
  • Quoting: This blog from time to time will quote various news sources, political blogs and so forth. The quoting of those various sources should not be constituted as a direct endorsement of their political positions, religious positions or other such related matter.
  • Fair Use: I claim all images used on this blog under the fair use clause of copyright laws.
  • Fair Game: I am a political blogger. I espouse my political opinions on this blog. I target Democrats and Republicans. I am the internet version of a political pundit. If you find yourself targeted and written about on this blog, it is because you are a public political figure and that makes you fair game. Remember this before you attempt to sue me and make a fool of yourself in court. Also, before you get a lawyer and try to sue me; please, read this and this here.
  • Ethics: In my 7 years of blogging, I have learned a bit. One of those things is that blogger wars and responding to ad hominem attacks are simply not worth getting my blood pressure up. I did this when I started blogging and it caused me a good deal of grief. So, if you think talking about me on your blog, forum or what have you is going to get a response out of me, please, save yourself the stress. Because I will ignore you. I have no vested interest in polishing my reputation. I know who I am as a person, and in Christ Jesus; and I have no wish to prove myself to you or anyone else.  Also too, I will never target anyone’s family, children or any other such thing —- I did that twice and both times, I was unaware of the personal situation and I felt horrible afterward for doing it. I am here to write about the people and policies in which I disagree; not about personal lives. I leave that the gossip blogs.
  • Blog Copyright: I do not have this blog copyrighted or established as a business. I loathe bloggers who do this, as it goes against the spirit of what blogging was truly about, especially political blogging. I am simply a single man, with a laptop, an internet connection and a whole darned truckload of opinion.  I do not mind if you quote my work, as long as you cite my blog as your source. I have zero tolerance for content scrapers. If you do this, I will tell your hosting service and ask them to tell you to remove it. It is unethical to do this, and I will not tolerate it.
  • Humor: I have a sense of humor and it shows around here, quite a bit. Please, before you hurt yourself, laugh with me, please. 😀