Rep. John Yarmuth is absolutely correct

The Audio:

The Story:

Rep. John Yarmuth says Republican House Speaker John Boehner inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to the House of Representatives is “close to subversion.”

Speaking with the Stephanie Miller Show on Friday, the Kentucky Democrat added some Congress members’ strong support for Israel “had to do with fundraising.”

“I am totally outraged at Speaker Boehner for doing it, I think it’s, it was deliberately

designed to undermine the president — that’s close to subversion,” said Yarmuth of Netanyahu’s upcoming address to Congress.

“I mean, the president is supposed to be conducting foreign policy, not the Speaker of the House.”

Yarmuth then said a lot of the strong support for Israel has to with fundraising and pressure from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

“And you know, a lot of it has to do with fundraising — I’m sure some of it is sincere support for Israel,” Yarmuth said.

“You know, I’m a Jewish member of Congress, I’m a strong supporter of Israel, but my first obligation is to the Constitution of the United States, not to the Constitution of Israel. And unfortunately, I think, some of the demands that are made of members by AIPAC and some strong Jewish supporters are that we pay more attention — I guess we defer — to Israel more than we defer to the United States.”

“And that’s another thing, because if he’s going to come over here and say ‘well, my intelligence shows this’ — you know, there’s an implicit, I guess, admission — or not admission, I guess concession — that Israeli intelligence is superior to American intelligence. I’m not ready to sit there and endorse that kind of proposition, and I suspect he will, basically, talk about things like that — you know, try to match their assessment of the situation against ours. And I’m not willing to believe theirs is superior.”

via Democratic Congressman: A Lot Of Strong GOP Support For Israel “Has To Do With Fundraising” – BuzzFeed News.

Rep. John Yarmuth is absolutely correct. It is subversion and it has been happening for years in this Country. There some in the neocon media who are upset that this man would say this; but it is the truth and it has been happening for years.

Kudos to Rep. Yarmuth for having the guts to speak out about it too. 😀

Obama’s dirty little secret about Syria?

This does make sense:

The dirty little not-so-secret behind President Obama’s much-lobbied-for, illegal and strategically incompetent war against Syria is that it’s not about Syria at all. It’s about Iran—and Israel. And it has been from the start.

By “the start,” I mean 2011, when the Obama administration gradually became convinced that it could deal Iran a mortal blow by toppling President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, a secular, Baathist strongman who is, despite all, an ally of Iran’s. Since then, taking Iran down a peg has been the driving force behind Obama’s Syria policy.

Not coincidentally, the White House plans to scare members of Congress into supporting the ill-conceived war plan by waving the Iranian flag in their faces. Even liberal Democrats, some of whom are opposing or questioning war with Syria, blanch at the prospect of opposing Obama and the Israel lobby over Iran.

via Obama’s Syria War Is Really About Iran and Israel | The Nation.

It should not surprise anyone that the Neoconservatives, lead by AIPAC have supported and advocating for this sort of a conflict. Which will cause another war in the region. Hopefully, the GOP and the Democrats will have the sense to tell AIPAC to please piss off and find someone else to fight their wars for them.

What gets me is that the establishment left is against this whole thing and yet, Obama is dead set on doing this; what an idiot! I mean, Obama must be bound and determined to ruin his party’s chances of being reelected in 2014 and 2016.

Jennifer Rubin never met a diamond that she couldn’t polish

Hey, the way I see it, if she can get away with slandering a public servant like Chuck Hagel, then so can I. She, and the Jewish right are doing this because Chuck Hagel does not run around with his nose firmly planted up the Israeli Lobby’s ass. As he should not.

Screw them, screw them hard. It is because Rubin and the rest of the goddamned Jewish right, that we have 4000+ of our young man and woman in graves across this Country; from fighting a war that had ZERO to do with 9/11! All because President George W. Bush could not be bothered to check to see of the intellegence that “Curveball” in Germany gave us was good or not.

People want to know what is wrong with the Republican Party? Start looking at the damned Neocons, and the history of the Jewish Right; and you will see just what is wrong the Republican Party!

…and don’t even get me started on the fact that Rubin and her ilk are the direct descendants who brought bogus charges against the Lord Jesus Christ and put him on the cross. I haven’t forgotten about that; and neither has God the Father. Their judgement is coming and swiftly. I await the day with hope and faith that the Lord will give unto those who played the role of useful idiot to Satan himself. (See the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John for reference, best done in the King James Version of the Bible.)