Whiskey…..Tango….Foxtrot!?!?! – Ian Bayne compares Phil Roberson to Rosa Parks

As you all know, I support Phil Robertson, of Duck Dynasty. I happen to agree with what he said and happen to think that A&E’s reaction was extremely stupid; I also hope they go elsewhere. I also criticized those who attacked the family. But this right here, is where I holler “Whooooooooaaaaaaaaaa Nelly!” and hit the air brakes and bring the peterbilt to a full and complete stop.

Read this load of weapons grade stupidity from some meatball, who is running for State Senate in Illinois:

Today, Ian Bayne called Phil Robertson, star of the A&E series “Duck Dynasty,” the ‘Rosa Parks’ of our generation.

“In December 1955, Rosa Parks took a stand against an unjust societal persecution of black people, and in December 2013, Robertson took a stand against persecution of Christians,” said Bayne.

Parks, famous for refusing to give up her seat on a bus for a white person, as was the rule of her day, provided inspiration for a movement of equality of black people and white people in America.

“What Parks did was courageous,” said Bayne. “What Mr. Robertson did was courageous too.”

Bayne believes that the Duck Dynasty star knew that going on GQ would result in the current controversy going on surrounding his suspension, as well as his suspension.

Bayne added that this exposure of Robertson’s situation is an eye opener for many who may have been previously in disbelief that the bible is fast becoming considered “hate speech” by the media and society.

via Duck Dynasty Star is Rosa Parks of Our Generation.

The only part of that up there, that is even remotely true is the last paragraph. The rest of it is extremely stupid. As someone who grew up in the southwest part of Detroit and lived there for 19 years of my life and grew up around blacks, Latinos, and every other pea-picking minority under the sun; this is just plain ignorant. I mean, badly ignorant.

Anyone that compares a bearded, Christian Louisiana redneck to Rosa Parks; who, by the way, decided to stand up against the institutionalized racism of Montgomery, Alabama —- is an absolute tone-deaf, out of touch, mentally deficient, idiot who should not be allowed to drive a car, much less run for a seat in the Illinois Senate!

There is no comparison, it is wrong, it is stupid and it should not be done ever, at all. End of story, full stop, shut up and turn the bus around and pray to the Lord that nobody saw you naked. (So to speak…)

If anyone on the right is looking for a textbook example of why the “Liberal left” in this Country happens to think that people, like myself, who happen to disagree with the idea that big Government the best idea in the world, and happen to think that european socialism is about a city block away from Russian Communism —- are a bunch of crazy, nutty, loony people: Look no further that what I quoted above. I mean, where in the far reaches of this man’s gray matter did this man happen to think that this was a good idea?!?!?! What kind of dope is he smoking? How much does it cost, and does he know where I find some of it, can I put it in my Vapor thingamabob and puff on it?!?!

Whew. I know that was a mouthful; but it needed to be said and someone needs to tell the people on the right; of whom I am aligned with, not to do stuff like this, ever…. just…..no. 🙄

If you want it in a video, this was my reaction to the above quote:

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