Liberals, Neocons and 9/11

I am writing this because of something I saw on another blog, namely the neoconservative leaning Now, I understand “AllahPundit”‘s humor. I also understand the silliness of Rosie O’Donnell.

However, there is one thing that I will never change on; and that is my mistrust of the United States Government. I did not trust it when I was blogging as a “historic populist” and I still do not trust it. I felt that the United States Government was out of control, when Bush sent us into Iraq; just like I did when Bill Clinton signed off on Janet Reno’s sending in the tanks into the Branch Davidian compound, that caused David Koresh to kill his own people. Furthermore, I felt that the executive branch was out of control, when Bush pressed congress for the invasion of Iraq; just as I do with Obama and his “end running” around Congress.

Sure, Rosie’s verbalizing what many, like myself, feel about 9/11 and related events; was, at best sloppy. However, I believe that we will never know, what really happened on 9/11 and who all was involved; at least not until all the principles are long dead. Some people are content to accept the Government’s narrative and are content to believe that what the Government says is one hundred percent true; just because President Bush was in office —- I, on the other hand, do not have such issues.

Please, do not misunderstand me here; I am not, nor have I ever been a “9/11 truther.” Because most of the people that promote that sort of a thing, have some sort of an agenda, whether it be political or financial. I have no such agenda. I am saying that the Government pulled off the attack? No. What I am saying is, that there is a good deal of information that has not been released to the American people, either because of political reasons or because of pending cases. I also happen to believe that there are more facts related to the Trade Center Towers collapsing that never have been brought to light. Again, due to pending cases or because of political reasons. Now, for the record, I do not happen to agree with Rosie O’Donnell’s statement; what I do believe that anyone who calls someone like myself, who wants ALL of the truth out there, a truther or toofer or worse; a Marxist liberal, is playing straight out of the Al-Qaeda handbook.

Just as well, I do NOT happen to believe that the Jews did 9/11, nor do I believe that the Bush Administration did it either. Neither are smart enough to do it; nor are they smart enough to keep it a secret. I do however, believe that there were more terrorists in this Country; than the ones who died in those planes on 9/11 and I believe that some of them might have gained access to the WTC buildings — and could very well have detonated those towers and other buildings from remote control or with a timed device.

In closing: One of the biggest mistakes that I made, when I came to the blogging scene was assuming that, just because I happened to disagree with Bush that I had to be a Democrat or at least vote for them; which I did for a very long time — that is until 2007, when I decided that party was just not for me any longer. One of the biggest lies is that the Democratic Party happens to stand for the working class in this Country, of which I happen to be. The truth is that the Democratic Party does not happen to give a remote flip about the working class, the middle class or even small business owners any longer.

Because of this ignorance, I allowed myself to get sucked into the propaganda that the left spews out on a daily basis; which has become more deluded since the election of President Obama. There are divisions that are forming; the Obama loyalists versus the rest of the party and grassroots. Still though, both sides do have a common causes and basically that is “social justice” or basically a marxist Government.

Thank God that the Democratic Party finally took off the mask; and stopped playing that center-left charade and I was able to see them for what they truly really were. As for 9/11: I happen to agree with the notion that neoconservatives are evil people; especially some of those who served in the Bush Administration. However, I will be quite honest; the neo-left is much, much more evil. I would rather suffer under a neoconservative, than live in fear under a neo-leftist President. Truthfully though, I doubt highly another neoconservative will be elected; too many Americans are still bitter over Bush’s mishandling of the Iraq War. I do, however, believe that if the Republican Party plays its cards right, we could very well win in 2016. However, knowing politics like I do; they might just make the same mistakes again.


Thoughts on Rosie O’Donnell’s heart attack

I happen to read with interest this morning about Rosie O’Donnell having a massive heart attack. I am fully aware that Rosie’s politics and mine are polar opposites, and in a free republic that is perfectly acceptable. However, I do feel the need to say the following, because I happen to know that soulless cretins exist within the Conservative ranks. Therefore, let me say the following: Heart Attacks and Heart related health problems are very serious matters. No one that would make light of this sort of thing is, in this writer’s opinion, a patriotic American.

Rosie O’Donnell might have many issues —- her enormous mouth and stage presence being just a few — not to mention her idiotic “shiny pony” take on politics. However, her health problems, specifically her now discovered heart problems are most likely not her fault at all. Coming from a lineage of heart attacks and stroke outs, I know of what I speak.

Politics is one thing, real life is another and this little news story should give all of us pause and remind everyone, that we are all just one loused up heartbeat and clogged artery away from the grave. I think all Americans — Left, Right, Center, Conservative, Liberal, Republican and Democrat — ought to stop and give pause and give a little prayer of thanks to the mighty deity above that we are not wheelchair bound, blind, deaf or without normal mental capacity. The truth is that most Americans take all of those things for granted, for this, we are a worse off Nation.

If by chance, you are a woman, and you happen to be in prime heart attack candidate territory, as Rosie said, get checked. Because heart attacks are no laughing matter, and yes, they can be fatal. Contrary to what you might actually think, we humans are not perfect and our bodies do louse up every now and again and do stuff like fail. Unlike the big banks and auto companies, we cannot restart our bodies. We only get one shot at life, and if we screw that up that is it, we get no second chance. Therefore, it would be wise of all of us to be smart and stay healthy.

My best wishes to Rosie and her partner, for many more years of good health.