News from a different perspective

Fundamental Baptist Information Service October 16, 2009



October 16, 2009, Volume 10, Issue 42

The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this does not imply an endorsement. For instructions on how to unsubscribe to this list or to change mailing addresses, please consult the information paragraph at the end.

U.S. PRESIDENT PROMISES HOMOSEXUALS THE MOON AND EXPRESSES COMPLETE DISDAIN TOWARD SUPPORTERS OF TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE (Friday Church News Notes, October 16, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “Obama: Homosexual Relationships ‘Just as Real and Admirable’ as Heterosexual Marriage,” CNSNews, Oct. 13, 2009: “President Obama delivered an unprecedented message to the Human Rights Campaign Saturday night. Sounding more like a homosexual activist than a sitting president, Obama went well beyond his expected message of ‘I’m here with you’ on the homosexual agenda. ‘My expectation is that when you look back on these years, you will see a time in which we put a stop to discrimination against gays and lesbians–whether in the office or on the battlefield,’ Obama told an estimated audience of 3,000. ‘You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relati onships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman.’ Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese said, ‘This was a historic night when we felt the full embrace and commitment of the President of the United States.’ Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, told ‘I think this is the ultimate Obama audacity play–for him, just declaring it seems to make it so. … he also mentioned his support for a laundry list of homosexual activist issues, including bringing an end to the military’s ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy on homosexuals serving in the military and overturning the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as being between one man and one woman. … [T]he president also characterized those who oppose the homosexual agenda in terminology reminiscent of last year’s presidential campaign, when then-candida te Obama, campaigning in Pennsylvania, referred to ‘bitter’ residents of small-town America who ‘cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them.’ Obama told Saturday’s event that there are still people ‘who hold fast to outworn arguments and old attitudes; who fail to see your families like their families; who would deny you the rights most Americans take for granted.’”

HOMOSEXUAL HATE CRIMES LEGISLATION POISED TO BECOME LAW (Friday Church News Notes, October 16, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from, Oct. 13, 2009: “In what appears to mark the end of a years-long battle over homosexual hate crime legislation in America, the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday passed a law authorizing the federal government to intervene in violent crimes that appear motivated by hatred of homosexuals. The hate crimes language passed in a 281-146 vote as an amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill, with 15 Democrats and 131 Republicans voting against the must-pass bill in apparent protest against the hate crime language. The expanded hate crime legislation would extend special protection to victims of crime based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. The measure is now poised to become law after final approval by the Senate. President Obama, as an avowed supporter of the homosexual lobby, is expected to sign the measure. … Commenting on Thursday, Family Research President Tony Perkins said that the law ‘sets us on a slippery slope toward serious infringements of the freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Hate crime legislation will lay the legal foundation and framework for investigating, prosecuting and persecuting pastors, business owners, and anyone else whose actions reflect their faith.’”

EVOLUTIONISTS RE-EVALUATING NUMBER OF DINOSAURS (Friday Church News Notes, October 16, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – National Geographic is reporting that as many as a third of alleged dinosaur species might never have existed. The report is based on new findings that juvenile dinosaurs have mistakenly been labeled as separate species from their parents because paleontologists didn’t understand how different they looked in the juvenile stage. National Geographic says, “… young dinosaurs didn’t look like Mini-Me versions of their parents, according to new analyses by paleontologists Mark Goodwin, University of California, Berkeley, and Jack Horner, of Montana State University. Instead, like birds and some other living animals, the juveniles went through dramatic physical changes during adulthood. This means many fossils of young dinosaurs, including T. rex relatives, have been misidentified as unique species, the researchers ar gue. … The lean and graceful Nanotyrannus is one strong example. Thought to be a smaller relative of T. rex, the supposed species is now considered by many experts to be based on a misidentified fossil of a juvenile T. rex” (“A Third of Dinosaur Species Never Existed?” National Geographic News, Oct. 9, 2009). This report shows how terribly fallible the evolutionist fossil investigators are. It also lessens the number of animals that would have been on Noah’s Ark. Noah did not have to carry every sub-species, such as every kind of dog, into the Ark. He only had to carry a representative of each kind. The average size of the dinosaurs, based on the fossil record, was the size of a sheep or small pony (M. Crichton, The Lost World, p. 122). Struthiomimus, for example, was the size of an ostrich, and Compsognathus was the size of a chicken. Thus, only some so-called dinosaurs were overly large, and of these, Noah could have taken the eggs or juveniles. Since repti les can grow as long as they live, the large dinosaurs were probably very old ones (The New Answers Book). Even the largest dinosaurs were small when first hatched. “There were probably fewer than 50 distinct groups or kinds of dinosaurs that had to be on the Ark” (Ken Ham, The New Answers Book, p. 168).

Continue reading “News from a different perspective”

Your Daily Morning Right Wing Hate-Filled Rant Post

I am sorry; but it is crap like this right here, that sends me into a damned rage.

Reading that morally degenerate and sin-depraved Faux Conservative; other wise known around these parts, as that peanut butter pumping, Hershey Highway loving,  idiot fag Sully. Says the following that crap-hole of a Blog of his:

It my have been, in Barney Frank’s opinion, “useless,” but for me and Aaron and my friends, it was a beautiful and empowering time. So many young people, so many old and dear friends, so many faces I haven’t seen in so long, so many straight people, and kids and families and trannies and a good, good happy vibe. Then the message that was louder and clearer than any march I’ve been to since 1987. Just equality. Not tolerance. Not protection. Nothing special. Just equality as human beings and citizens – in all things large and small.

More to the point, this was not a plea for it; it was a statement of it. We are equal. We always have been. The prison of inferiority is in our own psyches as well as in others’ fears. But I sense now, for the first time, a critical mass of self-respect among my LGBT brothers and sisters. It was there before; but now it’s everywhere, especially the young, who seem to have found the courage of their own desires and the knowledge of their own love.

via The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan.

Ugh. Gag. Puke. Is he freaking serious?

Let us review shall we? From the Bible. You know? That thing that is the basis for our Judeo-Christian Beliefs; that was the basis for this Nation’s founding? Now, before I got any further. Let me state clearly, that I do not believe in a Christian Theocracy for a Government; there are those that do and I highly disagree with them. Anyhow, quoting:

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.  (Leviticus 18:22 KJV)

I mean, the Lord God thought so little of it, that basically he put homosexual lifestyle or as it known amongst Christians as the Sodomite lifestyle; in the same category as Bestiality!

Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. (Leviticus 18:23 KJV)

What was the punishment in Old Testement Biblical times for Homosexuality?

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.  (Leviticus 20:13 KJV)

You say, “Oh, that was old Testament.” Things are different now. Oh Really? Hmmmm…

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.  (1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV)

The Amplified Bible sets it right out:

Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality, Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God.  – 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 – Amplified Bible

I humbly submit this to you; that when the founding fathers of this Country, drafted the documents that basically became known as the Constitution of America; they did NOT have in mind the freedom that this morally depraved man has in mind, at all.  That is NOT hate; that my friends is fact and Biblical straight from the very Word of the Almighty God. Not the watered down stupid nonsense of the Evangelical Christian and Roman Catholic Churches.

Further more; why hasn’t this morally depraved buffoon been thrown out of our Country?  That is what I, and many others want to know.

News from an Fundamentalist Christian point of view



October 9, 2009, Volume 10, Issue 41

The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this does not imply an endorsement. For instructions on how to unsubscribe to this list or to change mailing addresses, please consult the information paragraph at the end.

NEW APE-MAN ANNOUNCED (Friday Church News Notes, October 9, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – Evolutionary paleoanthropologists have announced the discovery of a new ape-man they are calling Ardipithecus ramidus. Supposedly 4.4 million years old, the first fossils of this creature were found 15 years ago in Ethiopia. A partial skeleton dubbed “Ardi” has been presented to the public by its founders, which include Tim White, who was also involved in the “Lucy” discovery. Ardi has an ape head, ape arms, ape hands, ape legs and feet, and is no compelling reason to say it is anything other than an extinct ape other than the extreme evolutionary bias of modern paleoanthropologists. Having rejected the God of the Bible, they have been searching for the missing link for 150 years. This is in spite of the fact that evolutionary ape-men have repeatedly turned out to be either hoaxes or cases of mistaken identity (e.g., Neanderthal man, Java man, Piltdown man, Peking man, Nebraska man). As was the case with previous ape-men, Ardi has her own drawings. She is depicted as an upright creature that has an ape’s head and feet, but otherwise looking like a hairy woman. This is purely mythical. Ardi doubtless looked nothing like a human being. Its founders claim that she walked upright, but, as is the case with Lucy, this is disputed even by other evolutionary scientists. Ian Tattersall, curator of the American Museum of Natural History, admitted to National Public Radio that “some people are even suggesting there’s not much evidence of bipedality at all” (“Researchers Unearth A Hominid More Ancient Than Lucy,” NPR, Science Friday, Oct. 2, 2009). I have observed rhesus macaque monkeys in Kathmandu, Nepal, walking upright for considerable distances, but they are neither “bipedal” nor “missing links.” Seven years ago, Science magazine reported that “skeptic s argue that the published fossils [of Ardi] are so chimplike that they may represent the long-lost ancestor of the chimp, not human, lineage” (Ann Gibbons, “In Search of the First Hominids,” Science, February 15, 2002). Time magazine reported that “looking at the evidence, different paleoanthropologists may have different interpretations of how Ardi moved or what she reveals about the last common ancestor of humans and chimps” (Michael Lemonick and Andrea Dorfman, “Excavating Ardi: A New Piece for the Puzzle of Human Evolution,” Time, Oct. 1, 2009). It is important to understand that the pelvis of Ardi was “found crushed nearly to smithereens and needed extensive digital reconstruction” (Time, Oct. 1, 2009). We are reminded of the daring reconstruction of Lucy’s pelvis in such a fashion that it now wondrously fits its founder’s hypothesis that it was bipedal.

QUEEN OF ENGLAND HAS AFFINITY WITH THE POPE (Friday Church News Notes, October 9, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “Queen ‘Appalled’ at Church of England Moves,” London Telegraph, Oct. 3, 2009: “When Pope Benedict visits this country next year, he is expected to stay at Buckingham Palace as a guest of the Queen. The warmth of her welcome will come as no surprise to the Pontiff, if senior sources at the Vatican are to be believed. According to informants quoted in The Catholic Herald, the Queen has ‘grown increasingly sympathetic’ to the Catholic Church over the years while being ‘appalled’, along with the Prince of Wales, at developments in the Church of England. The usually well-informed newspaper adds that the Queen, who is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, ‘also said to have an affinity with the Holy Father, who is of her generation.’&rd quo; CONCLUDING NOTE: The Anglican Church broke away from the Pope in the 16th century under King Henry VIII, but it has always retained many aspects of Romanism and over the past century has been permeated with theological liberalism. In 1982, Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury, said he was an agnostic as to why Jesus suffered on the cross (Sunday Times Weekly Review, London, April 11, 1982). (Billy Graham was one of the honored guests at Runcie’s ordination in 1980 and spoke highly of the heretical archbishop during his evangelistic crusades in England in 1984 and 1989.)

Continue reading “News from an Fundamentalist Christian point of view”

In case anyone has forgotten

This is the real cost of war.


NBC in Philly has the whole story

We already have a perfect Bible

It’s called the King James Bible folks.

Yes, I saw this little entry at HotAir.

It was, in fact the Bible that was used for over 300 years in this Country. Modernistic Versions did not become widely used until the 1960’s.

Think your bible is better, do a comparison. Click here to check out a chart.

Also, click here to read a very well written defense of the King James Bible.

Books that I highly recommend on this subject:

There are others, but I think these will suffice. I have been a Christian for 26 Years. I am, without apology a Fundamentalist Baptist. I am a user, lover and defender of the Preserved Word of God for the English Speaking people; that is the King James Bible. Also, Before anyone comes tromping in here and tries to tell me that I am wrong. I have read the for and against arguments on this subject; and quite frankly, I have made up my mind long ago. That the King James Bible is the Word of God, nothing else comes close in my opinion.

Some other stuff to read, click here please…..and here’s some books that I personal Recommend, by a missionary that I highly respect:

Please note; I make nothing, if you buy these… I am providing them as a service.













I this helps anyone that has any question about this subject. Personally, I think using the Word of God for political purposes or changing God’s Word, is a Sin.

Consider the following please:

(18)  For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
(19)  And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. – Revelation 22:18-19 KJV

For the record; that is referring to the ENTIRE Bible and not just the Book of Revelation, like some idiots, like the Moron idiots like to say. John was referring the Word itself. Of course, I do not consider mormons to be Christians anyhow. But that is my opinion and if you really believe the Bible is true, it is God’s also.

Update: Here’s Memoramdum’s Roundup of the Story. Even though it’s not scanning me anymore.

A Necessary Clarification

As I have written on my blog a good number of times, my blog is not at all about me.  My Blog is, however, about my take on the current political events of the day.  As it is written in my “About Me” section on my Blog, that I am a former  so-called “Reagan Democrat,” or a “Blue Dog Democrat” or more simply, a “left of center” type person.  However, during my tenure of being a Blogger and Political writer and seeing how I watched how this past election went down; my political philosophy changed.  This is still allowed last time I checked.  I just felt that the Democratic Party had succumbed to the teachings of identity politics, not to mention all the socialism that is poisoned that party beyond repair.  For Clarity’s sake, I essentially came to the same conclusions that Former President Ronald Reagan came to long ago, albeit much later in my life.  Thus, one could call me a Conservative.  Although, I will be the first to tell you, I am just not quite ready to don my elephant button and become a sworn Republican just yet.  For what it is worth; I tend to lean more libertarian on social issues; however when it comes to defense and foreign policy I am quite the “Neo-Con” as those who are isolationist or Anti-Semitic would call me.

Having said all of this, I feel the need to make something very clear.  For those of you who read this blog on a daily basis or happen to stop from a reference link or what have you, you know that I am someone who is keenly aware that the War on Terror is a very real issue.  I am also aware of the fact that the Islamic-Fascists want to impose a strict form of Islamic law in this Country.  Having said all that, I feel the need to make a clarification on where I stand on this issue.  The Anti-Islamic-Fascism crowd is divided into two camps —– The first, is quite a noble and intelligent crowd, who know that the Religion of Islam has been hijacked by a group of bloodthirsty killers, who hate America and our way of life; and want to see this Nation destroyed.  The second crowd is such that I hate to even waste my time even writing about them.  The second crowd area group of people, who personal intellect is that of a primate; they are those who believe that all of those, who practice the religion of Islam and those who are of middle eastern descent , are, in fact, those who want to engage in acts of terrorism.

Let me be clear; I stand with the first noble crowd and not with the second crowd.  The second crowd is nothing more than racist bigots, who employ the tactics of the far left in this Country and engage in the practice of collectivism; or as it is commonly known as “Guilt by Association.”  This is the same sort of tactic, which was used by the racist bigot Democrats in the south back in the days before the Civil rights act of 1964. Their reasoning was that the entire Negro race was evil and that it must be contained.  This was, and still is a flawed mindset.  What saddens me greatly is that there are those, who refer to themselves as conservatives that cling to this idiotic mindset.  Peradventure that I should say that, these people are no more “Conservative” than I am a damned sworn Marxist.

The reason why I am even writing about this is that I happen to be a user of the social network Twitter, which is quite the marvel of the twenty first century. For those who happen to follow my “tweets” as they are called; know that last night and early this morning, I was engaged in a “Tit for tat” with a group of so-called Conservatives whom, I felt, were engaged in this sort of idiotic mindset.  In subsequent conversation with the lot of them, I discovered that I perhaps was a bit early in my judgment of them.  For this a greatly apologize.  Although, I did block one of them, as she did hurl an undeserved salvo at me and call me a “Liberal.”  In some respects, I might just be a liberal, albeit a “Classic Liberal”—- the different there is as wide and deep as the span and depth of the Grand Canyon.  I say this because I feel that Religion’s involvement in the Government is quite wrong, however, I do believe that the Government’s involvement is private industry is quite wrong also, not to mention it goes against the strain of what this Nation’s principles were founded upon.

I will end this rather long rambling piece with a dire warning to those who follow me on Twitter.  If you follow me and I follow you; and you happen to post something on twitter that I happen to think is racist or bigoted, I will call you on it.  I make no apologies for my feelings on this subject.  Just to be clear; there is nothing at all wrong with being concerned with the Islamic-Fascism movement, and being one who stands up against the terrorists who want to destroy our country.  However, we must not allow ourselves to be overcome with feelings of hate towards the race of people or toward those who practice a form of religion that was simply hijacked by those who are on a political mission to destroy our Country.  If we do this, we are no better than those, who wish to destroy us.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a Jew?

Oh, now this is just rich….

A photograph of the Iranian president holding up his identity card during elections in March 2008 clearly shows his family has Jewish roots.

A close-up of the document reveals he was previously known as Sabourjian – a Jewish name meaning cloth weaver.

The short note scrawled on the card suggests his family changed its name to Ahmadinejad when they converted to embrace Islam after his birth.

The Sabourjians traditionally hail from Aradan, Mr Ahmadinejad’s birthplace, and the name derives from “weaver of the Sabour”, the name for the Jewish Tallit shawl in Persia. The name is even on the list of reserved names for Iranian Jews compiled by Iran’s Ministry of the Interior.

via Mahmoud Ahmadinejad revealed to have Jewish past – Telegraph.

Now that is something; the reason why the experts believe that he is basically crazy is this:

Experts last night suggested Mr Ahmadinejad’s track record for hate-filled attacks on Jews could be an overcompensation to hide his past.

Ali Nourizadeh, of the Centre for Arab and Iranian Studies, said: “This aspect of Mr Ahmadinejad’s background explains a lot about him.

“Every family that converts into a different religion takes a new identity by condemning their old faith.

“By making anti-Israeli statements he is trying to shed any suspicions about his Jewish connections. He feels vulnerable in a radical Shia society.

Kind of reminds me of another Jew, who slaughtered a few of his own; to cover for his own past. Adolf Hitler. Although, there are those that claim that is untrue. It would not surprise me one iota.

Does this change my opinion of the man? No. I still think that he is a horrible human being. But it does explain as to why he is a horrible human being.

The Obligatory 'Why aren't Christians like superheros and taking America over' Posting

I have been putting this posting off for a while; mainly because I am a Christian myself and Because I was not sure where I wanted to go with it. But, I think this will suffice.

WorldNetDaily Laments in a article:

The commonly referenced “God gap” between Republicans and Democrats is disappearing.

Polls released before the 2008 election demonstrated America’s Christian voters are no longer synonymous with the political right: a George Barna survey showed born-again Christians evenly split between John McCain and Barack Obama, and a Public Religion Research study found that even among white Evangelicals, touchstone issues like abortion and same-sex marriage weren’t in their top five voting considerations.

If Christian voters share common morals and values, how is it that their voting patterns and priorities aren’t more unified?

According to a new study, the answer is that Christians don’t share a common worldview, their morals and values sprayed across the spectrum by differing views in a handful of key areas.

The 2009 Religious Activists Surveys – conducted by Bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron in partnership

with Public Religion Research – focused on religious activists working on both “conservative” and “progressive” causes, and found that while the majority of both types called themselves Christian, they are driven apart by disagreements over social responsibility, biblical authority and the role of government.

The statistics reflect that Christians who differ in defining these key areas also differ in political and moral conviction.

One of the most troubling part of this article was this:


That last one is what bothers me and stands out as the reason why. 36% of Conservative activists do NOT consider the Bible to be the Literal word of God.  I know why that is; it is because Pastor’s themselves do not believe that; because Christian Colleges are not teaching that the Bible is the LITERAL Word of God anymore. Not only this, Pastors are not being Pastors anymore and are not Preaching the Word of God; but rather are preaching a “User friendly” version of Jesus Christ and trying to make him in to one’s “Homie” and making him a type of a God that “Winks at” sin. Further more, Holiness and separation from the World are not Preached any either.

I also believe it has to do with Bible Versions. I am a King James Bible advocate. I believe that the Church’s departure from the King James Bible; along with many other compromises have caused this.

This is confirmed in this article from The Christian Post:

A minister who preaches on the authority and infallibility of Scripture is often accused of being arrogant, said one pastor. Such criticism, however, is withheld from someone who sits on a stool in a cardigan and chats with the congregation, telling personal stories.

Criticizing the latter form, Doug Wilson, pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, made the case for the preacher who declares “thus saith the Lord.”

“A minister should ascend into the pulpit in order to declare what would have been true had he never been born. He is there to preach what was written in the Word before all ages and is utterly disconnected from his personal dreams, hopes and aspirations,” Wilson said at the Desiring God Ministries’ national conference in Minneapolis on Saturday. “A minister is not up there to develop a relationship with everybody individually.”

Ministers are not supposed to be extemporaneous actors trying to figure out their lines from everything other than the Bible, he noted. They may maintain that their scripts are better, their plot lines are grittier or that their shows make more money, but a minister’s script is Scripture, Wilson stressed.

“He is there to declare something that is outside of his control. What God has revealed to us in the Bible is the message. That’s the script.”

Wilson, who describes himself as a biblical absolutist, gave a nearly 60-minute talk on Calvin, the Bible and the Western world during the three-day conference themed “With Calvin in the Theater of God.”

The Moscow pastor, who also helped to establish the Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches, sees ongoing battles today on the infallibility and inerrancy of the Word of God. But believers, he said, are neglecting the battle over the place of the Bible.

“Conservative evangelicals believe the Bible has no mistakes in it … but who today believes as Calvin did? Who treats the Bible as Calvin did?”

Now, I will give a bit of disclosure here; I totally disagree with this man’s Calvinist doctrine. But he does have a very valid point about Pastor’s today. Pastors have become more like motivational speakers; instead of preachers of the Word of God. They have become more like Priests, and not the kind of Pastors that you had in the 1940’s and 1950’s whop spoke out loudly against the sins of mankind. Instead they are interested in a “feel good” user friendly, type of Christianity; like that promoted by Rick Warren.

Now, I will admit; I have serious issues with the “Evangelical” and “Fundamentalist” Churches. I basically have been involved in both and I have seen the Good, Bad, and the Ugly of both. Hence the reason why I do not attend Church any longer. Do not misunderstand me; I believe the Gospel and I am a Christian, I have been for 26 years. But I feel that in this day of apostasy, that it is impossible to find a Church that is truly preaching the Word of God or to find a Pastor that does not insert himself into that preaching. Further more, I happen to know that most Pastors do not live what they preach. There are those that do. But the good majority do not.

Israel’s Netanyahu draws the line in the sand

I am going to be completely honest; I am not a rabid Zionist. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But this speech here, was damned good.

Here it is in all four parts: (H/T

I am going to make a prediction. I am not trying to scare anybody; but, if Israel is not involved in some sort of military action against Iran by this time next year. I will be totally shocked. Basically, Netanyahu drew the line in the sand; and basically told the U.N. that either they were with Israel or against them. I have said on here many times before; that I support a two state solution. But I also know that the terrorist element has prevented that from happening. I believe Israel is basically letting the international community know, that they are not going to tolerate anymore of Iran’s nonsense; and will be using military force if need be. —- With or without America’s support.

Netanyahu also chastised the people at the U.N. assembly for even listening to Iran’s President. Something that I happen to agree with; the man is a nutcase and I believe it does send a message of support. He also brought up a resolution that the U.N. passed in the 1970’s that basically said that Zionism was basically racism. I swear; I had zero clue about that one.  But if that is the case; I can see full well now why Conservatives HATE the U.N. and I cannot say that I disagree with that. I mean, Zionism, racist? Oh Brother! Can someone please explain to me; why the U.N. believes that those who are descendants of the land of Israel; a land given to them by the Lord God Almighty, who desire to have their own homeland, are racist? I just do not get that at all. But then again, I do not get most socialist liberals and their various kinds of blatant stupidity. Then again, I have no clue why Arabs would want to worship a man who was a known pedophile and follow a religion in which a “moon god” is worshiped. Yeah, I know what just wrote was offensive; but the last time I checked, no Baptists that I know, have tried crashing planes into buildings.

Anyhow, the speech was a ground breaker and I believe is the precursor of things to come. My advice to all Christians who read this blog; get your house in order. Because things are beginning to shape up for the end times.

Ron Paul on the Fed

(H/T to the Daily Paul)

Okay, I will be the first to admit it; I do NOT agree with Ron Paul on Foreign Policy.

But he sure makes a hell of a great deal of sense; when it comes to economic policy.

Here he is on Bloomberg TV:

While I personally believe some of his followers are a bit goofy. The man himself, is another story.

…and let me give this fair warning. First idiot that comes in here and leaves a stupid comment about me being a damn Neo-Conservative will get sent to the damn twit filter so fast, it will make your head swim. 😡