Videos: What kind of Nation have we become?

Before I get into my posting; I need to say the following: There are two days out of the year, that I put this blog into a full stop mode, when it comes to politics. Those two days are Thanksgiving and Christmas; and usually New Years. The reason is this: my friends, there are more things important than politics. One namely is family, another is just to take time away from this blog and from politics in general and just enjoy one day, without having to endure through the raw sewer that is the American political system.

It would be nice for just one year, on Thanksgiving and Christmas, that I would not have to highlight the stupidity of progressivism on this blog. I normally would not waste bandwidth on what I am about to show you all; but, I think it is important for those that read this blog to see what sort of awful nation that this Country has become. Thanks to stupid unconstitutional laws; such as the civil rights act of 1964. Thanks to the liberal left and their entitlement mentality, thanks to the anti-Christian left in this Country, who wishes to ruin the traditions of America.

Having said that, here is a video, which makes this writer want to wretch.

This video from The Conservative Post; which makes my Christian side of me and my deep part of me; which utterly despises the over-commercialization of the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays — want to wretch. I am all for good old American capitalism; but, my goodness; this below is not that, not at all. This below is nothing more than out of control society; who is in need of salvation.

This video is a perfect example of the progressive, herd mentality of those who are actually foolish enough to believe that somehow or another that America is actually some sort of a democracy. This is also the result of what happens when the United States of America caters to a protected minority and allows them free rein to destroy the social underpinning of this great Nation of ours.

Here is the video:

Again, I hate having to write this sort of a posting on a sacred holiday as Thanksgiving; one Holiday in which a Christian, Traditional America actually supposedly gives thanks for the blessings that God has bestowed on this great Country of ours. However, what it has become; is what you have seen above, a Godless Nation of heathen degenerates, who put possessions and power; and the foolish act of temporary joy over the timeless and perfect peace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Some people believe that prayer is the answer; some people believe that a so-called “revival” will help this Nation. I disagree. I believe that the ship of revival has sailed long ago. I believe that judgement is coming to America and it is coming swiftly. This judgement will not discriminate against anyonewhite, black, latino, jew or gentile. I believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the ONLY the way out of this judgement. I pray that those who read this blog entry and realize that they need a Saviour and give their lives to Christ.

Because as bad as things are now; when the rapture of the body of Christ happens; and the Biblically warned tribulation starts, things will be much worse. I pray that you make that important decision today.

Update: It appears that Erick Erickson is somewhat on the same page as me. Outside of his use of a corrupt version of the Bible; I think he is right on target. I praise him for writing what he did. (even if he did allow anonymous slanderers to trash me before.)