Globalists Exploit New U.S. Tax Laws

I found this to be interesting. As most of you know, I am a paleoconservative. Which means, I am an economic populist and that I am highly opposed to the practice of globalism.

So, I thought this little story in The New American was quite interesting:

Socialist luminaries and international bureaucrats at various outfits funded primarily by U.S. taxpayers are seizing on a “devastating” new American taxation scheme, known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA, to help foist a radical tax information-sharing regime on the world. The repercussions for Americans and people around the globe — especially when it comes to financial privacy and economic freedom — will be crushing, experts argue. Analysts say the end goal, meanwhile, is the creation of a planetary taxation authority.

Leading the charge to create the new global tax regime is the Group of 20 (G-20), a coalition of governments and brutal dictatorships that are in the process of building what virtually every major media outlet recently described as a “New World Order.” Top officials in the outfit, which includes the ruthless Communist regime ruling mainland China, among other barbaric autocracies, publicly announced a plot in recent years to share financial data and more on all citizens with each other. The goal, for now: extract as much wealth as possible. 

I would quote more of that; but there is just too much to try and whittle it down to a few paragraphs. Needless to say, I highly recommend you go read this rest of that. I remember in 2008 and also in 2012; when Mitt Romney and John McCain both told America that if Barack Obama was elected President of the United States that the Government would be coming after the wealth of those who rightfully earned it. When this happened, the media laughed the Republicans and Conservatives to scorn.

Well, it turns out that the Conservatives, of all stripes; were correct and this is proof of that. This is one of the biggest reasons why I loathe President Obama. He is not an “America” first type Democrat. He is nothing more than one of the many globalist Democrats or “Internationalist Democrats” who see America through the lens of the international community. Obama made all of these moronic promises of fixing the economy and creating jobs. What has he delivered? Not much to this part of the Country. I am still unemployed. There are no news businesses opening up around here. If anything, most of them are closing.

This is a part of the globalists plan. Keep everyone on the Government dole or worse; broke. So, that the Government can control you. I know it sounds like I am channeling Alex Jones here and I hate making it sound like that. But, in this case; Alex Jones is quite correct. Their plan, that being the Democrats is, keep everyone broke or on the Government dole, all the while distracting the people, by blaming the Republicans for breaking the system.

It is a classic globalist, socialist tactic and it seems to be working well with the masses.



Obama’s IRS

You know, I have been skeptical of much of the right’s witch hunt of Obama. But, this one here has me feeling that before all of this is over with; Obama will end up impeached.

It would be the ultimate payback for the failure to impeach Clinton and it would set the Democratic Party back for years. Not to mention the possible riots. However the only persons to blame would be the Obama administration themselves. They did just what the Bush Administration did; they became drunk with power. They overreached and they are now reaping the whirlwind.

It’s typical DC stuff, but it shows that Obama didn’t change anything at all, if anything, he capitalized on the status quo.