Interesting article on President Obama

This is an interesting article on the President, and is basically what I already knew about him….


As for Barack Obama he was the stranger with the vaguest and nebulas agendas ever.  He offered Hope and Change.  He also said he would fundamentally change America.  Since Obama was Black and viewed as a Liberal they wanted to and still do believe Obama was somehow one of them.   Obama has his own ideas and they are a lot of things but traditionally Liberal is just not one of them.

via CRIME, GUNS, AND VIDEOTAPE: Liberals Were Mistaken About Barack Obama, He’s Not One of Them.

The only thing I will add to the above is this; Barack Obama is not of Clinton stripe or even Truman or Roosevelt stripe. Obama is what is known as a neo-leftist. The only difference between a neoconservative and a neo-liberal is their differences on the opinion of scope and role of Government. Both are foreign policy hawks and both are okay with big Government, as long as they control it.

Obama and his people are neo-progressives. They are also, like the Clintons, internationalist Democrats and Wilsonian foreign policy devotees as well as devotees of the frankfurt school as well.

(H/T Lew Rockwell)