Erick Erickson writes a good one

I woke this morning and saw this piece here from Erick Erickson and he is anti-trump, I get that. But, this is much more than that. The part, I really can relate to, is this here:

The last year has reminded me that life is not fair, but God really is in the trenches with us. It reminds me of 2 Samuel 7. David intended to build a temple for God. But God says he does not need one. He was perfectly fine living in a tent, wandering a desert with his people. Our tent dwelling God wants a personal relationship with us. And frankly, after this past year, I crave that relationship more than any relationship with a politician, fan, or friend.


My time here is fleeting. So is yours. There’s no reason to hold on to grievances, no reason to avoid forgiveness, and no reason to devote our time to wasted idols. We are not all going to agree all the time on right and wrong. But life is too short not to show each other grace freely and move on.


This past year, I have recognized something important. The people who have turned politics into their god are the most miserable, malcontented people I know. Not everything is political and when you think it is, you have turned politics into religion. Life is not supposed to be political and death coming to visit me showed me how much more to life there is.

I can relate. When my Dad was on that ventilator and I didn’t know if I would ever see him alive again or now; my outlook changed and this blog, took a backseat, as did politics.

I wish Erick the best.