My feelings on this Iranian deal

As you all know, there is a new agreement between the rest of the world and Iran now.

There is also a good deal of partisan and racial hand wringing on the right. Especially among the neoconservative Jewish right. šŸ™„ Not to mention Israel’s leadership, who are almost quite literally bouncing off the walls. To be fair about it; so are the Saudis. To get a good feel for just how bad the wall bouncing is; go have a look at the round-up of neoconservative and otherwise bloggers at Memeorandum.

A good place for a non-biased and non-partisan look at the details is found at Business Insider.

Here is my official take on the Iranian deal:

Some are calling this a huge blunder. I am not so sure about how much of a “blunder” it might be. But, rather an interesting move by the Obama Administration. They have actually been able to do something that no other presidential Administration has been able to do. They actually have gotten Iran to agree to a formal written agreement on nukes and nuke enrichment.

The upside to this: The Iranians will be able to pursue nuclear energy and will be able to power their Country; that is provided they stick to the terms of the agreement. Which is great, provided they actually do this. I would like to think that they would do such a thing.

However, I am aĀ realist; and I also happen to know Iran’s track record on telling the truth, since the time that the Shah was deposed.

Here is the downside and yes, there is always one of those:

The downside to this agreement is this; if the Iranians renegeĀ on this agreement and the US and other Country tear up this agreement, then we are going to have another problem. Iran will be considered an unstable rogue nation and then, the war drums towards Iran will be begin beating in earnest on both sides of the aisle. As it is now, the neoconservative hawks in the Republican Party want to go war with the Iranians so bad that they can taste it. If Iran welches on the agreement; then both sides are going to have the argument that Iran’s leadership must be toppled and the war must happen.

I am not so sure that such a thing would even happen under Obama’s watch, as he does want to be seen as the President that tried to reach out to the Iranians with a fig leaf. However the next President would have to come in and deal with a situation as such. If the deal is renegedĀ on; the war hawks would have their piece of leverage that they would really need to make the case for war.

To be fair, I have seen skepticism in both parties; and that is a good thing. I think that blindly trusting Iran is a futile mistake. However, I believe that Iran has just been given their own fair shot. If Iranians play their cards right, we might be seeing a new era. However, the skeptic in me thinks that the US and the major Nations have just baited a trap of war for the Iranians and they were actually foolish enough to walk right into it. For the sake of the future of this Nation and the World, I hope like the devil that I am wrong. However, knowing things like I do; I sadly believe that I am not.

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