Status update from Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit

Like I wrote on here before, I have not always agreed with Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit; But, this ordeal here is harrowing to read.


My trip to Los Angeles the weekend of August 16th was wonderful. I saw several friends. I spoke at a rally for media fairness. I played the part of an Obama rodeo clown chasing a cow across the stage. It was great fun.

It wasn’t until late Saturday night that I started feeling ill. And I brought what I thought was a cold virus back home with me to St. Louis.

The next week I felt horrible and took cold medicine to try to shake this late summer “virus.” It wasn’t until Thursday when I woke up with no sight in my left eye that I knew something was terribly wrong.

That is when I checked into the hospital and my life changed forever.

via Facing the Horror: How Disease Nearly Took My Life But Grace Saved Me | The Gateway Pundit.

I also believe that good Doctors and having the insurance or money to afford those doctors might have helped too. But, I digress. 😀

Either way, go read the rest of that. Looks like ol’ Hoft got really close to death’s door. Maybe it will lighten him up a bit. But, somehow I doubt that one. 😉



Popular Science shuts off comments on its site

Not shocking at all, most liberals do not like being questioned.


Comments can be bad for science. That’s why, here at, we’re shutting them off.

It wasn’t a decision we made lightly. As the news arm of a 141-year-old science and technology magazine, we are as committed to fostering lively, intellectual debate as we are to spreading the word of science far and wide. The problem is when trolls and spambots overwhelm the former, diminishing our ability to do the latter.


But even a fractious minority wields enough power to skew a reader’s perception of a story, recent research suggests. In one study led by University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Dominique Brossard, 1,183 Americans read a fake blog post on nanotechnology and revealed in survey questions how they felt about the subject (are they wary of the benefits or supportive?). Then, through a randomly assigned condition, they read either epithet- and insult-laden comments (“If you don’t see the benefits of using nanotechnology in these kinds of products, you’re an idiot” ) or civil comments. 


A politically motivated, decades-long war on expertise has eroded the popular consensus on a wide variety of scientifically validated topics. Everything, from evolution to the origins of climate change, is mistakenly up for grabs again. Scientific certainty is just another thing for two people to “debate” on television. And because comments sections tend to be a grotesque reflection of the media culture surrounding them, the cynical work of undermining bedrock scientific doctrine is now being done beneath our own stories, within a website devoted to championing science.

via Why We’re Shutting Off Our Comments | Popular Science.

Vox Day Saith:

Comments aren’t bad for science. Comments are bad for those who are stubbornly clinging to outdated scientific paradigms that are showing obvious cracks. 

William Teach AKA Porter Good says:

I guess they haven’t heard of using methods like Bad Behavior, Akismet, Disqus, and others commenting blockers. They aren’t perfect, but certainly cut down quite a bit.


There are many Warmist websites I’m blocked from commenting at. Same with other Climate Realists like Steven Goddard, Tom Nelson, Anthony Watts, etc. Because Warmists do not want debate: they want people to sit down, shut up, and smile as Government becomes more intrusive and controlling. All based on a lie.

This is pretty much what I was thinking too. If you have a blog or a website; and you do not allow comments, what you basically have is a pulpit with an empty Church. Now, I moderate comments, because this blog sometimes like to attract the attention of some trollish folk who like to make appearances here. But, anyone can comment and as long as the comments don’t blatantly violate my comment policy, I will let them stand. This is because I do not mind people coming back and commenting. I also like it when they donate, but I digress. 😉


War: Democrat Doxes a Blogger

This is not good, at all.

Go read over at Lady Liberty: #ShutUppery and the Drums of #WAR

As Andrew Breitbart would say….:

Update: Okay, as I said in my comment policy. I normally don’t ask for, or allow personal information of anyone to be posted. Except, when I ask for it. I know where this personal lives. The problem is that his surname is a common one. If anyone knows what this guys age is let me know and I will post his address and phone number.

And there is a damned good reason: Back when I was still on the “skeptical left of center camp,” I did something like this here. It involved Michelle Malkin. The difference is, the information that I found on the web, was quite old. This guy here, posted the real name of a blogger, who wished to keep her identity secret. So, as far as I am concerned, turn about is fair play. Anyone that knows the age and maybe the actual address of this guy, please, feel free to turn it over to me and I will publish it. The first amendment works BOTH WAYS. He wants to play that game? I am more than willing to do it too. My name, address and telephone are a matter of public record and I have zero to hide. Can Mr. Greg Flynn say the same thing? I highly doubt it.

Update #2: I lined out the above for a reason: Lady Liberty replied to my e-mail and told me that she does not support such actions. So, I will respect her wishes. Consider yourself lucky Mr. Flynn. 😡 

Something that the Republican Establishment should really read

Ace over Ace of Spades HQ has a posting titled:  “Alleged Right-Leaning Thought Leaders Can’t Restrain Themselves From Picking Schoolyard Fights

A snippet:

I think there’s one way out of this, though it will not be taken by either side, because both tribes frankly loathe each other (more than they loathe Democrats).

The Establishment — the In-Tribe — has to be less condescending with the Tea Party. When I say “condescending,” I mean this: I don’t believe the Establishment is being fully candid about their goals and beliefs because they think the crazies of the Tea Party couldn’t handle the truth.

So there is a condescending sort of “yes yes of course dear” attitude in public, whereas in private they tear their hair out about the silliness of these ruffians and scoundrels.

If the Establishment doesn’t wish to do certain things — if they think certain policies are too extreme or unwise or would cause too much genuine harm — they should do the Tea Party the honor of treating them like thinking adults and say so and explain why.


To the extent that the Tea Party and Establishment are divided over such false beliefs, Then let’s discuss them honestly so that the False Beliefs can either be dispelled or, who knows, perhaps proven true.Maybe the Establishment is wrong about some things.

On the other side of the ledger, the Tea Party could sort of tamp down on the whole Righteous Wrath thing. Even though I’ve moved from “more Establishment” to “more Tea Party” over the past year, I still find the Tea Party’s frequently self-flatteries no less objectionable than David Brooks’.

We should be arguing about what is best for the country, not Who’s Got The Best Tribe. To the extent that the one devolves into the other, we should really all try to get back on track with the important thing.

Excellent post. I suggest everyone who reads here, go take a look.

Two very interesting reads

Here and Here.

Two things here:

  1. This is why I do not get into blog wars with anyone anymore. It just isn’t worth it. Especially not all that.
  2. This too is why I keep my distance from hacker groups. I used to run a BBS many moons ago and used to play on usenet, in a CB Radio newsgroup, but that was it for me. I never got into anything illegal, ever. That second link above there, is why.

Doing that stuff is always a losing bet. Why I don’t play that sort of game with anyone. I just don’t need the hassle. (This here was not a blog war, nor will it ever be.)

I do opinions here and that’s all I’ll ever do.


Debate this

This liberal blogger here seems to think that my cousin getting murdered is funny.

I’m thinking a nice blog swarm is needed here. 😡

Update: Besides mocking my dead cousin, this liberal, whom I assume is black, made this statement on his blog:

 I wuz robbed. Farewell, Unca Cletus

That right there is a racist statement. Calling a white person Cletus or Roscoe; which is a reference to the 1980’s show, “The Dukes of Hazzard”, is nothing more than an underhanded swipe at me, for being a white person. It is another way of calling me a stupid white redneck.

Nice to see that the Democrats are still living up to their historical reputation of being nothing, but a bunch of racist bigots. It was that whites were bigoted against blacks. Now, it has changed, it is the blacks which are bigoted against the whites. Same hatred, different players.


Best wishes to Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit for a speedy recovery.

“Have the crazy liberals taken over my blog yet?”

It appears that another blogger is down for the count. Jim Hoft who owns the very popular blog, The Gateway Pundit is down with an infection of some sort.

I will be the first to say that I have not always agreed with Jim Hoft, but I do respect the work that he does over Gateway Pundit. Furthermore, I believe that he does have valid opinion about Obama on his blog.

As for his Conservative stripe; yes, he is a neoconservative and yes, I am a Paleo-Conservative/Libertarian, but that does not mean that I do not respect the man, furthermore, I believe that Conservatives can and should be able to disagree and not be nasty about it.

As most of you know, I have been blogger since 2006, in 2007, when I basically decided that the left was simply wrong about a good deal of things and that I could no longer support them; and I was starting to read Blogs on the right, Gateway Pundit and Wake Up America were one of the first ones that I read.

Again, I wish Jim Hoft well and I hope he gets back to the blog really soon.

-Charles Patrick Adkins


The Thinking Americanist


Gay Bashing at Little Green Footballs?

Go read.

Looks like it to me. 😯

Update: I made this statement because I thought the photo was an underhanded swipe at Greenwald’s sexuality and I said so.  Now, it seems that Johnson is calling me “mentally disturbed.”  I wonder if Johnson knows that he can be sued for making such inflammatory comments in a public forum? Remember guitar-boy, I can and will use lawyers, if needed. 😡