As you might have noticed…

A bit of housekeeping around here: As you might have noticed, I just haven’t been blogging for a long while. My blogging pretty much stopped, after Donald Trump decided to show his true colors and act like an idiot.

After that. I just could not justify writing anything remotely supportive of him or the Republican Party at the time. Now, as we all know, Donald Trump went on to do more stupid stuff; like egging on January 6’th; and has continued to do stupid stuff since being out of office.

Now, to be clear, I am not switching political parties, I am still an Paleo-Conservative with moderate leanings. However, I do reject some elements of that group too. (Paleo-Conservatives, I mean.)

However, Election 2024 is coming and I do want to begin writing again. Mike Pence is running and believe he would be a bit more stable than Trump and he strikes me as being a person of deep faith and resolve. Unlike Trump and his bobsy twin Desantis. The rest do not have a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected.

So, yes, I am back. I won’t be writing novels. But, I will be writing again.

Stay Tuned.

330,814 hits and counting….


There was supposed to be a smiley face there, but it didn’t show up… Anyhow, that’s the numbers from this post here, so far.

Thanks to for the traffic, and THANK YOU for reading! Stick around, I write about other stuff that tickles my fancy. Check out my about me page and my long bio to see more me, so you’ll know where I am coming from.

Thanks again to all! 😎😁😀😋🥰🤗

Clean up on the blog aisle!

Looks like the WordPress theme that I was checking out and thought was a good one, decided to wink the dashboard on me. I logged into the back end of the blog here and seen that my theme, which was called Fluida, was needing an upgrade.

So, I did the upgrade.

…and that my friends is when it all went to dogs, in a big hurry! The theme started tossing errors, many errors! Disappointed smile This is when I knew that I needed to go back to the old theme. Which I did.

So, we’re back here again. Smile

New name and a new look

I’ll just admit it, the name “American Patriot” was wearing rather thin. Because of my burnout after the 2012 election, I let this blog go into a “back burner, write if I really feel like it” state. Well, it is time that I got back to writing, we do have an election cycle coming and I do wish to weigh in on stuff.

So, I will be doing that here, as best I can.  I will also be deleting my twitter account and creating a new one for the new name and look.

Off we go….

Done with ads

Well, for the most part anyway.

In case you haven’t noticed; except for the Amazon stuff that I have in the sidebars and my ad that I have at the top and a few others that I want to keep because the places have done me right in the past. I have removed the bulk of ads on my site.

The reason being is because there was just a lot of excess clutter on my site and I tend to think that it the excess ads just turns people off and truthfully guys, I really wasn’t making a freaking thing with those ads on my site at all. The only ones that really pay any money is the infolinks ads, they seem to be paying, not real much but just the same, they’re actually paying some money, the other banner ads they weren’t paying jack so I pulled all of them off and cancelled everything.

I still have a accounts with the various advertiser’s,I just decided to take them off. There a lot of clicks; many people were clicking on them, but nobody was buying anything. that’s because they were pay per action ads and not pay per click, so, I decided to pull everything off except for the lucky gunner ad, because I like people to be able to pick up ammo, should they really want to and I do believe strongly in the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. So, I’ll continue to sell ammo on my site.

But, as far as all those other ads, they’re gone. I’ll  just go with some simple ads in the sidebars for like the bookstore and Amazon and the one lucky gunner ad. But, everything else is gone.

I decided to too many ads was too much clutter and the idea is to have good content so people come read your stuff. Well, that’s not been happening lately cuz I haven’t posted as much and I think the ads just further drove people away. So, for the most part all the ads around here and excess are gone. I want to hold it down to a few that I want to keep and that’s it….

I apologize to anybody that I may have driven off by the excess ads. But I was hoping I could still make money on this site after Adsense ended up blocking my account due to “invalid activity”, which they never fully explained and which I believe was politically motivated.

Anyway, that’s the story guys I just wanted to let you all know that the excess as around here is history. I am keeping infolinks on because they actually make money now and again. But the other stuff was not. So there you go. There is the story and I hope y’all can tell you to come around. I know there is a few of you to come here and read. There used to be alot more, but when I had my little falling out with a certain little turncoat neocon who screwed me over. That all ended.

But, there’s a few of you that still come around here and read my stuff. I see you when you come in on the stats.

Be Well,


Removed Video from blog

Just a little housekeeping. There was a video on this blog for a long time. The blog posting was called “Video: The real Martin Luther King Jr.”

Well, I removed it.

It is not that I do not believe the content that was in the video.  It is how it was presented and who produced the video.

I am sure that there are facts about Martin Luther King Jr. that are being suppressed by the King Center.  It is widely known that King was not a perfect man. However, the terms used into that video were very much  bigoted and I simply did not want to be perceived as someone who supports such things.

So, it’s gone.

Some housekeeping

Just a quick note on a few things:

  1. I am again changing the look around here. The dark, “out in the woods” look was getting old. I switched it to something that fits the theme of the blog a bit more.
  2. In my posting about B.B. King’s death, I accidentally linked to a blogger who I have had beefs with in the past.  This was a major oversight by me. Oops. It will not happen again.

That is all. Still working on getting my sidebars all straightened out. Please, bear with me.