Erick Erickson writes a good one

I woke this morning and saw this piece here from Erick Erickson and he is anti-trump, I get that. But, this is much more than that. The part, I really can relate to, is this here:

The last year has reminded me that life is not fair, but God really is in the trenches with us. It reminds me of 2 Samuel 7. David intended to build a temple for God. But God says he does not need one. He was perfectly fine living in a tent, wandering a desert with his people. Our tent dwelling God wants a personal relationship with us. And frankly, after this past year, I crave that relationship more than any relationship with a politician, fan, or friend.


My time here is fleeting. So is yours. There’s no reason to hold on to grievances, no reason to avoid forgiveness, and no reason to devote our time to wasted idols. We are not all going to agree all the time on right and wrong. But life is too short not to show each other grace freely and move on.


This past year, I have recognized something important. The people who have turned politics into their god are the most miserable, malcontented people I know. Not everything is political and when you think it is, you have turned politics into religion. Life is not supposed to be political and death coming to visit me showed me how much more to life there is.

I can relate. When my Dad was on that ventilator and I didn’t know if I would ever see him alive again or now; my outlook changed and this blog, took a backseat, as did politics.

I wish Erick the best.


Compared to these people, I am truly blessed

Every time I read something like this, I really have to offer up a thanks to the Lord. I invite you read this stuff below and follow the link. The stuff in this little report below, makes my ADHD seem so insignificant:

I could be like these guys. Thankfully, I am not.

At trial, the insanity defense generally hinges on a person’s inability to distinguish right from wrong or understand the “nature and quality” of his act. In the context of an impending execution, insanity means you cannot rationally comprehend that you are being put to death as a consequence of the crime you committed.

via 13 Men Condemned to Die Despite Severe Mental Illness | Mother Jones.

This is why you will never hear me ever complain about how bad I got it or that you should feel sorry for me. Because I could be in the shape of some of the people in that story above. I am truly blessed, and I have no reason to complain about my situation. Oh, sure, things could be better; but then again, things could be worse, much worse. I am truly thankful that I turned out like I did and am not any sort of thing like in that story.

It just puts things in perspective, it does for me anyhow.

Is it possibly to sleep too long?

Because if it is, I have done it.

I have been here as of late, getting to bed earlier than I used to.

Last night, after all the excitement with my blog’s server. I crashed out at around 9:30 or so. I was beat. So, I went to bed. I slept till like 3:30a.m.  I got up, went to the john and came back down here, and fiddled around a little on the iPod and noticed that Romney whooped Obama’s butt in the debate.

Finally, I laid the iPod touch on the chair here and zonked out around 4:30 and slept till like 8:00a.m. I feel like I could scale mount Everest at the moment. But, I do need to keep coffee intake going here; as I just spotted a funny typo in this entry.

Anyhow, that’s what happened to me last night. Anyone else have those oddball sleeping problems?

I’m Back!

Please note: When reading this, try to imagine someone speaking in a slight southern accent; like I do. It will help to make it sound funnier. 

As I told you all, I went out with my Dad today. I went with him to his retirees meeting at the UAW Local that he is a member of. It is in Southwest Detroit, where I grew up; a bit closer to downtown Detroit, than where I lived. However, because I want to continue to live in this house, I will not get into the specifics of what happened down there.

What I can tell you is this:

  • It rained. As in, it rained hard; by the time we got to the union hall, I thought we were going to have to ditch the truck and grab a canoe! My Dad was nice enough to drop me and Dad’s friend Irvin off at the door; and you should have seen me come out of that truck! I come out of that truck, like a lost cat that realized that he had wandered into the dog section of the animal pound —- around lunchtime. Yes, it was like that. Ever watch Scooby Doo? You know, when he stumbles upon a ghost and get the wits scared out of him? Yeah, like that. It came complete sound effects too, with “ooh’s eek’s and aah’s.” Oh, it was a wonderful time. I also, when I made it inside, kindly informed the people in the office that whomever was doing the rain dance, really needed to stop. Because the rain was here, in buckets!

So, finally the meeting was over. My Dad stopped at Vernor Coney Island and picked up some Coney Dogs for lunch for Him and Me and rest of the family here. So, I grabbed me a Diet Pepsi out of the fridge, came back down here to what my Mother calls my dungeon, and proceeded to devour me a couple of coney dogs and catch up on what was happening in the political world, while I was out cavorting with the organized labor movement. (Please Note: When I say cavorting, I don’t mean screwing. Hell, they were a bunch of grey-headed old people. Mostly men, and I do not swing that way, sorry. 😉 I mean hanging around them. It is an attempt at humor. Please, laugh. 😀 )

So, anyhow; I ate my dogs and fiddled around, and putted around and read a little here and little there. The next thing I know, an hour had passed and I realized that I was getting rather tired. So, I figured I would grab me a little nap; and nap I did….:

For Six Long Freaking Hours! 

I woke up, and rolled over at looked at the iPod touch and said aloud, “7 o’clock?!?!” I got up, and stumbled around; and went up stairs. Mom was fixing TV dinners. My Father, ever the funny man; greeted me with the normal greeting: “Well, Hello there, Sleeping Beauty!” I grinned, mumbled a little and went to the bathroom. Six hours of sleeping adds up to lot of urine storage. (Yes, I know, yuck. But, hey, it’s all true.)

So, there you have it. What I have done for most of the day. I hope you have enjoyed this rather funny story, as much as I have writing it. It is all true; my parents will verify it. I like going out with my Dad and his friend Irvin, I could write a book, about those two, when they get together. As well, as the funny stuff that goes on, when my Dad and his fishing friends, get together. Someday, I might write about that stuff. now, I live here, and I do not really want to get sued.

Till next time!
