Glenn Beck’s big thing, turns out to be a nothing-burger

As I so thought it would be…..

Remember I wrote about what I thought Glenn Beck was going to do?

Well, it turns out, I was right; it is nothing more than a nothing-burger.

Which basically means it was nothing more than factual information, stuff he was making up information from anonymous sources, and basically racially tinged conspiracy theory of the Alex Jones type that he seems to like to pull out of his ass. (As always…) Like the story of his Mother’s death for instance.

I give these people here some credit,  at least they are original, more than I can say for this mormon moron. 🙄

My question to Glenn Beck and the rest of these so-called right-wing patriots is this: Where exactly were you, when the Bush Administration was basically doing the same stuff and when they were failing the American people —– when 9/11 happened? I’ll tell you where, you were damned cheerleading the son-of-a-bitch, that’s what!

So, to Beck and rest; please, give it a damned break, your racist partisan witch hunt makes the right look like a bunch of damned idiots. Not that you or your friends really need any help in that department.


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