This blog is a personal journal of sorts of a writer and blogger from Michigan. (about 15 miles south of Detroit….)
A little about me!
I am 50 years old. Never married and no kids. (I came close to marriage once, never again! Unless it is a God-ordained thing and not a ME ordained thing… what a mess! All I am saying about that one!) I was born and raised on the southwest side of Detroit. I lived there from 1972 till 1989. My parents relocated to the suburbs in the south of Detroit in 1989; and of course, I came with them. I was after all only 17 or 18 years old. I cried when I left the old neighborhood. It was the only place I ever knew to be home. 😞😢😓
Here is a picture of my parent’s old house:
Here’s a picture of me, taken back in the day in Detroit in the 1980’s:
What is your Worldview?
My feelings about this Country, can be summed up in these videos:
One thing really explains my political position better is this:
How I feel about the pledge:
How I feel about our National Anthem and more importantly —- our Flag:
Or, if you want a text explanation:
Basically, what I am is this: I am a middle class or less — patriotic American. I do embrace some aspects of American Nationalism and exceptionalism. I am quite wary of some of the more extreme quarters of these circles, as I happen to know that there are bigots in those circles. Simply put, I am just someone who believes that this Country is the best place on earth. While not perfect, it beats Iran, China, North Korea or Venezuela!
For those who want something a bit more detailed: I am, for what it is worth; A am an conservative populist, although, I am not a part of the “Radical Right” at all. I simply do not agree with some of the hate-filled bigotry of that crowd. I am a Christian and I believe that with God, there is no respecter of persons. (See Romans 2:11 KJV) In other words, you will not see me at a Klan rally or anything of the sort. I believe that education and intellectual discussion is smarter than reactionary nonsense.
I am a conservative who disagrees with Wilsonian Foreign Policy. I am only in favor of military action as a last resort, to protect the Republic of the United States. I am against occupation of Countries and Nation Building of any sort. However, I do believe in protecting the Republic, as in the 50 states and territories that the United States holds. This is why I am in slight disagreement with Ron Paul and Patrick J. Buchanan on foreign policy. I believe that ISIS or ISIL are threats to America and should be dealt with harshly. Not by protracted wars, but simply by swift military action. I also believe that Russia is a bit of a threat, I simply do not trust Moscow, at all. Once a communist nation, always a communist nation, is my way of seeing it. I also remember what happened to Larry McDonald, as because of this, I simply do not trust Russia.
As for political parties: I have voted Democrat and Republican in the past. Honestly, I cannot really see myself ever voting for the Democratic Party ever again.
Why the Switch?
That is a very long answer. For starters, the Democratic Party, since the election of Barack Obama has become a Neo-Liberal Party. My family and, at one time — I, would be considered Roosevelt- Truman/Kennedy Democrats. See Update Below! – You know, back when the Democrats actually stood for America? Back in the good ol’ days? Things have changed, greatly, in that Party and I just happen to disagree with the changes. There are others; but I believe this is a good start.
Update 01/09/19: It seems since the election of Barack Obama and Donald Trump, that my Mom has turned against the Democrats. “They’ve just gone crazy!” She likes to say. Very true. 🙂
However, if you are looking for a short answer. I simply love America and believe it to be the greatest Nation on planet earth.
How I feel about the United States Constitution:
How I feel about gun ownership:
How I feel about Abortion:
Basically, you can consider my position to be about the same as this group here. However, I believe that abortion should be decided on the STATE level, and NOT the FEDERAL LEVEL! I am a Federalist. 😀
How I feel about the death penalty:
I feel it should be law in all 50 states, but should be used sparingly and only for the most heinous of crimes — such as first degree murder.
About the Blog and my blogging history:
This blog picks up as the next in line to the last two previous blogs that I ran. The first was a “Historic Populist” blog that I started in the middle of 2006. What I mean by “historic Populist” is that I was more aligned with this populist movement here. I ran that blog for about a year. After that, and because my blog was hacked; I began blogging at a blog called “Political Byline.” I started that blog on December 28, 2007. On October 31, 2011, after it was announced by President Barack Obama announced that the war in Iraq was over and after my web host then decided to act like total buffoons — I pulled the plug on that blog. The reason is that blog’s purpose was essentially over.
Needless to say, my attitude towards politics has changed a huge deal since 2006, when I started my first blog. I don’t even look at politics, America, capitalism, anything the same anymore. When I think about some of the stuff that I wrote, when I started blogging; and when I think of how I looked at things, when I was much younger, I honestly have to wince. Quite honestly, the only reason I voted Democratic Party is because my parents did. I was your a-typical low information voter; who really only thought about politics, when it was time to vote. I was also under the impression that Democrats were actually looking out for the non-skilled working class in this Country — and I believe, at one time, they were. Sadly, I believe those days are over and that pro-American ship sailed from the Democratic Party long ago.
What lead me to basically walk away from my Populist stance and the Democrats in general is this:
I disagree with the populist assertion that big business is the enemy of the average person. I happen to believe that big Government is the enemy of the average person. However, I also happen to believe that crony capitalism is a big problem in this Country and is antithetical to American values. I simply do not like the idea of robber baron businesses which come in, sell off the spoils and put people out of work — that my friends is immoral. (See Mitt Romney) If a company cannot survive, then let them be honest about and tell the employees and close up shop. That is how it has been done for years.
My issue with the Democratic Party is this: They simply went too far to the left for my liking. As I wrote above; The Democratic Party USED TO BE the party of the middle class blue collar working man. It is NOW the party of the protected minorities and the party of the hand out. Sorry, but, any party that teaches people, that anyone who happens to successful at what they do, are somehow evil and should be punished in the form of taxes; for their success is not my kind of a political party. This is what the Democratic Party became under Barack Obama. Sorry, but, $250.000 a year is NOT rich. It is upper middle class. Too bad the Democratic Party screwed that one up. The problem is that those who are making $250.000 a year, with a business or from a business are the job creators in this Country.
I am a conservative, very much so and I believe the Republic should be protected. I am, however, opposed to Wilsonian Foreign Policy. I simply do not believe that the United States should be the world’s policeman. Furthermore, I do not believe that the United States should be protecting or supporting Countries that see the United States as a group of useful idiots.
One of my biggest reasons for leaving the Democratic Party or at least not voting for them anymore is this: Race. There has been a very large uptick in anti-white sentiment, especially southern whites; among the left since the election of President Obama. Even when Obama was being elected, we white folk were considered the enemy. When I heard David Carr of the New York Times referring to southern white people, who were opposed to Obama; called slope-headed racists. I was highly offended.
Here is the now late (Thanks be to the Lord!) David Carr saying this:
My parents are both from the south — that bothered me a bit. I am not a bigot, at all. However, I simply disagreed with Barack Obama’s Politics; does that make me a racist? According to Democrats, it does. This is why I simply do not vote for them anymore.
How do you feel about the Republicans?
At this point, not much really. I’ve written on my blog, that we have two parties: The stupid part on the left and the war party on the right. Sadly, the Republican Party still has not learned their lesson from the Iraq War. There are still Wilsonian hawks in that party, that are still calling the shots and are still being taken seriously by people in that party. Until that changes, the Republican Party will not get a dime of my money, ever. Mitt Romney, I believe, would have stood up to these hawks and would have followed a more Reagan style of foreign policy; this, I believe, is why he lost. The hawks within the Party saw to his defeat, as they have vested interest in keep America on a hawkish, Wilsonian foreign policy path.
How do you feel about the current status of the social order in this Country?
This video below, sums up my feelings about that is happening in America today. It’s sad really, what we’ve become. But it’s our own fault — enjoy the video:
As a Christian and as a Independent Fundamental Baptist, and as an advocate, defender and reader of the King James Bible; I happen to believe that the removal of the King James Bible from the Churches of America, along with the infiltration of modernist doctrines is why this Country is in the shape that it is in now. This is why I say, that it is our own fault. Patrick J. Buchanan, himself a Catholic, said in this video that the Church gave up. This was because of the infiltration of liberal marxist influenced theology in the Church; and yes, that includes the Roman Catholic Church, itself an evil morass.
Read these books to learn more:
If have anymore questions on any particular issue, just ask. I’ll be happy to answer.