Why is @BecketAdams working for @GlennBeck?

I ask the question, because what I just saw and responded to on twitter.

Check it out:

I replied:

He responded back:

and also said:

With that —- He blocked me on Twitter.

Glenn Beck himself pointed out the factual truth that the German Nazi Party was formally known as the “Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party” and this person here, who works for Glenn Beck has a problem with that? Something stinks. Now the graphic about the White House, is a good point. Basically, what we have in the White House is a Corporatist Democrat. Corporatism, is one step away from Communism. The Nazi Party was basically Hitler’s attempt to perfect Communism; Glenn Beck said that himself.

I am thinking that Glenn Beck needs to really take stock of who actually works for him and get rid of the posers in his ranks.