Video: The Hillary Clinton Presser on EmailGate

(Via Memeorandum)

The video on Emailgate:

Needless to say, not many people on the right; including AllahPundit over at

This whole presser was her own personal expression of the “who gives a sh*t” non-spin that Democrats have been pushing for the past week. There’s no defense to what she did. She did it to evade accountability, at great risk to national security, and everyone understands it. The plan here isn’t to explain it away; there’s no explanation. The plan is to feign accountability by giving a presser, even if it’s a trainwreck, and then wait for the media to get bored in the knowledge that voters, supposedly, will simply say “who gives a sh*t.” She might as well have walked out there today, said that, and then walked off. If Democrats can’t field a primary challenger to her after this disaster, they deserve her.

I’m now moving the 2016 election from “likely Democratic” to “toss-up.” At least Bill is a good liar.

I am going to watch this video, and I’ll give you my thoughts in an update to this blog posting.

Update: Okay, I watched the video. Here is my opinion on this: This is a nothing-burger. If she is telling the truth, then Republicans, if they are smart, will let this drop. To me, this is beginning to look like a partisan witch hunt.

I mean, just look at Allahpundit’s remarks here:

Her team had a week to cook up some spin and this diarrhea is what they came up with?

It got worse. She admitted that she deleted e-mails — lots of them, although she insists that they were personal ones and therefore she wasn’t required to turn them over to State. For instance, she said, sometimes she e-mails with Bill. How do we know she’s telling the truth about that? We don’t. You’ll have to trust her. (Incidentally, Bill says he doesn’t use e-mail. Oops!) Will she turn over her server for independent analysis and verification that there’s nothing on there? Nope. “The server will remain private.” You’ll have to trust her. How do we know she was telling the truth today when she said most of her e-mails were to fellow State Department employees, which means they’re already in the archives? And why does that matter given that, even if it’s true, it still means we’re potentially missing every exchange she had with other private accounts, whether operated by other State employees, foreign leaders, etc?

You’ll have to trust her. Even though she’s one of the least trustworthy people in American political life and gave you zero reason today to adjust that opinion. In fact, the first question she took was from a Turkish reporter who asked her, surreally, whether a similar fuss would be made over her e-mails if she was a man. That may have been the only honest moment at the presser: It was so nakedly a planted question, designed to reinforce her opening pander about celebrating women’s rights to the UN — code to progressives watching that they should cut the First! Woman! President! some slack on this — that it didn’t even qualify as subterfuge. It was just Hillary and her sympathizers playing cynical games to distract from the fact of her own corruption.

Again, I ask the same question that I asked the last time I wrote about this subject; was AllahPundit this upset, when it discovered that Bush Administration officials were doing the same very thing? I think not. I am not defending Hillary Clinton at all; in fact, I loathe the woman and her idiot husband and believe me, I have many reasons why I do.

I just believe that the right should really play this carefully, because we really do not want to give the left anymore ammo, than they already have to paint conservatives as being sexist, anti-women types and ruin our chances in 2016.