Happy Thanksgiving from Eye on the Republic 2015

Just want to wish everyone that reads this blog a very Happy Thanksgiving!

We have much to be thankful for in this great country of ours. This graphic will explain:

I also give you the words of one of the greatest Presidents ever to serve in the office. (Outside of Ronald Reagan)

Red Skelton understood:

Ronald Reagan understood:

and I pray that you too, will understand the importance of this scared day:

Click the graphic to learn the *real* meaning of this holiday.

Videos: What kind of Nation have we become?

Before I get into my posting; I need to say the following: There are two days out of the year, that I put this blog into a full stop mode, when it comes to politics. Those two days are Thanksgiving and Christmas; and usually New Years. The reason is this: my friends, there are more things important than politics. One namely is family, another is just to take time away from this blog and from politics in general and just enjoy one day, without having to endure through the raw sewer that is the American political system.

It would be nice for just one year, on Thanksgiving and Christmas, that I would not have to highlight the stupidity of progressivism on this blog. I normally would not waste bandwidth on what I am about to show you all; but, I think it is important for those that read this blog to see what sort of awful nation that this Country has become. Thanks to stupid unconstitutional laws; such as the civil rights act of 1964. Thanks to the liberal left and their entitlement mentality, thanks to the anti-Christian left in this Country, who wishes to ruin the traditions of America.

Having said that, here is a video, which makes this writer want to wretch.

This video from The Conservative Post; which makes my Christian side of me and my deep part of me; which utterly despises the over-commercialization of the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays — want to wretch. I am all for good old American capitalism; but, my goodness; this below is not that, not at all. This below is nothing more than out of control society; who is in need of salvation.

This video is a perfect example of the progressive, herd mentality of those who are actually foolish enough to believe that somehow or another that America is actually some sort of a democracy. This is also the result of what happens when the United States of America caters to a protected minority and allows them free rein to destroy the social underpinning of this great Nation of ours.

Here is the video:

Again, I hate having to write this sort of a posting on a sacred holiday as Thanksgiving; one Holiday in which a Christian, Traditional America actually supposedly gives thanks for the blessings that God has bestowed on this great Country of ours. However, what it has become; is what you have seen above, a Godless Nation of heathen degenerates, who put possessions and power; and the foolish act of temporary joy over the timeless and perfect peace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Some people believe that prayer is the answer; some people believe that a so-called “revival” will help this Nation. I disagree. I believe that the ship of revival has sailed long ago. I believe that judgement is coming to America and it is coming swiftly. This judgement will not discriminate against anyonewhite, black, latino, jew or gentile. I believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the ONLY the way out of this judgement. I pray that those who read this blog entry and realize that they need a Saviour and give their lives to Christ.

Because as bad as things are now; when the rapture of the body of Christ happens; and the Biblically warned tribulation starts, things will be much worse. I pray that you make that important decision today.

Update: It appears that Erick Erickson is somewhat on the same page as me. Outside of his use of a corrupt version of the Bible; I think he is right on target. I praise him for writing what he did. (even if he did allow anonymous slanderers to trash me before.)

Happy Thanksgiving 2013!

I just to wish all of my readers a very happy Thanksgiving!

Remember, we have much to be thankful for.

The words of FDR:

…and the most important of all:

Also this Thanksgiving; let us all say a quiet prayer to those serving in our Military forces:

But, the most important of all, is this:

Click the image to read about the REAL meaning behind Thanksgiving!

Turkey’s might be people, but they sure do taste good!

Some hilarity from the Washington Times (!):

It is so predictable that only the amusingly named Center for Consumer Freedom, which complains about Mothers Against Drunk Driving, minimum wage, environmental protection, and human and animal welfare groups, could possibly object to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals‘ (PETA) recent efforts to promote the ever-growing vegetarian food industry and make the world a kinder place for turkeys (Inside the Beltway: “Vegetarians have a squawk,” Nov. 21).

I’ve met turkeys, and they never did anything that merited decapitation. Not harming someone or something is common decency. Being decent should be the norm. If we worry only about seeing our grandchildren grow up, we should remember PETA has a point: It’s never too late to go vegetarian.



via Turkeys are people, too – Washington Times.

I am writing this, because I just finished eating some Thanksgiving leftovers, which were better the second time around.

Turkey’s might be people too, but they sure do taste good on thanksgiving, more so when you have leftovers.

FWIW, I have yet to find a “people” or humans that taste as good as Turkey on thanksgiving. 😉


Idiot of the week

This guy, as described below, gets the award:

It’s become a tradition on every holiday that somewhere in the country a taxpayer supported university professor will come forth to trash one of our American traditions and this holiday season we were treated to a claim that Thanksgiving is really just a celebration of “genocide” created by “Nazis.”

A long-time, extreme left-winger named Robert Jensen, a taxpayer supported journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin, felt Thanksgiving eve was the perfect time to unleash his latest anti-American screed on the radical website Alternet. Titled “No Thanks for Thanksgiving,” Jensen claimed that this most gentle of holidays is really nothing but a celebration of genocide sponsored by Americans who are little different than Nazis.

To Jensen, Thanksgiving isn’t a day to give thanks for what we have, it isn’t a spiritual day to reflect on one’s good fortune, it is instead a “white-supremacist holiday” that would be better spent in a “day of mourning” for the “genocide” evil whites perpetrated against America’s native people.

Leave aside Jensen’s racist tendency of assuming every Indian tribe is just like the next — some Indian tribes welcomed and worked with the European “invaders,” as Jensen put it — he also illegitimately claims that the U.S. is an “empire.” It never has been

via University Prof: Thanksgiving is a Nazi Holiday | Wizbang.

Click here to get read the idiot’s diatribe against Thanksgiving.  and believe me; I use the word “idiot”, because I am too nice and really do not like write profanity on this blog, unless it is absolutely warranted, like in this case here

Bill Quick Says:

Since he seems to hate everything that he is – white, male, American – I suggest that the only rational solution for him is to shove a gun down his gullet and pull the trigger.

If he’s unclear on the mechanics of such an act, I’m sure they are any number of volunteers willing to help him out. To end his pain, you know.

Amen to that, seeing he hates America and all, I am all for ending his suffering. Now, before any of the idiot liberals that happen to read this blog; lose their minds, this is sarcasm. One point that I really think really needs to made is this one, and Warner Todd Huston makes it so very well:

Good thing he makes his living off a racist, capitalist, woman-hating country, isn’t it?

On the Taxpayer’s dime, no less. This is what your tax dollars pay for; an American-hating liberal, who thinks we’re all Nazi’s.

Unbelievable. 🙄


Thanksgiving Cartoons

Continuing with the theme of Thanksgiving Day here are some cartoons, some serious, and some quite funny: (All of these come via Cagle)

A bit lame:

Canadian Humor:

I am a conservative and I thought these were very funny:

For The Birds © Mark Streeter,The Savannah Morning News,pardon,turkey,rose,garden,tradition,obama,boehner,mcconnell,political-thanksgiving,thanksgiving-2012,turkey-pardon,turkeys-2012,political thanksgiving, turkeys 2012

Thanksgiving Day Balloons © Daryl Cagle,CagleCartoons.com,Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade,elephant,GOP,Republican,balloon,New York,Barack Obama,political thanksgiving, thanksgiving 2012


TSA Turkey Search © Rick McKee,The Augusta Chronicle,TSA,Thanksgiving,turkey,cavity,search,thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving Travel woes © Dave Granlund,Politicalcartoons.com,		Thanksgiving,dinner,feast,gathering,Pilgrims,Mayflower,passengers,<br />
Plymouth,travel,voyage,vacation,turkey,delays,overcrowding,travel delays,trip,airfare,tickets,thanksgiving 2012

The serious ones:

Giving thanks © Dave Granlund,Politicalcartoons.com,		Thanksgiving,family,gathering,priorities,thankful,blessings,life,lives,loved ones,important,material things,flood,damage,losses,possessions,homes,destruction,winds,homeless, hurricane aftermath,hurricane, thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving © Gary Varvel,The Indianapolis Star News,Thanksgiving,thankful,turkey,blessings

I end it with this one here, if only the Republicans and Democrats on the hill, and some Christians and Baptists I know, actually read this blog, because if they did, I would show them this one:

Thanksgiving © John Deering,The Arkansas Democrat Gazette,Thanksgiving,pilgrims,indians,food,feed

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! God Bless You All and thank you for your loyal readership! Big Grin