Behold: The Republican Party’s first homosexual Presidential Candidate

Yup, I mean this guy: (H/T HotAir)

Yep, ol’ closeted idiot homo Lindsey Grahamnesty is running for President.


“I’m not doing it to make a statement. I’m doing it to change the country and offer what I have to offer to the American people, and to my party. And I think I’m uniquely qualified to deal with the threats we’re talking about. So when I hear a United States Senator trying to rationalize that Iraq created the problems in France, and when I hear some libertarians on my side of the aisle associated with the Republican Party say that it is our interventionist policy that has brought people down on us, they don’t know what they’re talking about. When I hear the president of the United States and his chief spokesperson failing to admit that we’re in a religious war, it really bothers me. And I want to be somebody who can talk about the world as it really is.”

Of course, Lindsey’s gay lover buddy, Juan McSame is ecstatic:

My illegitimate son Lindsey Graham is exploring that option,” two-time presidential candidate [Sen. John McCain] said, prompting laughter from reporters during a press conference on the prison at Guantanamo Bay. “So I am strongly encouraging Sen. Lindsey Graham, particularly with the world the way it is today. No one understands the world today in the way that Lindsey Graham does, in my view.

I will tell you this; if this idiot is even remotely serious; the Conservative wing of the GOP and the liberal left will make mincemeat out of this man and his political career. So, Lindsey, if you have any sort of common sense, stay out of this very important Presidential race.