Can’t we all just get along?

I mean, I can see we Paleocons arguing with neocons; but this?

Via Red Philips over at Conservative Heritage Times:

Apparently they’re has been a longstanding rift between postmodern conservatives (PoMoCons or PoMos) and Front Porch Republic types (Porchers). Who knew? The occasion for the increased discussion of this rift is the fact the Peter Lawler is moving his Postmodern Conservative blog from First Things to NRO.

See Rod Dreher here.

Caleb Stegall has a lot of links here.

Peter Lawler here.

This is at FPR.

I think that all of us in what you might call the alternative conservative (meaning outside mainstream conservatism) community have some things in common and mutual enemies, the left and stale mainstream conservatism, but I think the description of the Porchers that is being tossed around describes something much more radical than the reality. The Porchers, at least as represented by FPR, are, as far as I can tell, a bunch of PC phobes. How can you talk about localism and community and “place” without talking about immigration? Doesn’t an influx of non-natives have a pretty big impact on place?

Like I said over at Red’s place in a comment that ended up in the moderation queue; because I put in the wrong email address… 🙄 :

Good-gott-a-mighty, Can’t we all just get along? I mean, we as Conservatives are supposed to be fighting against the neo-liberal, marxist, statism of the Democratic Party. My simple question is this; why fight over who’s legit and who is not? That is silly in my book. I know that neoconservatism is an issue; especially with me. But, alt-right folk fighting over silly stuff? Come on. 🙄

Whatever happened to just agreeing to disagree on trivial matters and working together to fight back against those, who want to destroy the traditional, Christian, American values in this Country?  Conservatives, of all stripes, camps and cliques need to look at the bigger picture and realize — we have a Country to save and bickering like this, is not going to do that at all.

Just my opinion.