Best wishes to Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit for a speedy recovery.

“Have the crazy liberals taken over my blog yet?”

It appears that another blogger is down for the count. Jim Hoft who owns the very popular blog, The Gateway Pundit is down with an infection of some sort.

I will be the first to say that I have not always agreed with Jim Hoft, but I do respect the work that he does over Gateway Pundit. Furthermore, I believe that he does have valid opinion about Obama on his blog.

As for his Conservative stripe; yes, he is a neoconservative and yes, I am a Paleo-Conservative/Libertarian, but that does not mean that I do not respect the man, furthermore, I believe that Conservatives can and should be able to disagree and not be nasty about it.

As most of you know, I have been blogger since 2006, in 2007, when I basically decided that the left was simply wrong about a good deal of things and that I could no longer support them; and I was starting to read Blogs on the right, Gateway Pundit and Wake Up America were one of the first ones that I read.

Again, I wish Jim Hoft well and I hope he gets back to the blog really soon.

-Charles Patrick Adkins


The Thinking Americanist


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