National Review actually says something nice about Donald Trump

Well, this is different….:

For all his known vulnerabilities, Trump has often proven to be a highly effective operator when he focuses on getting what he wants. That’s exactly what worries left-wing groups and Democrats. Having underestimated him for so long, they now fear he won’t easily be forced to slow down or change course as he moves to overturn their agenda. – Source: Trump Moves Right, Pleasing Conservatives, Alarming Democrats | National Review

This is coming from a political rag that had zero, zilch, Nada, nothing to say about Donald Trump during the election. As far as his “known vulnerabilities”, the one he has is that he does not have his nose stuck up the butt of the neocon Republican establishment.

As far as Donald Trump is concerned; the proof is in the pudding. I am taking a wait and see approach to him, just like I did President Obama. If things change, I will have nothing bad to say about him. If they do not, I will criticize him, just like I did Obama. Talk is cheap. I want action, and so far, I have not seen anything great out of Trump; just a bunch of talk.

Others: Shot in the Dark


Holy Crap!: NRO’s Kevin Williamson says that white, working class, Trump supporting communities “deserve to die”

Update: The Guys over at really hit the nail on the head, they really, really, do.

Update #2: Kevin French over at The Corner (What a lame name for a blog!) posts a pathetic defense of Williamson’s article.


The anti-Trump movement in the conservative circles has been astounding. To listen to some of these people, Donald Trump would be the incarnation of Adolf Hitler. Well, it has taken a new low. This morning, as I always do; I wandered over to to see what Jazz Shaw to say on Sunday. It has become a bit of a habit, I enjoy his writings, as he is a working class stiff, like myself. Plus too, Jazz is a very good writer, but don’t tell him I said that, his head will swell up and they will never get him out of that house. 😉

It was there, that I saw, highlighted by Mr. Shaw, one of the worst Anti-Trump articles written so far. It is an article written by a one Kevin Williamson, who writes for National Review Online, a decidedly anti-Trump publication, founded by William F. Buckley, who is among paleoconservatives; tantamount to a sewer rat.

Continue reading Holy Crap!: NRO’s Kevin Williamson says that white, working class, Trump supporting communities “deserve to die””

Has it gotten that bad over at National Review?

I hate to be the one say it. But, if I must, I must!

Has it gotten that bad over at National Review that they are now linking to silly liberal articles at the Washington Post that question that official report on President Kennedy’s assassination?

How hard is it for people just to accept that truth? The truth is that Lee Harvey Oswald, a military trained sniper and Castro sympathizer — shot and killed the President of the United States. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyone who preaches anything other than this, is looking to fatten his pocket and fund his or her own cottage industry.

Personally, I find it absolutely disgusting that the National Review, a respectable Conservative magazine and conservative internet publication would even entertain such vapid silliness. I mean, it is bad enough that you have Matt Drudge linking to Alex Jones, who is a dishonest charlatan. Now, we have to contend with National Review doing that sort of nonsense?

I honestly have to think that what I read someone say in the conservative blogosphere once; that it is as if the conservative world is being invaded by the crazy people. Sometimes, I think this person was absolutely correct.

Neoconservative Anti-Americanism on full display at National Review

My simple question is, what would Buckley think?

Go read

I would have thought I was reading weakly Weekly Standard or Commentary. 🙄

Also too; sure, the bailouts of GM and Chrysler were terrible. But, reading this guy’s tripe; you’d swear he was some sort of anti-American leftist trashing American industry. I also notice that the powers at be over National Review deleted my comments; which exposes the fascist neoconservatives for what they truly are. 😡

What this idiot does not tell people is; that it was the neoconservatives during the Bush 41 Administration who pushed a globalist agenda under Bill Clinton’s terms in office that put GM and the other American car companies in the place that we’re in now. The best this idiot can do, is infer that the Unions caused at all, as well as the bailout.

For those wondering; this is personal with me. My Father gave 31 years to GM, at the Cadillac Assembly Plant in Hamtramck, Michigan. (Now a Chevy plant)  Now my Father is worrying whether he will have a pension in the future or not; because quite frankly, the so-called “conservative” media in this Country is working overtime to accelerate the death of G.M., as are certain cretins in Washington D.C..

We Paleoconservatives know that, as Detroit goes, so goes America. If we lose the auto manufacturing sector in Detroit; the rest of the Country will suffer. It will spark a chain reaction that will never be reversed. There are other good examples of this happening; Allentown PA, Gary Indiana, and many others.

Neoconservatives do not care; they are very well enriched by their corporate crony capitalist friends as well as their elitist friends in politics; who are mostly establishment Republicans — who are wholly owned by the elitist corporate thugs.  Furthermore, their anti-Detroit mentality is entrenched in bigotry; racially and socially.

My friends, this, is the difference between paleoconservatives and neoconservatives.

No, The Republican Party does not need David Barton serving in the Senate

Christians, Tea Party members and Republicans need to avoid people with extreme views.

The National Review’s blog “The Corner” reports:

David Barton, an Evangelical Christian historian who recently made headlines for a controversial history of Thomas Jefferson, is seriously considering primarying Senator John Cornyn (R., Texas), per multiple sources. Rick Green, one of Barton’s closest advisers, tells National Review Online the following in an e-mail:

More than 1,000 (zero exaggeration, that is an actual number) tea party and republican party leaders have asked David Barton to run. Polling says Sen. Cornyn is vulnerable and that’s why he is running ads right now. Like America’s Founding Fathers, David Barton will not “seek” this office, but if the people of Texas speak loud enough in the next few days, he could most certainly be drafted in by the voters.

Another Republican consultant in Austin familiar with Barton’s thinking elaborates on that. “The conservatives are putting in a significant effort to get him into the race, and this is not a drill — he might actually do it,” the consultant tells me. “I think David is probably mulling the race because he’s getting pushed really hard to mull the race. If people weren’t really pushing him hard, I don’t think he would be considering it. He probably fits the one profile which would be really threatening to Cornyn.”

And JoAnn Fleming, executive director of Texas-based Grassroots America We The People, says that a number of tea-party leaders are slated to have a conference call with Barton in the next few days to discuss his senatorial prospects. “We need a Constitutional conservative in that seat,” she says. “We believe that Senator Cornyn has become part of the establishment and we don’t believe that his priorities reflect the priorities of the people of Texas any longer.”

Here is why I say this; David Barton holds to some of the same views as I, on some subjects. However, David Barton’s work and even his book has been brought into question, even by other Christians and political historians. Furthermore David Barton is a believer that America happens to be a Christian Republic. This is a gross error. America is a Constitutional Republic; nothing more, nothing less.

It is one thing to be a blogger or writer that holds to Fundamentalist Christian views, and have some of them to be considered extreme by some. It is another entirely to be a holder of these views and run for public office. I want my elected officials to uphold the constitution; and it alone. I do not want my elected officials to be operating under some sort of pseudo religious mandate. David Barton believes that there is no such thing as a separation of Church and State. While it might be true that the phrase does not exist in the constitution; Thomas Jefferson made it very clear to the Danbury Baptists that there was a full wall of separation between Government and Religion. This is why the pilgrims fled England, because the pilgrims were being persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church! Yet, people like David Barton want Christianity forced upon Americans!  

Anyone who says anything other than this, seeks to hijack the United States Government for a religious cause; which flies in the face of the founding principles of this great Nation of ours. Again, we must be alert for Christian extremists, who want to infiltrate our Government for their nefarious purposes. I want a free Republic, not the Christian version of Sharia Law in America.

Why does National Review even acknowledge Anti-Semites?

For as long as I might live; I will never understand why William F. Buckley’s publication National Review acknowledges Anti-Semites.

As everyone knows that reads this blog, I am not a big fan of Wilsonian foreign policy. I never have been. However, that is as far as it goes with me. I usually try to avoid code-worded terms like “NeoCon” or anything of the sort. These Jew-hating bastards at the poorly named “The American Conservative” are straight up Jew haters. They have proven this repeatedly with articles like this here. Not to mention the actions of the publisher of that hate rang magazine, going to an “Occupy AIPAC” rally! I mean, what else do we need to see, for the Conservative community to shun that Publication once and for all?

Remember my fellow Conservatives, as long as we continue to acknowledge people like the ones at the so-called “American Conservative,” they will be continue to be viewed as legitimate . Furthermore, I find it very ironic, that NRO would have the nerve to even acknowledge these haters. But, they would actually have the nerve to stop printing the works of a fine American like John Derbyshire. It shows you the sickening hypocrisy of the so-called “right” in this Country.

Profiles in Cowardice: Rich Lowry and National Review

As I suspected, due to his rant, which I did defend; John Derbyshire was terminated from his position at National Review.

Anyone who has read Derb in our pages knows he’s a deeply literate, funny, and incisive writer. I direct anyone who doubts his talents to his delightful first novel, “Seeing Calvin Coolidge in a Dream,” or any one of his “Straggler” columns in the books section of NR. Derb is also maddening, outrageous, cranky, and provocative. His latest provocation, in a webzine, lurches from the politically incorrect to the nasty and indefensible. We never would have published it, but the main reason that people noticed it is that it is by a National Review writer. Derb is effectively using our name to get more oxygen for views with which we’d never associate ourselves otherwise. So there has to be a parting of the ways. Derb has long danced around the line on these issues, but this column is so outlandish it constitutes a kind of letter of resignation. It’s a free country, and Derb can write whatever he wants, wherever he wants. Just not in the pages of NR or NRO, or as someone associated with NR any longer.

via Parting Ways – By Rich Lowry – The Corner – National Review Online.

I happen to agree with Jeff over at Protein Wisdom, when PC rules the day, we have lost badly. Because of this, I will be removing National Review Online’s entries from the blogroll here and replacing it with something else. If freedom of speech is subject to that sort of nonsense at NRO; than I have nothing in common with them and I hardly consider them a truly conservative website and publication.

Let me say emphatically, the staff of National Review and yes, that includes Rich Lowry — can go to hell.