SCOTUS says that Guantanamo Bay detainees have habeas corpus rights….

Yes I do know about the big story.

The right is howling about the this ruling being the end of America as we know it. The left is hailing it as a major victory. Bush said he disagreed on the ruling.

I have mixed feelings on it, I seriously doubt that this rule will affect much with the terrorists, which the United States has a watertight case against.

It will affect one’s that the United States does not have a watertight case against.  The United States will not be able to hold anyone, who is merely suspected of terrorism any longer.

Either way, I believe this debate will be raging long after the little man, who started this whole mess, is out of office.

Obama’s Ties to Rashid Khalid finally catch on in the MSM

I remember blogging about this way back on March 22, 2008, Before the MSM started talking about it. But just as well, it seems that Fox News is now talking about it.

Seen over at


While the piece is a bit overly dramatic, which does appeal to those on the far right. It does paint a stark picture of the friends and relationships of the current Democratic Party candidate for President of the United States.

Cross-Posted @ The American Nationalist News Service

From the Dept of “Ya Think?”

Senate Panel accuses Bush of Iraq Exaggerations.

Go read the story, and the go read the right wing spin, like from Jack Moss and the rest of Bush Cheerleaders.

The problem all that up there? Bush’s own Administration admitted that there were mistakes made. 

Reality bites, so bad for some, that they would rather live in some altered state of reality. It is truly a sad thing to watch, really. Some people just cannot admit, that their fearless, chickenhawk leader screwed up.

Chuck Baldwin on "Washington's Culture Of Deception"

(Taken from Here)

A bomb exploded inside Washington, D.C., this week, and, no, it was not the work of a Middle Eastern terrorist. It was the work of former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan. He, perhaps more than anyone else, was the face of President Bush’s White House. He faithfully served President George W. Bush for close to a decade and served as Bush’s Press Secretary for some three years, resigning on April 19, 2006. He was also regarded as one of the most loyal and tight-lipped of the Bush insiders. However, his new book, "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception" has exploded in the face of what history will probably regard as one of the most deceptive and manipulative Presidential administrations in American government. The Washington Post (and a host of other media) released a report regarding McClellan’s book this past Wednesday.

According to McClellan’s book, the Iraq war was sold to the American people with a sophisticated "political propaganda campaign" led by President George W. Bush himself. McClellan charges that Bush aimed at "manipulating sources of public opinion" and "downplaying the major reason for going to war." He also says he was deceived by some within the President’s inner circle about the leak of a CIA operative’s name.

He has especially harsh criticism for former White House advisor Karl Rove for misleading him about his role in the CIA case. He also accused Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice of being "deft . . . at protecting her reputation," and called Vice President Dick Cheney "the magic man" who steered policy behind the scenes.

In a chapter titled "Selling the War," McClellan says the administration repeatedly "shaded the truth." He also stated, "In the permanent campaign era, it was all about manipulating sources of public opinion to the president’s advantage." In what might be the most disturbing statement in the book (at least among those that were released by press reports), McClellan said, "What I do know is that war should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessary."

McClellan said his motive for writing the book was this: "Like many Americans, I am concerned about the poisonous atmosphere in Washington. I wanted to take readers inside the White House and provide them an open and honest look at how things went off course and what can be learned from it. Hopefully in some small way it will contribute to changing Washington for the better and move us beyond the hyper-partisan environment that has permeated Washington over the past 15 years."

I am confident the reaction that will spew forth from both sides of the political aisle will simply reinforce McClellan’s basic assertion. Republicans will attempt to impugn McClellan’s credibility, while Democrats will shout, "We told you so!"

In previous columns, I have written much regarding the poison of deception that emanates from Washington, D.C., which is mostly due to the preoccupation with political partisanship. It seems the only time the Republican and Democratic parties care about "ethics" and "honesty" is when it condemns the other party. Otherwise, life in Washington, D.C., is exactly as McClellan describes it: a culture of deception.

McClellan’s book will be a bitter pill to swallow. To think that the war in Iraq was "unnecessary" creates angst and even anger in the meekest of men. Yet, how many times have governments spent the lives and fortunes of their people for causes and reasons that historians would later judge to be "unnecessary"? It might even be safe to say that most of history’s wars have been "unnecessary."

The propensity of rulers to engage in war for personal, transient, or even adolescent purposes is exactly why America’s Founding Fathers created a constitutional republic in this country. In America, the Constitution–not the President, Congress, or even the Supreme Court–is the Supreme Law of the land. Each branch of government is to remain separate from the other, and no branch is supposed to be able to run roughshod over the other. It is fidelity to constitutional government that forms the vanguard of our liberty, not to mention our safety.

This is why our President and members of Congress take an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. They are not sworn to uphold the will of party bosses or special interest groups, or even the whim of the people. They are required to uphold the Constitution.

Sadly, America’s civil magistrates (especially at the federal level) have been ignoring the Constitution for much of the 20th Century, and–for the most part–still ignore the Constitution today. And it has not mattered to a tinker’s dam which party has been in power. Both major parties are equal opportunity violators of the Constitution.

None of us (including this writer) wants to believe that McClellan’s bold assertion is true. None of us wants to believe that we are spending trillions of hard-earned tax dollars and sending thousands of brave soldiers and Marines (not to mention tens of thousands of Iraqis) to their deaths "unnecessarily." I sincerely pray that McClellan is wrong about that.

One thing I do believe to be true, however, is this: Unless the American people begin demanding that their civil magistrates uphold their oaths to the Constitution, and until the American people rid themselves of this blind loyalty to the two major political parties, we are going to be continually subjected to "Washington’s Culture of Deception."

Chuck Baldwin’s Personal Website

Chuck Baldwin – Constitution Party Candidate for President 2008 – Official Website

Chuck Baldwin officially launches his campaign website….

I received some great news this morning in my e-mail inbox. Dancing

Pastor Chuck Baldwin has officially launched his Campaign website.  

I am voting for Chuck Baldwin because he more represents the American values that I, as a Christian, as a Libertarian and as a Constitutionalist, hold very dear.

He might not win, but I will know that my vote went for someone who still believes in the old Paleo-conservative values that I hold dear. I will also know, that my vote did not go to a third term of George W. Bush, a Neo-Conservative, Globalist, Shill or a Socialist, Marxist, Liberal. 

This notion that if you don’t vote for John McCain, that your vote is a vote for Hillary or Obama is the biggest lie and the great travesty ever heaped upon this Nation. Heaped upon it by warmongering bastards who want to send this Nation into a pit that it will never get itself out of.

I ask you today, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Conservative, Republican, wake up and realize that this Nations only hope, is found in this man.

Check out his Website, Forum  and go to his "Money Bomb" page.

Let’s get American back on the right track, vote for Chuck Baldwin

Progress being made in Iraq, so says Michael Yon

…and Michael Yon would know too.

I happened to be over at HotAir.Com and I saw this video:

Now what I want to know is, when is Keith Olbermann, who very loudly condemned President George W. Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq, going to invite this man on his show and allow him to tell Keith Olbermann and his very captive audience that there is progress being made in Iraq.

Now honestly, I do not think that this will happen, because Keith Olbermann is a sworn liberal, he has an agenda and script to follow, that the war in Iraq is a total disaster and that we must pull out, right away and that we will never win the war there.

The problem with that mentality is that it smacks of total irresponsibility, yes, we went in there on bad information, but if we just pull out and leave those people to rebuild their own country, the rest of the Arab world will utterly hate us for this sort of an action. What gets me, is the Liberals think that we should just turn it over to the U.N.

The problem with that rather stupid idea is this, as hard as it is for the far left to realize is, the U.N. did not get us into this situation, we did, and we as responsible Americans should get ourselves out of it. It is simply called personal responsibility. Something that the far lefty Liberals know absolutely nothing about, at all. Just look how the Liberals passed that very stupid, and very Anti-American Gay marriage law in California, or look at the city council in Berkley, California. Need I say anymore?

If you can afford, head on over to Michael Yon’s Website and Blog, and make a nice Donation. He is all we Pro-Americans and Pro-Military people have, as far as a pro-American voice on the ground in Iraq.

God Bless our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and in other places in the World.

Let us not forget our United States Servicemen

While I have been a very vocal critic of the Bush Administration’s Handling of the war in Iraq. I will always stand in honor for our United States Military.

Here is a video that I think everyone, Liberal, Conservative and everything in between, needs to watch: (H/T to Army Wife Toddler Mom and Tammi)

Please, support Military Ministry or Soldiers’ Angels

Let’s not forget those, who choose to serve our Nation, so that Bloggers, like me, can write and be free.

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Smooth Move Juan McSame

Boy, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Doh

Seems ol’ Juan McSame’s choice to manage the GOP convention this summer is lobbyist Doug Goodyear, whose firm once represented Burma’s repressive regime.

Since this came out, he has resigned, but gee wiz already, do these Republican know anything other than sleaze?

You see now, why I will never, ever, vote Republican? Rolling Eyes

This is why we need this guy in there:

He’s getting my vote in November. I don’t care if he wins or not, what I do care about is, if my vote doesn’t go for a Marxist or a Continuation of George W. Bush and his idiotic policies.

Crap hits fan…..In Beirut…

Oh Yeah, it’s crazy there…. As much as it’s very bad here, in America, at least it’s peaceful… We could all be living in Beirut.

I cannot get over the damn Liberals lamenting the outbreak there. They support those guys… More double standard, I suppose.

Go Read

Remember guys, ol’ Barry wants to talk to these thugs too….and his running for President.

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