A perfect example of why I keep my distance from 9/11 Truthers, Haters and such

I make no bones about it; I am not a fan of Wilsonian foreign policy and neoconservatives — because it is what brought us the Iraq War and its ultimate failure. However, these people, as outlined in the blog posting below, go well beyond, what I, as a blogger, am against. The entire idea of the wholesale hatred of Jews is just not my cup of tea. As a Born-Again Christian of 35 years, I am not a person who hates people, because of who they are.

Check out : A Deranged Anti-Semite Accuses Me of Libel | Power Line

This is what these people are, natural born hatemongers. They combine hatred with conspiracy theories to buttress their hatred. It is a self-supporting system; a sort of infinite feedback loop, so to speak. This sort of a thing, my friend, is not my cup of tea.

This is why you will not see me constantly linking to Alex Jones or his websites. Because Alex Jones likes to traffic in conspiracy and I simply do not delve into that sort of stuff. This is what has bothered me about the Conservative media as of late. They, in some aspects, have hit the fifth rail, when it comes to the media and whom they offer up as factual reporting, and more importantly, reliable sources for information.

Now, to those of you, who would point out, that I do actually have Alex Jones links in my sidebar and to other such sites — I realize that I do. I also have a very large and obvious disclaimer, letting my readers now, that I do not endorse the stuff and that the reader’s mileage might vary as to the truthfulness as to what is written there as well.

As a blogger, and as a citizen journalist, as a political pundit of the internet sort, I like to deal with true, reported, and proven facts and then, give my take on it. As a Christian of 35 years, I happen to know who is behind all of the evil things that are happening here in America; and that is the prince of darkness himself: Satan. It matters to me not, who is being used as the instrument of that evil. I feel, that being wrapped up into whom the person or persons that is influenced by Satan to do these evil things simply is a distraction to the truth and the complete broad picture.

Therefore, this is why I keep a safe distance away from people of this sort. Do I believe that cultural Marxism is a real thing? Yes, I do. I believe that it is a tool of Satan himself, to destroy the Christian foundations that this Country was founded. It matters to me not, whom the people were, that were behind it; where they were from or their ethnicity. This, to me, is trivial.

What does matter to me is that there is a cultural war in this Country. There are truly evil people, who are, for the most part, a part of the political left in this Country; who wish to change the very foundation of which this Country was founded. They wish to stamp out the Christian morals and very fabric that this Nation was founded upon. They wish to see Churches, especially Fundamentalist Churches, closed and their Pastor’s jailed, because of hate speech; a creation of the Marxist left.

These people are the ones that created political correctness, as not only a term, but also a tool of control. They use this tool against those of whom they disagree and they wish to silence those who dare to dissent to their worldviews. This has really become apparent under the administration of Barack Obama; this is not a kooky conspiracy theory, this is factual truth.

This is why I created this blog and why I decided that I wanted to continue blogging, even after the Bush administration.  Because once I figured out that the Democratic Party was nothing more than a giant smoke screen and basically a party that is based upon a false premise, that somehow or another, everyone is entitled to everything and that capitalism is looked down upon and that people, like myself, who hold to Christian morals and compass, are somehow a threat. I left that side of the political fence and decided to join with those who defend that sort of a thing and this Country as a whole.

Not that I believe the conservatives or Republicans are perfect, far from it. However, I believe that defending the Republic and defending the values, of which this Country was founded is a noble cause and it is one that I do fight for here on this blog.

However, fighting for that sort of a cause does not entail, not for me anyway, embracing this sort of hatred, or peddling these sorts of conspiracy theories. It is foolishness and it misses the broader picture.

Sorry for the length of this, but, I really wanted to make this clear. I fight here on this blog for America and its values, not against any one person, ethnic group, or religious group.