Patrick J. Buchanan points out why there are no jobs in America

This is something that I have said for a while now too.:

America is something new in the way of world powers. We not only provide the legions to protect “allies,” but provide the tribute in the form of foreign aid, IMF and World Bank loans, and bailout billions.

Moreover, America has thrown open her home market, largest in the world at $17 trillion, to Europe, Japan, Canada, Mexico, and even China, and invited them to come and capture it from our manufacturers.

In a quarter century, these trade partners have run up $10 trillion in trade surpluses at our expense, eviscerating our industrial base to where Detroit looks like Dresden in 1945.

But while we preach free trade our partners practice protectionism.

The Chinese undervalue their currency to keep imports low and exports high. We are too timid to confront them. The Europeans put value-added taxes on imports from the USA, and rebate the VAT on exports to the USA.

The Japanese, who look on trade as a form of warfare, killed our TV industry and now own huge slices of our auto market.

Last year, Tokyo ran a $60 billion trade surplus at our expense. After our trade deal with South Korea, Seoul’s trade surplus at our expense shot up 25 percent to a record $20 billion. China ran a $318 billion trade surplus with us in 2013, up from $313 billion in 2012.

Our trade deficits finance both the growth of our allies and our adversaries.

via The Philanthropic Superpower – Patrick J. Buchanan – Official Website.

All of the above is a really good reason there are no jobs here. Pat has a very good point about Detroit too. The problem is, that there are two political parties here in America; the stupid party on the left and the war party on the right. Neither of them are committed to preserving the American worker and protecting jobs here. If anything, both parties are committed to keep the élite rich and the crony capitalists protected.

As a result of this, everyday American workers like myself, cannot find jobs at all. As a result of this, everyday Americans workers like myself are forced to sign up for state-paid Medicaid; as so not to be a burden on their families with medical expenses, because of ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure and A.D.H.D. It is indeed a new America — people, like myself; are unemployed and are on state-paid medicaid and are hardly able to get by — robbing them of the American Dream — all the while the President of the United States of America racks up a $40 million dollar vacation tab on the taxpayers dime. In a sane world, that alone would be grounds for impeachment.

But we don’t live in a sane world anymore. We live in the Obama-World, flanked by the stupid party on the left and the war party on the right — and it’s not changing anytime soon. Pat ends his piece with this:

As China’s military power grows, and U.S. armed forces shrink, our allies had best prepare for the day, not too distant, when America decides she will no longer play the philanthropic superpower, and gives up the role and goes home.

As all world powers eventually do.

This time is coming sooner than many think; either that, or it will collapse on itself. God-willing, I will survive that collapse. The question is — will everyone?