No, The Neoconservatives lead by NORMAN PODHORETZ did that

InstaPundit Highlights the following:

NORMAN PODHORETZ: Is Obama Wrecking Our Foreign Policy On Purpose? “The president may look incompetent on Syria. But his behavior fits his strategy to weaken America abroad.” Well, we’re certainly seeing fundamental transformation.

No, Glenn, actually; it was the neoconservatives who wrecked our standing in the world for eight goddamned years in a war that had zero to do with 9/11. Ironically, it was ol’ Norm there that leaned on George W. Bush and pressured him into invading Iraq — and for what? The assurance that Israel would be protected.

…and what did we get for those eight years? We hobbled (We didn’t destroy them) Al-Qaeda, we created this thing called the arab spring, and now we’re having to deal with Assad. All of this would have been avoided, had we just left Saddam alone. But, No, Bush needed to finish the job his daddy started, so sonny boy Bush would look good in daddy’s eyes. So, we went in, based upon bogus intelligence from none other than Germany.

So, if you neoconservatives want to talk about the destruction of American’s foreign policy. Try being a bit more honest about it! 😡

This is why I loathe neoconservatives and their neolibertarian counterparts. Because they live in some freaking sort of alternative reality. It’s been that way for eons and it does not look like it is going to change either. Not as long as people like Podhoretz and Kristol are around.