Textbook example of partisan media hypocrisy

One of my many gripes with the liberal media, as opposed to the Conservative media is the utter hypocrisy of the entire thing.

What I talking about?


It seems that one of Tucker Carlson’s employees ever at The Daily Caller got himself into some hot water over some so-called “Sexist Tweets.” Progressive blog Talking Point Memo has the back story on it. Now, I am not saying the guy was right or wrong; in fact, I could honestly care less about what he wrote. However, I have to point something here; utter hypocrisy!

This is what a contributor to Rolling Stone magazine, who is a supposedly a marxist said on twitter:


Michelle Malkin’s former startup blog, Twitchy has this backstory on it.

Now here’s my beef with this whole thing. Tucker Carlson had actually apologize for his employee’s tweet. Now, do you honestly think that Rolling Stone magazine is going to have to apologize for its contributor’s Anti-Semitism? I think not. Which brings me to the point of this posting.

The point is that there is a horrific double standard in the liberal media. If a liberal progressive says something, like this douche-nozzle did; he gets off without any sort of repercussions. However, you let a Conservative say anything that is even remotely sexist, racist or even remotely anti-semitic and there is a utter media frenzy over it. Not to mention that the person who did it and his employer end up have to give an offering to the gods of political correctness.

Now to be clear here; I am not much into tossing around the Anti-Semite card, because I have been accused of that stuff myself. Which, by the way, is a crock of crap. However, I just find it quite amusing that the liberal progressive left; does not live up to the very standards that they like to set for others, who happen to disagree with their political beliefs and personal worldview.

The bottom line is this: If you are going to preach political correctness and are going to insist that we on the political right to conform to some sort of idiotic politically correct code —- at least try to live up to the code yourselves. Otherwise, do not preach to us on the right who decide that we want to say something that does not live up to your idiotic standards.

Maybe Because the Bush Administration did it too?

This is too funny.

Via The Daily Caller:

The House science committee is demanding the White House explain why top administration officials are using secret e-mail accounts and other techniques to conceal their taxpayer-paid activities from public oversight.

The evidence of officials’ efforts to evade transparency laws includes EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s use of the fake name “Richard Windsor”, and hidden e-mail accounts, according to a Nov. 16 letter sent by the committee to several White House officials, including Jackson.

The committee’s letters justified their startling statements with evidence published in The Daily Caller. The Caller’s report was based on an investigation by Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the author of a new book “The Liberal War on on Transparency.”

“The use of these [hidden] accounts could seriously impair records collection, preservation, and access, therefore compromising transparency and oversight,” said the letter, signed by committee chairman Rep. Ralph Hall.

Hmmmmmmmm…. ThinkingI dont know

I seem to remember another Party that did this, while they were in power in the White House and in the Justice Department.

Ah yes! It was the Republican Party! There was Attorney Generals who lost their jobs over it too.

I have to really honestly wonder; did Tucker Carlson report that little scandal as passionately then, as he is this one here?

I somehow highly doubt that to to be a fact.

Others: Politico and The Lonely Conservative (via Memeorandum)

Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller writer Laura Byrne insults Mitt Romney’s sons

Unlike this woman’s article, this is a very serious article. Angry

Tucker Carlson’s “The Daily Caller” which is rapidly becoming the next “WorldNetDaily” of Conservative media; allows one of its writers, under the guise of so-called humor, to take a rather cheap swipe at Mitt Romney’s five sons.

Writing in her piece about the Romney sons, who are all very happily married; she writes the following:

Choosing between these five handsome men was tough but the results are in. Although all the Romney boys are married, don’t lose hope: With the exception of one, all of the sons are Mormon so you could potentially be wife number two, three or four depending on whether or not you are into that sort of thing.

Now folks, I have a sense of humor and I have been known to be funny on this blog from time to time. However, this is not funny, it is not even close. It is nothing more than an underhanded slam of the Romney’s and their family. You see, I know the Tucker Carlson is a Mormon himself; but you see, Tucker Carlson is also a libertarian conservative, of the Barry Goldwater stripe, and Carlson also happens to not to be too fond of Romney. Carlson’s gripe is that he believes that Romney is a statist and not nearly conservative enough for his taste. Therefore, because of this and because of the fact that Carlson himself is Mormon, he allows this stuff to be published on that internet rag that he owns.

Well, I happen to be a strong supporter of Mitt Romney for President of the United States of America.  Because unlike the likes of Tucker Carlson; I realize that this Country needs a true leader, someone who knows how to run a business. Unlike that community organizer that we have in the White House now; Mitt Romney knows what it takes to be a leader, and will make the tough decisions to get this Country back on track. Furthermore, unlike Tucker Carlson; I happen to know that the Libertarian Party will never have a chance in hell of ever picking a President that will ever be elected. This is because Americans simply reject ideological extremism. The Libertarian Party’s platform is extremist and on foreign policy is totally disconnected from reality. Not to mention that the Libertarian Party’s policy on immigration is totally abhorrent and quite frankly, Anti-American in nature.  This is why I dropped my support of Gary Johnson.

I believe that Tucker Carlson owes the Romney family, and his supporters a huge apology or risk his online publication becoming the “Infowars” of the internet in short order. Tucker Carlson’s Mormonism does not justify this sort of behavior by his writers. Furthermore, I find it very humorous, that Tucker Carlson would have a woman doing his bidding and insulting the Romney sons, instead of doing it himself. I guess it is true what Don Imus famously said about Tucker Carlson and his bow ties.

Update: Blogs4Mitt links in, Thanks Rusty! I believe this is an important issue. Like Patti said in the comments; if the left had made such a comment, we would be all over it. But because Tucker is supposedly on the right; nothing gets said, it is not fair to Romney. I know not everyone likes him, but this was just a cheap shot, period. This is why I am raising the flag on this one and calling “FOUL!” I mean, having concerns about Romney’s Statism is one thing; but making a comment like that, it is just uncalled for. It would be like calling President the N-Word, to me. It is the same thing. It is bigotry and it needs to stop — on all sides.

Mark Skousen writes the DUMBEST article ever!

I really dislike having to point out and criticize the blatant stupidity on our side of the political fence. But, there are times than even I cannot ignore the stupidity.

Mark Skousen who is the producer of “Freedom Fest” writing over at Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller writes, “Why I’m giving my Social Security checks away — and why you should too.” In it, Mr. Skousen yowls on about his gripes and complaints about social security and how it is a horrible scam and such. Now, to be fair; I do sort of agree with his assessment of Social Security and how it will be most likely be bankrupt, by the time I am old enough to collect it, if I am even able ever able to collect it. 

However, that is where Mr. Skousen goes off of the rails and really wanders off into whacky-land, at least in this writers opinion. First of all, Mr. Skousen publicly gloats about how well off he is financially:

I have always tried to live up to the words of Benjamin Franklin, who taught us the virtues of industry, thrift, and prudence in his booklet “The Way to Wealth.” By following Franklin’s trinity of virtues, I’ve been able to build up a sizable net worth and multiple sources of retirement income (company pension plan, IRAs), so that I don’t really need Social Security to live off of.

Which is fine, I have no problem the the fact that the man worked hard, and was able to save and invest through IRA’s and such. I am not someone who resents people who have done well. Good for him. However, this is where he goes off the rails:

It got me thinking: Can Social Security payments be used for a good cause?

I thought back to something my wise old uncle Cleon told me when he turned 65 in 1978. He said he could use the extra monthly income of $650. After all, he had earned it during his working years. It had been deducted from his paycheck and set aside for him (theoretically at least) in the Social Security trust fund. It was his. So he went down to the Social Security office in Salt Lake City and signed up.

But instead of spending the money on daily living expenses, he signed over the monthly check to his favorite cause, The National Center for Constitutional Studies. He loved teaching Americans about the Constitution and how to preserve it. Through NCCS, he traveled the country giving constitutional seminars to patriotic Americans, and used the Social Security checks to pay for some of his expenses.

Following in my uncle’s footsteps, I’ve decided to sign up for Social Security. Since I don’t need the money to live on, I’ve decided to invest my monthly government check in a variety of good causes. Based on my past earnings, I should receive a check of around $1,800 a month, automatically transferred into my bank account. From there, I’ve instructed the bank to send a check or wire every month to my various causes. It’s that simple.

Many of you may have heard about Warren Buffett and Bill Gates’ Giving Pledge, where billionaires have pledged to donate the majority of their fortunes to charity.

I’ve come up with a similar idea, except this one applies to more people and is something you can do when you are alive: the Social Security Pledge. If you are wealthy enough, you can invest part or all of your Social Security proceeds in a favorite charity, foundation, church, synagogue, or other good cause. You don’t have to limit yourself to giving to non-profit organizations that are tax deductible. You can give your Social Security check to any organization, public or private, or to individuals. You can donate it to your favorite political party. You can give the funds to a student scholarship — for your grandchildren, for example — or to somebody who has a medical need. Or you can invest your government check in free enterprise. Buy shares in individual stocks or mutual funds. Or, better yet, fund inventors who could use the money to advance their work.

There are lots of possibilities. Be creative and have some fun with it. Don’t let the money sit there. Put it to good use!


John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, once gave a popular talk called “The Sermon on Wealth.” According to Wesley, if you take the following three steps in life, you will be eminently successful:

1. Work all you can.

2. Save all you can.

3. Give all you can.

Notice he didn’t say, “Spend all you can.” Too many Americans have gotten in financial trouble by overspending and getting in over their heads in debt, so that by retirement time at age 65, they need Social Security because they haven’t saved enough in their company pension plans or individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Or they have to keep working to survive.

As retirees, we can make a difference.

Okay, here is my gripe with this opinion column; for one it says that people should follow his example and give away their social security. Which, if you can afford to do so, is fine. However, there are many people, who worked hard for that money for all of their lives and paid into it for many years and that will the ONLY sort of income that they honestly will have; and to tell them to give it away, is absolutely asinine.

I am not saying that this would happen, but it could; what if some older person, who simply loves his Country, feels guilty for taking a social security check and starts giving away his check and then has to live in poverty? I know it sounds far fetched; but there are people that are quite impressionable out there and would do such a thing, because some idiot, who is very well off, told them to do it.

My friend, if you have come here from a search engine, after searching for “Mark Skousen,” and you were thinking of following his advice; please, don’t. You have worked your entire life for that money. You are entitled to it. Even if you do have an company pension and/or an IRA —- and especially if you do not —- keep your money and use it to live on, you worked for it, keep it!  If you want to make a reasonable donation to a charity, then fine, do so. But to squander all of your hard earned social security away, because someone said to do it, is foolish.

I am very highly concerned about the fact that Tucker Carlson, who is the very public figure that he is; and with a website of that caliber, would allow such tripe to be published on it. But, yet, someone like me; who tends to see himself as a common sense minded Americanist, cannot even get published on that site or anywhere else for that matter. I believe it speaks to the condition of the right in this Country. The article quote above was not Christian, Conservative or even libertarian opinion; it was crazy opinion! Anyone with a ounce of common sense would know this; but again, this is the so-called “right” anymore.

This is why I call myself a simple “Americanist” Because the crazy is out in full effect on the right anymore. Sorry, but telling people to give away their social security is craziness and I do not do crazy, some might scoff at that notion. But, common sense goes a long way; and it is sorely lacking on the right, and on a good part of the left.

A song that springs to mind:

How true that song is, when it comes to today’s politics. Doh