Video: Idiots React to Coronavirus

This….is….excellent: via Paul Joseph Watson on YouTube:


Leftists show their true colors at the news of Nancy Reagan’s passing

This, my friends, is the true colors of the Democratic Party and the leftist base that supports them. This is why I quit voting for them. This is the sort of bile that drove me away from that Party. I was no fan boy of Bush and Co. But, this sort of bile is uncalled for. Which is why I stopped voting for them, supporting them and such.

Check out:  First 30 Minutes: Vile Tweets About Death of Nancy Flow On Twitter – Breitbart

There is no excuse for it, at all. This is why Ronald Reagan left that party.

Update: Seriously Wonkette? I hope the Reagan family sues the crap out of you for this bile.

More class warfare idiocy from the liberal left.

These people have no shame anymore:

I first encountered the upper middle class when I attended a big magnet high school in Manhattan that attracted a decent number of brainy, better-off kids whose parents preferred not to pay private-school tuition. Growing up in an immigrant household, I’d felt largely immune to class distinctions. Before high school, some of the kids I knew were somewhat worse off, and others were somewhat better off than most, but we generally all fell into the same lower-middle- or middle-middle-class milieu. So high school was a revelation. Status distinctions that had been entirely obscure to me came into focus. Everything about you—the clothes you wore, the music you listened to, the way you pronounced things—turned out to be a clear marker of where you were from and whether you were worth knowing.

via The upper middle class is ruining all that is great about America..

Believe me, it gets worse from there. Ann Althouse comments:

Shaming, eh? Salam imagines guilt-tripping families that make $200,000 a year or so into sacrificing their mortgage interest and college savings tax breaks for the greater good. If we could only get the people who have gained some decent economic security to stop paying attention to their own self interest, we could avert the destruction of America — that’s Salam’s idea. I’m not exaggerating: the article accuses the upper-middle class of “ruining America.”

Meanwhile, liberals are always fretting about the way less-than-upper-middle-class Americans are failing to pay attention to their own self interest. That’s “What’s the Matter with Kansas.”

Exactly how selfish are we supposed to be? Promoting unselfishness is a strange business, but I don’t trust the big shamers and guilt-trippers of this world. They have their own self-interests, and they’re choosing to promote them by tromping about in the darker parts of our psyche.

Indeed. I have nothing to add to that at all.