New Look

As you can see I have changed the look around here a bit.

A new version of WordPress has dropped and with it came a new theme for 2014; and contrary to what most liberals might think about we conservatives, even we paleoconservative types — I do like to keep the blog look with the times.  Unlike some bloggers, who have had the same theme since the day they started blogging; I like to keep the place up a bit and not have it become stale or even dated.

I hope you like the new, updated look. It’s bit nicer than the old one. Also too, I decided to do away with those annoying side bar ads that would come swooping in from the left and right. They were annoying and did distract from my wonderful content. I also tend to believe that they really did not make any difference in the blog’s income at all.

I did stay with the basic design concept, I just changed to a new template, which is much nicer I think.

I wish you all a happy Sunday, and do come again! 😀