Andrew Sullivan pulls off another head fake

Remember when Andrew Sullivan said that he was quitting blogging? Well, maybe not. Looks like this was nothing more than some stunt to boost readership…. Again.

Quoting the important stuff and ignoring the touchy feely psycho babble nonsense:

And, of course, it is also yours. We’ve all been deeply moved by the wave of protest that this community not simply be disbanded. There’s an intimacy to this conversation that makes this feel less like a business decision and more like a terrible family break-up. I understand all that. I’m deeply torn about it. It takes time to process.

So give us a little space to absorb this week. As of tomorrow, we’re going back to regular blogging. And let us know if you would be prepared to give the team a chance to figure this out or if you think it’s best to leave the Dish as a 15-year adventure that helped shape the Internet conversation.

This may be the denial part of grief. Or it could be something else.

See you in the morning

via Could The Dish Continue Without Me?« The Dish.

The problem is, Sullivan did this before; he left for a while and, of course, came back. Now, he had made headlines again and is now basking in the glow of popularity and huge hits. It is the classic attention seeking head fake and the media world, myself included, fell for it…again. 🙄

I will say this, from a legal standpoint, Sullivan could find himself in the middle of a huge lawsuit. The Dish is a business and was soliciting subscriptions to his archives, I think. So, if someone just plunked down a good deal of cash to become a member of that site and he suddenly decides to stop publishing. Someone could, in fact, sue Sullivan for false advertisement and a good deal of other things as well. I believe he was offering subscriptions on a yearly basis; so, that could get dicey, if he decided to pull the plug.

Still I share a good deal of his feelings about blogging. The total freedom of self-publishing, without editors, without people telling you what you can and cannot print is the ultimate drug high. I also can relate to his physical issues, as I have them myself. So, I happen to think that if Sullivan is being straight up and honest about the whole thing; then maybe he should just take some time off and relax a little and let his staff run the place until feels like coming back to the grind.

On another note that’s related, I happen to think that this here, is soooo funny!: 😆



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