Video: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s full speech to Congress

I was going to post this without any sort of commentary. However, I did watch the entire speech; and I have some thoughts.

I want to make it absolutely clear; I speak for myself only, not for any other Paleoconservatives, Republicans or any other sort — just myself.

Update: I forgot to add that, yes, I believe that trusting Iran and trying to make a deal with them is absolutely stupid. But, that is a separate issue.

I believe that Benjamin Netanyahu is correct about his assessment of Iran is correct. I believe that Israel does have a legitimate complaint against Iran. Furthermore, I believe that Israel has a right to defend itself against threats from any sort of enemy.

However, unlike some; I am going to tell you about how I feel about Benjamin Netanyahu’s political stunt of basically telling the President of the United States to essentially “piss off” and coming to speak to Congress with no regard to the White House’s wishes. Folks, I would feel this way, if there was a Republican in the White House too. So, before anyone tries to say that, please, do not bother.

I believe that Benjamin Netanyahu’s political stunt showed great disrespect to the office President of the United States. I believe that the political stunt of Benjamin Netanyahu projected the image to many of Israel’s critics, such as myself and others; that the United States of America is an actual Zionist Occupied Government — which is the opinion of many of the more hateful types in this Country. Now, personally, I do not believe that to be the case; However, I also know that there are many lobby groups that take up the cause of Israel. The image of a foreign leader to address the Congress and to basically “Spank” the President of the United States is a grave insult to the office. Again, if there was a Republican in the White House and this happened, I would say the same very thing.

I said this very same thing, when the President of Mexico came to Congress and chastised them for their immigration laws. So, the charge of Anti-Semitism is not gonna fly here.

Enjoy the video:

3 thoughts on “Video: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s full speech to Congress

  1. The Obama regime has sent his former campaign staff to Israel to take down the Likud government. He is using US taxpayer money to get out the vote for groups that vote against the Likud party. This comes after George “Arrow Cross” Soros, the owner of the Democrat Party and ADL, funded a protest movement which failed to cause riots and take down the Israeli government in 2011. Of course Obama is just following the example of Presidents George HW Bush and Bill Clinton in taking down Likud governing coalitions.
    There is one country that presumes to own the politics of the other, and the presumptuous party are the internationalists in America.
    Netanyahu was invited here the same way Pope Francist was. Is the Pope thumbing his nose at Obama and the presidency? Are you going to oppose his visit with talks of “Catholic Owned Government”? We know who runs the Supreme Court, don’t we?

    Or maybe rhetoric should follow reality and we should not allow our ignorant hackles being raised to make us useful idiots for the left.

    PS. A Zionist occupied government would never appoint Samantha Power as ambassador to the UN after she called on the US to invade Israel to reward Palestinian terror with a Judereign state. The cooridator for the middle east in a Zionist occupied government would not be Robert Malley , a supporter of Hamas.

    1. Good points. Please note: I didn’t say that I personally believed that we are Zionist Occupied Government; I just said that Netanyahu’s speech and Congress’s fawning over him, gives the impression.

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