From the “ya gotta be kidding” file

This one makes me want to puke. Former NFL star threatened with lawsuit from parents of kids who trashed his house?

Holloway says one parent showed up. ONE! My parents would have had my butt over there so fast, long before Holloway publicly asked for help, and probably my brothers, too, in case they had any ideas of pulling a similar stunt. Teenagers do stupid things. Acting in groups of 300, those things can be so stupid that they veer into destructive and criminal. Even when the initial act is pretty terrible, it’s hard for me to imagine that 300 teenagers and their parents are so shameless as to eschew a chance to make amends. But that’s what we have, along with possible lawsuits.

My parents would have too. But then again, when you live in basically a godless, heathen society; one should expect this. Plus too, we live in an entitlement mentality society as well.

Most of those kids thought, “this dude is rich! He can afford to clean it up himself!” Which is basically the heart of socialism.

Sad thing, but the reality of the America we now live in today.

Update: Another thing that I just thought about, after I came back down here to the laptop. The victim of this horrible crime was, in fact, black. Update #2: After looking at the man’s photo a bit closer, he seems to be Latino/black Mix, maybe? Either way, the point is still very much valid. –  The perps of the crime, were, for the most part, white. I am very encouraged that he took the stance that he did, which is one of compassion, instead of getting angry about it and going off on white people.What makes it worse now, the parents of these white kids are now suing him. This sucks, because quite frankly; it makes the white race, especially the kids, look horrible.

So, the next time I happen to read about how some black kids beat up a white kid. I am simply going to show them this story here. As a white man, this disgusts me in a big way. How can we preach unity of the races, when you have white kids, doing stupid stuff like this, to a man of color? 🙄