Awesome quote about Wilsonian Foreign Policy

To this, I simply say — Well put!

“Promoting democracy” is nothing more than cover, with the goal being U.S. control. Even when a democratic election takes place in a land that the U.S. has conquered, the elected leader must toe the line. If he doesn’t, he is removed. The most recent example being in Egypt, but there have been many others over the years like Algeria, Gaza, and Iran (where the CIA overthrew the elected Mohammad Mossadegh and installed the Shah in 1953).

The democracy cover is also used at home in the US as well. As long as there is no resistance from the American public to the empire building overseas, neocons are on board. But what happens when resistance appears?

via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : The ‘Promoting Democracy’ Trick.

This quote above sums up my issues with Wilsonian foreign policy. Not to mention that America is not a Democracy, but rather is a Constitutional Republic. The sad part is that anytime anyone speaks out against Wilsonian foreign policy, those people find themselves labelled by its promoters as Anti-Semites by the likes of those who write at Commentary Magazine.

Video: News Channel Morning Edition: Sept. 23, 2013

One minor update: Since this video was taped, it is been reported that Kenyan forces have gained control of that mall. (Thanks

Please note: At one point, I had thought about not posting these videos anymore. Mainly because of criticism from a well-known atheist. Well, after praying about it and really reflecting on it; I have decided that I am not going to allow other people tell me how to run this blog. It is mine, and I reserve the right to publish whatever I darned well please here. If fundamentalist atheists don’t not like it; too bad. This is a political blog, and not a Christian one; however, I will not hide my Christian beliefs, just to appease someone, who’s mission in life is to criticize with whom he disagrees with. I don’t work like that, never have, never will….

(Via CBN News)

Good Reading at

A small taste:

Kathy Knechtges’ luminous essay Forgotten Victims—American Workers Immiserated By Chinese Immigration In Nineteenth Century California has attracted a great deal of attention. Readers seem refreshed to see the matter discussed as a rational and reasonable response to a serious social problem, rather in the usual “Blame Whitey” tradition of Chinese chauvinism.

So this is a good occasion to recall that a quite possibly nation-killing consequence of the 19th Century Cheap Labor Lobby’s Chinese labor binge was the 1898 Won Kim Ark case. This piece of Supreme Court judicial legislation has saddled America with Birthright Citizenship, Anchor Babies and Birth Tourism.

via Chinese 19th Century California Immivasion Triggered America’s Birthright Citizenship Disaster |

I really recommend you go read that it is very good.

SABOTAGE?: Fire hits crude unit at Northern Tier Minnesota refinery

I wouldn’t put it past the liberal green left.

(Reuters) – A Sunday morning fire hit a crude oil unit at Northern Tier Energy’s 81,500 barrel per day (bpd) St. Paul Park, Minnesota, refinery, according to a statement issued by the company.

No injuries were reported due to the fire, the company said.

“Today at approximately 11:30 am CDT (1630 GMT), our St. Paul Park refinery experienced a fire in one of its crude units that originated at a reduced crude pump,” Northern Tier said in a statement issued Sunday evening.

“The fire was in a small part of the refinery,” said St. Paul Park Assistant Fire Chief Mike Kramer. “The fire remains under investigation.”

Firefighters from the refinery, St. Paul Park and two neighboring communities battled the blaze, Kramer said.

The fire was out by 2:16 p.m., Northern Tier said.

“The refinery has begun to investigate the cause of the fire and is assessing the damage,” the company said.

St. Paul Park is a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota.

via Fire hits crude unit at Northern Tier Minnesota refinery | Reuters.

Video: White Privilege: The Last Frontier of White Guilt

I am posting this here, because I happen to have been accused of this myself, by a black man, while I was in Indiana; and that was before I was sent home.

This comes via American Renaissance (*): (H/T to Top Conservative News)

What you have watched is the truth. I have experienced it for myself, more than once. Even when running this blog, I was told by a drive-by commenter, that I was a recipient of white privilege. Here is a news flash for the liberal blacks that might actually read here: Everything I damned own, I worked my ass off to be able to get. I do not own a car, I do not have a job; at least not working for someone else. So much for that white privilege eh? 🙄 The only things in this room, that I did not buy, were things that my parents gave me as gifts and believe you me; there are not to many things in here that were given to me. Everything else, I worked my ass off to buy. Also, Before any idiot trolls drive by here and say, “get a job.” I will answer you now. FIND ME A DAMNED JOB IN THE OBAMA ECONOMY AND I WILL GET A JOB! Otherwise, shut the hell up and keep moving. 😡


I reject the label of white privilege! I have A.D.H.D. and because that affects my math abilities, I didn’t graduate from High School. Because of that, I did not attend college; and because of that, I have had to take any sort of a job that I could get and actually be able to do.  So much for white privilege eh? Any job that I have ever had, I had it because the person doing the hiring thought that I would be able to handle and do the job and not because of my white skin. 

The reason this stupidity pisses me off to the high heavens is because liberals use this term as a last resort. When they cannot prove racism, when they cannot prove discrimination; they resort to this sort of damned stupidity. Blacks also use this little accusation to get unfair advantage over white people when applying for jobs. It is known as affirmative action, which was, by the way, voted off the books here in Michigan. Thank God!

Way I see it, it was the Republicans who (Remember Abraham Lincoln?) Who freed the slaves and it also was Republicans and northern Democrats who ended segregation in the south —- blacks ought to be glad that they even got that; because there many whites Democrats and Republicans, that were in the south;  who really did not want that to happen. For this, they should be thankful. I’m just saying.

* = Please Note: I am quite fully aware of American Renaissance and it’s publisher. I also happen to know some of his associations. Please know that I do not totally agree with his or his magazines positions on race. I simply posted this, because it is totally  and factually true.

Religion of Peace? – Radical Islamists target mall in Kenya

Here’s the video:

The story via DailyMail in the UK and I highly recommend that you go over and look at those pictures, they are riveting as hell.

British and American nationals have undoubtedly been caught up in the ‘callous and cowardly and brutal’ terror attack at a shopping centre in Kenya that has left 39 people dead and 150 injured, according to Foreign Secretary William Hague.

Mr Hague said ‘we should be ready for that and aware of that’ as he revealed a rapid deployment team is being sent to Kenya to help in the aftermath of the atrocity at an upmarket shopping centre in the capital.

According to the Sunday Telegraph, a pregnant woman was among several Britons caught up in the attack.

Somali-based militant group al-Shabaab has now claimed responsibility for the atrocity in which men armed with guns and grenades stormed the mall and targeted non-Muslims.

Terrorist gunmen remain at the scene and police officers supported by the army are still fighting to bring the situation to an end.

Mr Hague added the Government’s security committee COBRA had met and was sending a deployment team to ‘re-enforce’ the British Consulate team in Nairobi. 

‘Our High Commission staff in Nairobi are working very hard, visiting hospitals, trying to make sure that they are aware of British nationals who might have been in the area or caught up in this,’ he said.

‘We are sending a rapid deployment team to reinforce that work, which will be particularly important if the situation carries on. We have offered the Kenyan authorities any other assistance and of course we will keep in touch with them about that.’

Hannah Chisholm, a Briton visiting Nairobi, said she and 60 others barricaded themselves into a large storeroom.

She told the BBC: ‘We kept running to different places but the shots were getting louder so we barricaded ourselves along with about 60 others into a large storeroom. There were children hiding with us as well as someone who had been shot.’

She added: ‘The gunfire was loud and we were scared but at that point we thought the gunmen were thieves so we assumed they wouldn’t try to reach the storeroom.’

Unreal. So much for that whole thing of, “we have to fight them there, so we don’t have to fight them here” eh? Unbelievable.

One picture that really stands out is this one here:

The look on that man’s face says it all. He is obviously a Muslim and he is watching these people kill in the name of his religion. My heart goes out to him, as you have to know that this is killing him inside. So sad. 🙁

There needs to be reform in Islam and these people need to be called out on a daily basis in the middle east.

Others: Atlas ShrugsWeasel ZippersThe Gateway PunditVox Popoli,  neo-neoconThe PJ TatlerLe·gal In·sur·rec· tionThe Jawa Report,Scared MonkeysJihad Watch

Rand Paul: We are most likely stuck with Obamacare

Well, I could of told him that…

See it over at The Washington Times.

I would quote some of it, but The Washington Times website will not allow me to cut and paste on this mobile device.

The truth is folks, I think the Republican Party is wasting their time trying to get rid of Obamacare, it is now the law of the land.

It would work require a large Herculean effort on the part of the Republican Party to repeal Obamacare. What should really happen is we should simply buy our time until 2016 and then elect a Republican president would repeal Obamacare by executive order or by a Republican majority Congress.

In case anyone has forgotten we do have the debt ceiling and we are still not stopping with our spending. We need to get our budget under control and then worry about Obamacare despite what the radio talkers are telling you, the truth is we need to worry about our budget instead of Obamacare.

I also realize that Obamacare has a lot to do with the spending, but I also know that the Republicans do control the house, but they do not control the Senate and they simply do not have the votes, we must look at this realistically and not through the prism of hyper partisan politics.

From the “ya gotta be kidding” file

This one makes me want to puke. Former NFL star threatened with lawsuit from parents of kids who trashed his house?

Holloway says one parent showed up. ONE! My parents would have had my butt over there so fast, long before Holloway publicly asked for help, and probably my brothers, too, in case they had any ideas of pulling a similar stunt. Teenagers do stupid things. Acting in groups of 300, those things can be so stupid that they veer into destructive and criminal. Even when the initial act is pretty terrible, it’s hard for me to imagine that 300 teenagers and their parents are so shameless as to eschew a chance to make amends. But that’s what we have, along with possible lawsuits.

My parents would have too. But then again, when you live in basically a godless, heathen society; one should expect this. Plus too, we live in an entitlement mentality society as well.

Most of those kids thought, “this dude is rich! He can afford to clean it up himself!” Which is basically the heart of socialism.

Sad thing, but the reality of the America we now live in today.

Update: Another thing that I just thought about, after I came back down here to the laptop. The victim of this horrible crime was, in fact, black. Update #2: After looking at the man’s photo a bit closer, he seems to be Latino/black Mix, maybe? Either way, the point is still very much valid. –  The perps of the crime, were, for the most part, white. I am very encouraged that he took the stance that he did, which is one of compassion, instead of getting angry about it and going off on white people.What makes it worse now, the parents of these white kids are now suing him. This sucks, because quite frankly; it makes the white race, especially the kids, look horrible.

So, the next time I happen to read about how some black kids beat up a white kid. I am simply going to show them this story here. As a white man, this disgusts me in a big way. How can we preach unity of the races, when you have white kids, doing stupid stuff like this, to a man of color? 🙄


Video: News Channel Morning Edition: Sept. 20, 2013

(Via CBN News)

Please note: At one point, I had thought about not posting these videos anymore. Mainly because of criticism from a well-known atheist. Well, after praying about it and really reflecting on it; I have decided that I am not going to allow other people tell me how to run this blog. It is mine, and I reserve the right to publish whatever I darned well please here. If fundamentalist atheists don’t not like it; too bad. This is a political blog, and not a Christian one; however, I will not hide my Christian beliefs, just to appease someone, who’s mission in life is to criticize with whom he disagrees with. I don’t work like that, never have, never will….