Is the Republican Party going to lose in 2016?

Please note: this posting was written last night at about 3 o’clock in the morning and I would have uploaded it then, but my blog was down so here’s the post in a few hours late.


This is one of those late night postings, that I am dictating from my phone, using voice to text. So, if it comes out not looking like what I normally type, this is why.

Earlier tonight, I had a conversation with my mother about the Democratic Party debates and the Republican Party debates. During this conversation with my mother, my mother made a very astute observation about the debates of both parties.

Basically she told me this, that the Republican Party debates looked like a bunch of kids fighting and arguing up on stage. She also told me that the Democratic Party debates were much more civilized and much more adult like.

Naturally this is most disconcerting to me. Quite frankly, I am very highly concerned that these GOP debates are going to turn off a large amount of independent voters. Because whether we like it or not folks; nobody likes to see grown men bickering back and forth and insulting one another on a debate stage.

Unfortunately, the progressive media and possibly even the FOX news media; are going to turn this into a disadvantage for the Republican Party.

Now we all know, that politically active people, like myself, are going to look at those debates and appreciate a robust and thorough debate and dissection of ideas between political candidates.

However, the the casual observer and low information voter are going to look at the Republican debates and basically think to themselves, “what a bunch of children!” They also, of course, are going to look at the Democratic debates and say, “these people are the more mature ones that are more capable of running the White House.”

There seems to me to be this inherent anger among the conservative grassroots and I mean frothing at the mouth, steam rolling out your ears and fire shooting out your eyes….type of anger.

A perfect example of this can be seen in this video of Michelle Malkin at the CPAC event:

Now let me be absolutely clear: I agree with 99.99 percent of what Michelle Malkin has said in the video above. However, the tonality of what she said and her body language and the look on her face is most off-putting to the casual observer.

It is not to say that I disagree with her content of her speech. Michelle Malkin is absolutely correct, the Republican Party establishment has sold the grassroots of the Republican Party and the conservative movement, up the river since the 1980’s.

I believe her speech also captures the general mood of the conservative movement and of the conservative grass-roots and of the Republican Party grassroots and the mood is basically frothing anger and I believe she gave them a mouthpiece at her speech.

The problem is, that her speech and the behavior of the Republican primary candidates, during these debates might very well be turning away independent voters, who are not entirely satisfied with the Democratic Party, when it comes to things like the economy and their increasing healthcare premiums under Obamacare and those Democrats who may have concerns about immigration as well.

Now, don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying that the conservative activists, like Michelle Malkin, should change their views or soften their stances or anything silly like that.

I simply believe that instead of carrying their message with a mean look and a snarl and an attitude, that they should carry it with a bit more of a smile, while being forceful, they should never stoop to using dirty language or being condescending or hateful or anything of that sort.

Put simply: I simply believe that we can do it just a bit better, than we’ve done it in the past. For many years, conservatives and Republicans have been painted with the brush of hatred. We’ve been accused of being the ones who are hateful and resentful to change and progress. Now we all know that those charges are totally unfounded, untrue, and our result of unfair media bias by those who have Marxist leanings.

However, it does sure seem that we are giving that biased media more ammunition, when one of our leading spokespeople goes on a stage and goes on a tirade against the Republican establishment and speaks truths, that are not exactly convenient for that establishment. But yet, she does it with a snarl on her face and an anger towards anybody who disagrees with her.

As the old saying goes, you can attract more bees with honey, than you can vinegar. And the way I see, it the conservative movement at this point in the game of the election of 2016; is in dire need of a big bottle of honey.

I just hope and pray that with all this anger, snarls, horrific attitudes and anger; and yes vinegar. I hope that we haven’t ruined our chances of winning the White House back, come November.

As the Word of God says, “He that has the ears to hear….let him hear.”

Pray for our nation, daily. Because God knows, we need it.