidity like this, and Republicans straight up lying to the voters, why would I call myself one?

Update: I went over and checked and sure enough, AllahPundit deleted my trackback, like he always does. Like the little sorry butt coward that he is. This just proves to me what I have known about that site for a very long time. They can dole out the criticism of the left, but if someone dares criticize them; they cover all traces of it. Which is so very typical of the right anymore. 🙄


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