A Good Read: Why Are the Bushies Attacking Ted Cruz?

As I wrote over at the link below: Anyone that goes against the mantra of fight wars on Israel’s behalf until hades freezes over, is a target in the Republican Party.

Check out this awesome article:

The Republican Party has played Marley’s Ghost for the past half-dozen years, dragging behind it the sins of the foreign-policy utopians who persuaded George W. Bush to bet the farm on nation-building in the Middle East. Bush’s 2004 Second Inaugural, written with the help of the Weekly Standard‘s Bill Kristol and the Washington Post‘s Charles Krauthammer, was the high-water mark of foreign-policy overreach and the cusp of Republican fortunes. By the 2006 congressional elections, the electorate had had enough, and the public’s disgust with the pointless sacrifice of blood and treasure helped propel the junior senator from Illinois into the White House. The Bushies who blundered so badly–occupying Iraq, pushing for the West Bank elections won by Hamas, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt against the Egyptian military–are still fighting for what is left of their reputations. And their greatest fear is that a Republican leader will come along untainted by their mistakes, and able to admit what we Republicans should have admitted years ago: the Bush administration made some big mistakes.

That leader is Sen. Ted Cruz

via Spengler @ PJMedia: Why Are the Bushies Attacking Ted Cruz?.

Let me clear, I am not a huge ted Cruz fan; but this guy is spot on. I will be adding his blog to my list of them on here.