Asshole Negro of the year!

Yep, that’s right, I called him that and I am quite proud of it!

Joseph Mitchell, a Democrat. A disgrace to what Martin Luther King Jr. AKA Michael King Jr. stood for and his race.

A black member of the Alabama legislature uncorked a racist tirade in an email this week to a constituent who urged him not to embrace new gun control laws – copying his incendiary language to every member of the state legislature.

Joseph Mitchell, a Democrat who has represented parts of the city of Mobile since 1994 and ran for re-election unopposed in 2010 and 2006, castigated a voter named Eddie Maxwell, a Jefferson County man whom he correctly presumed was white.

‘Hey man,’ Mitchell wrote. ‘Your folk never used all this sheit [sic] to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed [sic], imported criminal-minded kin folk.’

via Joseph Mitchell: Alabama lawmaker emails racist rant to gun-rights constituent and entire state legislature | Mail Online.

Yeah, he can call us all that, but when I call him what he is; that being an asshole nigger, I get called a racist bigot. Now for those who do not like it that I called him this; I say this right here —- There is a grand canyon’s worth of difference between an educated black man, who is not all hung up on race, like this coon here and an asshole who harbors this sort of hate towards white people. The last time I checked, not I  or any other white man alive today, are responsible for the lynchings and the slavery that happened in this Country many, many years ago.

Furthermore, it is an inconvenient truth to many people, possibly including this knuckle-dragger; that ALL of the blacks that were imported to the United States as slaves were not just your regular person in Africa, they were CRIMINALS and bad criminals at that! They were people in prison for long or life sentences for murder, rape and all sorts of other crimes in Africa. It is a LIE and rewriting of history to say that they were all innocent, because they were not!

Again, I do not hate blacks, except ones who go around talking this sort of shit, this many years after slavery was abolished and a civil war, which was fought against MY ancestors; was fought to make it stick — and this many years after the 1964 civil rights act. I mean, they are free to live, work and play everywhere. What the hell else do they damned want?

As far as I am concerned, this idiot and his people can go screw themselves; especially seeing how those people and their Latino friends killed my damned cousin in 1994.

Related: George Talbot / Alabama lawmaker’s email: ‘Slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, snaggle-toothed kin folk’

Others: Jammie Wearing FoolsWeasel ZippersBooman TribuneThe Gateway PunditExtrano’s Alley, a gun blogJammie Wearing Fools and The Daily Caller

Update: I really should not have to explain this to anyone, but because some idiot came by here and left me a lecture about racial name calling; I will quote myself. Remember when I said this here?:

UPDATE: Before anyone goes, “Hey! What about this here?!” I will simply say this here: Most of the time, I respect people’s race, color and creed. John Yoo is a notable exception to that rule. John Yoo was responsible for one of the worst war-related debacles ever. He gets no respect from this White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. May he burn in the devil’s living and eternal hell. He belongs in South Korea or preferably in North Korea with the rest of the communists.

Same goes for this piece of crap here. I quote this, because nobody reads my blog continuously; they just drive by, quite a bit. So, there you go. Racial respect is given around here, to those who earn it.  I respect no one, who uses those sort of terms about white people, ever.

Interesting Article: Slavery? — In Detroit?

A very interesting article here:

Metro Detroiters love to celebrate their local history, especially when it involves the noble, magnificent and world-class chapters of the past: The auto industry. Motown Records. The Underground Railroad. Diego Rivera. Coney Islands.

On the other hand, local history has its crazy uncles. Those are chapters that might be fascinating and important, but they are hidden in the back room and rarely talked about. Henry Ford’s anti-Semitism, taking land from the Indians, the Free Press’ 19th Century racism and the auto companies’ early abuse of workers come to mind.

Then there is the granddaddy of all forgotten local history. The subject no one talks about, virtually ever. The most neglected topic of all.


via Slavery Is Detroit’s Big, Bad Secret. Why Don’t We Know Anything About It? –  Deadline Detroit.

I highly recommend that you go read the rest of that; it is a very interesting read.