Sorry, but, Michael Cushman is absolutely full of crap about Cuba

I saw this over at Southern Future and I about fell out of my chair:

Today’s move by Washington, DC is to be applauded as it will improve relations between neighbors and enable us to rebuild ties with another post-plantation culture with which we share much history.

Southern nationalists are presently active in the Cuban community in south Florida (and are defying anti-Southern hostility from US forces) and we hope to see these efforts greatly expanded on the mainland and on the island.

Now prior to this, Cushman talks about the history of Cuba and how some wanted to make Cuba a southern state. What Cushman does not bother to mention, is that Cuba is a Communist Nation, whose leader is known to imprison and kill people that dare to stand up and dissent his rule.

One only need to read Babalu and Fausta’s Blog to see just what the heck goes on down in Cuba. Now, I know that Mr. Cushman would most likely say that these blogs are neocon blogs. I call B.S. on that one; those blogs are not about foreign policy on Iraq; but rather they are anti-communist blogs, that report the real FACTS about goes on in those Countries that harbor such nonsensical political aspirations.

Now, I do not know Mr. Cushman’s political stance; but I would recommend him to clarify his stance on Communism, or else, I might just have to remove him from my blogroll. As a Paleoconservative or a Patrick J. Buchanan type of Conservative and as a Fundamentalist Christian/Baptist; I find Communism to be totally antithetical to my worldview and I would hope this would be the case with Mr. Cushman. I would hope that he would do the right thing and address this issue in a future posting.

UPDATE: Mr. Cushman has addressed my concerns and answered my posting and I am thankful that he did. So, I consider the matter dropped and settled.

thank you sir, I appreciate it. 🙂