Quote of the Day

Will someone explain exactly what business it is of the United States which economic union Ukraine chooses to join, or not join?

Even as we are pushing Kiev toward the EU, conservative and populist parties are rising across Europe to get their countries out of the EU, including in Britain where the Tories are demanding a vote.

John (“We are all Georgians now!”) McCain was also in Kiev threatening sanctions if the government clears its main square of squatters the way we cleared Zuccotti Park of Occupy Wall Street.

The demand that Ukraine be gentle with its demonstrators was issued as the U.S. was lifting sanctions on Egypt’s army, which this year arrested President Mohammed Morsi, jailed thousands of Muslim Brotherhood, and mowed down hundreds in Cairo’s streets in an action John Kerry described as “restoring democracy.”

What hypocrites we must seem to the world.

Now, President and Mrs. Obama and Vice President Biden have, on the high moral ground that Russia has outlawed LBGT propaganda, declared they will not attend the Sochi winter Olympics.

Yet, are we not courting Iran? Did not Obama bow to the king of Saudi Arabia? When was the last time they had a gay pride parade in Riyadh, Tehran, Mecca or Qom?

How can a nation as polarized morally and paralyzed politically as ours lead the world? It cannot. The people sense what the elites cannot see.

The American Century is over. Time to restore the republic.

Quote of the Day

If Iran is deceiving us and is hell-bent on breaking out of this deal and making a dash to a bomb, we will know about it months if not years before Iran ever tests a device, let alone builds a bomb, miniaturizes it and marries it to a delivery system.

We would have more than enough notice to abort any test and neutralize Iran’s nuclear program. And the nation would unite behind action, were it seen that Iran had lied to us to buy time to build and test a bomb.

But if the Republican Party leads Congress in imposing new sanctions, and the Iranians walk out, and the NATO-Russia-China coalition breaks up, and a chance for peace in the Persian Gulf seems to have been thrown away, the GOP will pay the price. And rightly so.

Quote of the Day.

I find it pathetic that so few journalists in what we euphemistically call “the mainstream media” know this, care about it or abide by it.

This is one of many reasons America is losing its liberty.

The presidency, the Congress and the Supreme Court are rarely at odds with each other in any meaningful way. Government grows way beyond its constitutional limits daily despite the checks and balances that were ingeniously put in place by our founders to prevent that tendency.

And, worse yet, the media don’t expose this lawlessness. Rather, they cheerlead it.

When was the last time you heard, read or saw someone in the press – outside of WND, an institution specifically established to serve with conviction the central role of a free press in a free society – expose unconstitutional growth and power grabs by the federal government?

It’s hard to remember, isn’t it?

How did journalism lose its way?

Like most other cultural institutions in America, it was taken over, subverted, undermined and sabotaged by an ideology that simply doesn’t believe in constitutionally limited government, that simply doesn’t believe people are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that simply doesn’t believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that simply doesn’t believe in self-government.

You can seek national salvation in politics for the next 100 years, but it won’t come unless you comprehend the full picture of what went wrong in America – and how its enviable vision was betrayed.


Quote of the Day

This is a standout quote; mainly, because it is so darned true.

Leftism is not a politics; it is a psychology. A psychology of resentment, which is then transitioned (like your insurance plan) into a vague politics of opposition against society, which, being sufficiently large, powerful, and vague, can stand in for one’s personal anger against God.


Quote of the Day

Liberalism has been driven by its disdain for America’s middle class that emerged from the large wave of immigration in the early 19th century and the success it has had in the business sector, entering the professions, and raising incomes. Liberalism has a deep distrust of “the masses” while claiming to represent them.

Liberal ideology produced Lyndon Johnson’s failed “War on Poverty” and embraced environmentalism with its doomsday predictions, none of which has come true. It explains President Obama’s rejection of American exceptionalism. “Liberal interests never reexamined their assumptions, even when faced with social and political failure. They never asked why, despite the vast sums expended, poverty had become worse rather than better.”

At the same time, in the latter half of the last century, liberals invented a laundry list of “rights” you will not find in the Constitution such as women’s rights, gay rights, children’s rights and even the Gaia concept of the Earth’s right to be protected against human activity.

“It was attitude and intentions—not outcomes—that matter to liberals,” says Seigel.

Liberalism is the ideology of intellectuals who looked down on the masses that became America’s middle class and produced the greatest economy the world had ever known. Now they exist to live parasitically off of it.

The great frustration of conservatives is the inability to have a rational debate or discussion with liberals. They don’t make sense. It is the curse of liberalism.

Quote of the Day

My view on Democrats is that they’re fascists disguised as liberals, or liberal moderates. You’re not allowed to say anything that they don’t agree with. You’re not allowed to do anything. Also, the whole Obama, “I can kill anybody with a drone with no trial,” is kind of disturbing. I’m surprised that more people who are supposedly liberal aren’t more disturbed by it. I think whatever Obama does is OK with them, because he’s Obama. It’s bullshit.

(H/T SayUncle)

Quote of the Day

Early in Ronald Reagan’s second term, Bill Rusher, the publisher of National Review, was interviewing the president in the Oval Office for a documentary on the conservative movement.

Rusher asked how he would describe Barry Goldwater’s role.

Reagan thought a moment and replied: I guess you would have to call him the John the Baptist of our movement.

I resisted the impulse to lean in and ask, “Sir, if Barry Goldwater was John the Baptist, who would that make you?”

Quote of the Week

Whoa! Surprise

I think Dems deserve to lose if they feel like that person in the email. Dems are funny in a way Republicans are not; they are effeminate (for lack of a better word). They get their feelings hurt or perceive they are losing or they become disappointed in their candidate, they go around with the “Woe is me, I am so depressed but I’ll do what I have to do”.

What’s even more amazing is it is the Dems, not the Repubs who let a debate… a debate…after over three years in office, and Obama still can’t please these crybabies. The “Woe is me” attitude brings down everyone around them. Funny, dems are doing EXACTLY what Rush Limbaugh claimed the media was doing to surpass the Republican vote. Make them think it was a done deal, Mitt could not win. But dems can only blame themselves. They’ve told Obama what they thought of his performance and instead of waiting to see what happens at next debate, instead of listening to what he’s saying, looking at his actual actions, they they have pretty much written him off (apparently the person in your email post has but hey, they’ll do their part begrudgingly and vote for him). I say this as someone who was behind Bush all eight years, who supported Obama in 08’, who supported him his whole presidency, even when he made decisions I did not agree with, and I support him now. No wonder dems always look like wussies and go down with their heads between their legs. Yes, the right word is EFFEMINATE!

Quote of the day

Mitt Romney on Wednesday night turned in the finest debate performance of any candidate of either party in the 52 years since Richard Nixon faced John F. Kennedy, with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan’s demolition of Jimmy Carter in 1980.

But where Reagan won with style and quips – “There you go again” – and his closing line, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” Romney crushed Obama on both substance and style.

Mitt was like a contender so keyed up by his title shot that, between rounds, he could not sit on his stool, but stood in his corner to rush out and re-engage the champ the instant the bell sounded for the next round.

Obama was mauled, with facts, figures, anecdotes, arguments, jokes, quips. A smiling Romney was on offense all night. And the president’s performance seems inexplicable.

With the split screen showing his response to Romney’s swarm attacks, he appeared diffident, sullen, pouting, flustered, petulant.

Obama made no serious blunder. Yet, on the split screen, as Romney lectured him with a stern smile, Obama seemed a chastened schoolboy, head down, being instructed by a professor that if he did not get his grades up he would not be back next semester.