A perfect reason why I cannot stand Michael Goldfarb

Because quite frankly; the guy is an sniveling a-hole; that he is a trust-fund Jewish kid, makes it even worse.

Click here to read this moronic idiot’s tripe about people he disagrees with.

My support of Israel as a Country is without measure; but my disdain of some American Jews is also without measure. Perfect example of that, is at the link above. 😡

Update: I wanted to come back here and revise this posting a bit. I was very ticked off, when I wrote what I wrote here originally. But, this piece by this guy was quite galling to me. This part here really steamed me to the high heavens:

Either way—let the caterwauling begin. I can hear it now: “They’re trying to silence us with trumped up charges of anti-Semitism!” Well, f*** all of you.

I know anti-Semitism and Jew-baiting when I see it. And I’m not going anywhere. We’re here, we’re neocons, and you’re never going to be rid of us.

And though the Liberty Conservatives may well have their day in the sun, the Jew-baiting paleocons among them will always be toiling away at the margins, trying to figure out precisely how the Jews kept them out of the good jobs. And then, as now, the reason for their marginalization will have nothing to do with us, and everything to do with them—with the fact that they just can’t keep their Jew-baiting, Putin-loving, neo-Confederate, League-of-the-South b***** to themselves.

This piece, especially the part I quoted; galled me for the following:

  1. I am of southern heritage. My parents are from the south; Dad’s from Kentucky and Mom is from Georgia. I find some sniveling rich punk from a Jewish family making this sort of a comment about southern people just absolutely offensive. He calls what that guy is doing Jew-baiting? Well, I call what he is doing Semite-baiting or WASP-Baiting.
  2. His fast and loose accusations of antisemitism cheapens the conversation. Furthermore, it causes people, like myself, to look at people, like Goldfarb, with disdain.
  3. It fuels the stereotypes and the accusations of the paleoconservatives who say that neoconservatives are simply mouth pieces for the Jews and that the only thing that they honestly give a flying fig about is Israel and their cottage industry to protect it and that they look at WASP’s like myself; and Christianity in general as useful idiots.
  4. His bashing of the confederacy really pisses me off; I cannot put that into words, why that offends me, I guess it’s my southern roots coming out. I have southern in my blood; I am, for what it is worth, a descendant of those who fought in that war. Now, according to this dimwit, I support slavery, and am a racist, a Jew-hater and all the other moronic stuff that they say about we Southern folk. None of which is true. The confederates seceded from the union, because they did not want a centralized Government being shoved down their throats. Furthermore, they resented Lincoln trying to seize their gold, to form a central bank. Something Lincoln abandoned later on.

Now, keep in mind; this tool was John McCain’s communications guy and Blogger for the 2008 campaign. When I found this out; I knew McCain was going to be sunk and you know what? I was right.

I will say this; if this is the honest mentality of the neoconservative right, about the southern Conservatives — the Republican Party is going to be a very bad way come 2016. I mean, you don’t poke the south in the eye, like this moron did and expect to win an election. It just does not work. Like I have said about the Conservative Christian Right; try winning elections without us. Just try it and see just how successful you are. Because I will tell you now, if the south thinks that the Conservative and/or Republican establishment has that sort of an attitude toward those in the south; they will lose badly in the elections to come. They did not call it “The Southern Strategy” for nothing. Why? Because it worked.

The Southern Conservative Christian Right has always held Mormons, Jews, and Catholics in suspect. This is why Rick Santorum’s and Mitt Romney’s campaigns went nowhere fast. You would think that the Republican Party would have learned from something like that. But, from the looks of it; and if Goldfarb’s tripe is any indication — they have learned nothing at all.

(Via Conservative Heritage Times)

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