Holy Crap!: NRO’s Kevin Williamson says that white, working class, Trump supporting communities “deserve to die”

Update: The Guys over at HotGas.net really hit the nail on the head, they really, really, do.

Update #2: Kevin French over at The Corner (What a lame name for a blog!) posts a pathetic defense of Williamson’s article.


The anti-Trump movement in the conservative circles has been astounding. To listen to some of these people, Donald Trump would be the incarnation of Adolf Hitler. Well, it has taken a new low. This morning, as I always do; I wandered over to HotAir.com to see what Jazz Shaw to say on Sunday. It has become a bit of a habit, I enjoy his writings, as he is a working class stiff, like myself. Plus too, Jazz is a very good writer, but don’t tell him I said that, his head will swell up and they will never get him out of that house. 😉

It was there, that I saw, highlighted by Mr. Shaw, one of the worst Anti-Trump articles written so far. It is an article written by a one Kevin Williamson, who writes for National Review Online, a decidedly anti-Trump publication, founded by William F. Buckley, who is among paleoconservatives; tantamount to a sewer rat.

Continue reading Holy Crap!: NRO’s Kevin Williamson says that white, working class, Trump supporting communities “deserve to die””

More interesting reading about the neocon panic over @RealDonaldTrump

I wrote previously about the neocon, Trotskyite panic that is happening in the Republican Party.

Here is more about it, check out: Why Trump Is Panicking Robert Kagan | The National Interest

Needless to say, from now to the election in November is going to be very interesting. Not to mention from now till the end of the primaries.



But, when America does it, it is perfectly fine

I read with slight bemusement Ed Morrissey’s piece on ISIS,  which is another name of Al-Qaeda, which you can click here to read; supposedly having chemical weapons in Iraq. I also read how horrible it is and so forth.

Which leads me to ask a simple question: Was it just as horrible, when the United States used bombs with depleted uranium in them against the Iraqis when we invaded that Country in 2003? …and don’t tell me there was none of that; it has been confirmed many times over in photo documentation and in reporting on the ground there.

What also bemused me, is the neoconservatives steadfastly refuse to admit, that ISIS and al-Qaeda in Iraq was a sole creation of Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003. If anyone says, “Bush created this mess.” All you get is the Tourette’s disorder-sounding “blame bush!” repeated over and over and over. It is true that Obama’s handling of the Iraqi and Afghan wars has been piss poor, and his inaction created a resurgence of terrorist activity in Iraq and abroad.

However, Bush did start this thing and when it all blew up again, Bush and his Jewish neocon cronies were safely out of office. Now, what will have to happen is seeing that Obama is basically trying to avoid directly confronting with the radical Islamists, another Republican hawk will have to come in and clean up what is left of Bush’s created mess — that is if that person is able to do that!  It is a vicious cycle and one that we have repeated time and time again over the years.

Please, do not misunderstand me here; the Democrats are bad news, the policies of Obama and his neo-leftists cronies on the hill have been creating havoc on this Country’s economy. However, as myself and Pastor Chuck Baldwin know; the Republicans of today are no better, the hawkish Jewish wilsonians are just as bad, if not worse than the neo-leftists that are now in the White House. If you think that someone like Ted Cruz with a Reagan-style of foreign policy or someone like Rand Paul with the reasonable foreign policy will get in the White House, you are very highly mistaken. The Jacobin Wilsonian neoconservative hawks control that party and its purse strings and have done so since about 1989 or even before that. Conservatives tend to forget, that Reagan was a fluke; someone who the GOP establishment tried like heck to tamper down and discredit — and thankfully failed to do. The GOP establishment will never make that mistake again, trust me.

So, barring a major uprising in this Country, to unseat both of these entrenched political parties; we are stuck with what we have: two corrupt political parties, hell-bent on putting us into a course of absolute ruin. It is as fatalistic view, it is grim and tends to be depressing — but it, simply, is the truth.