Fox News Channel’s Facebook bigotry problem.

I really hate to be the one to report this, but, because I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, who abhors any sort of true and honest bigotry towards anyone, I must.

I came across this on facebook, now keep in mind; this is not an official Fox and Friends facebook page; but, rather, a “fan page” of the show.

The screenshots will tell the story.

Now this is what I said in response to the above and you can go read the replies to that reply of mine.

My reply:

Charles Patrick Adkins Okay it’s time for me to say something here. I am conservative, I am also a christian of a 32 year vintage.

I’m about this far from being a left wing liberal democrat as can be.

But the comments in this posting absolutely disgust me. yes I grew up in southwest detroit, I grow around blacks, I grew around whites and ‘specially I grew up around latinos.

I lived on the southwest side. Not that I agree with obama’s politics. But when i see people here accusing him of being a muslim accusing him up hating america accusing him a being some sort of pseudo terrorist; I’m sorry that’s nothing but straight hateful bigotry and should not be allowed on this page.

If you don’t like Obama’s politics, I understand that I don’t either; but let’s keep the anti black & bigoted comments off of here. Because its giving the left the ammunition that they need to defeat us in 2016.

The responses to what I wrote, were typical of the crowd that truly hates the President. I think Fox News channel needs to seriously clamp down on this one Again, go look at it, don’t take my word for it. I am going to do it; and I think everyone else, who reads this, should go to facebook and report this group as being a hate group.

I have written in the past to how this sort of bigotry is not compatible with true Conservative Christianity and more specifically Paleoconservatism. I will say this too, something needs to be done. This sort of hatred, has zero place in the Conservative movement, period. Whether it be paleoconservatives or neoconservatives and especially within the Republican Party. Furthermore, it saddens me that Fox and Friends, a fairly decent show, is being associated with that sort of vitriol towards the President of the United States.

The Republican Party and Conservatives are the party and people of Lincoln; it is time we started acting like it again.